IBCNSJ11 ;ALB/CPM - INACTIVATE AN INSURANCE PLAN (CON'T) ; 18-JAN-95 ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;**28,62**; 21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; NOTACT ; Handle plans which have already been inactivated. ; Required variable input: ; IBCNS -- Pointer to company in file #36 offering the plan ; IBPLAN -- Pointer to the plan in file #355.3 ; IBSUB -- Flagged high if there are any plan subscriptions ; N DFN,IBQUIT,IBSUB1,Y W !,"This plan has already been inactivated!" S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Do you wish to reactivate this plan",DIR("?")="To reactivate this plan, answer 'YES.' Otherwise, answer 'NO.'" W ! D ^DIR K DIR,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIROUT I 'Y,IBSUB W !,"There are still subscribers to this plan. The plan cannot be deleted." G NOTACTQ I 'Y D DEL(IBPLAN) G NOTACTQ ; ; - note that insurance policies will be activated I IBSUB S IBQUIT=0 D I IBQUIT G NOTACTQ .W !!,"There are still subscribers to this plan! Reactivating the plan will activate" .W !,"the policies of these subscribers." .S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")=" Is it okay to continue",DIR("?")="Answer 'YES' to reactivate this plan. Otherwise, answer 'NO.'" .W ! D ^DIR K DIR,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIROUT I 'Y W !,"The plan was not reactivated." S IBQUIT=1 Q ; ; - reactivate the plan W !,"Reactivating the plan... " D IRACT^IBCNSJ(IBPLAN,0) W "done." I 'IBSUB W !,"Please note there are no subscribers to this plan." G NOTACTQ W !,"Updating the 'Covered by Insurance?' field for all plan subscribers... " K ^TMP($J,"IBSUBS") S IBSUB1=$$SUBS^IBCNSJ(IBCNS,IBPLAN,0,"^TMP($J,""IBSUBS"")") S DFN=0 F S DFN=$O(^TMP($J,"IBSUBS",DFN)) Q:'DFN D COV^IBCNSJ(DFN) W "done." K ^TMP($J,"IBSUBS") NOTACTQ Q ; ; DEL(IBPLAN) ; Want to delete an Insurance Plan? ; Input: IBPLAN -- Pointer to the plan in file #355.3 N DIR,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIROUT,X,Y S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="There are no subscribers to this plan. Would you like to delete it",DIR("?")="If you wish to delete this inactive plan, answer 'YES.' Otherwise, answer 'NO.'" W ! D ^DIR I 'Y W !,"The plan was not deleted." I Y W !,"Deleting the plan... " D DEL^IBCNSJ(IBPLAN) W "done." Q ; ; HLRP ; Reader help for repointing policies to a new plan. W !!,"If you wish to change the subscribed-to plan of ALL policies which are" W !,"currently associated with this plan, enter 'YES.' Otherwise, enter 'NO.'" W !!,"You may only repoint all policies to a single plan. If you enter 'NO,'" W !,"you will receive a mailman message of all the inactivated policies which" W !,"will result from inactivating the plan, and then you may use the 'Change" W !,"Policy Plan' action to change the subscribed-to plan on an individual basis." Q ; MAIL ; Note that the subscription list will be mailed to the user. S IBMAIL=1 W !,"The policies will not be re-pointed. You will receive a mail message of" W !,"all the subscribers to this plan if you choose to inactivate it." Q ; REP(IBCNS,IBNEWP,IBOLDP) ; Repoint patient policies from old to new plan ; Input: IBCNS -- Pointer to the company in file #36 which ; offers the plans ; IBNEWP -- Pointer to the new plan in file #355.3 ; IBOLDP -- Pointer to the old plan in file #355.3 ; I '$G(IBCNS)!'$G(IBNEWP)!'$G(IBOLDP) G REPQ N DA,DFN,DIE,DR,IBCDFN S DFN=0 F S DFN=$O(^DPT("AB",IBCNS,DFN)) Q:'DFN D .S IBCDFN=0 F S IBCDFN=$O(^DPT("AB",IBCNS,DFN,IBCDFN)) Q:'IBCDFN D ..Q:$P($G(^DPT(DFN,.312,IBCDFN,0)),"^",18)'=IBOLDP ..S DA=IBCDFN,DA(1)=DFN,DIE="^DPT("_DFN_",.312,",DR=".18////"_IBNEWP ..D ^DIE REPQ Q ; DELP ; Delete the newly-added plan. I $G(IBNEWP) W !,"Deleting the newly-added plan... " D DEL^IBCNSJ(IBCPOL) W "done." Q ; HLMT ; Reader help for merging transferrable benefits used. W !!,"If you want to merge the patient's current benefits used into the" W !,"newly-proposed plan, enter 'YES'. Otherwise, enter 'NO' and these" W !,"benefits used will be deleted." Q