IBCNSJ51 ;ALB/TMP - INSURANCE PLAN MAINTENANCE ACTION PROCESSING (continued); 15-AUG-95 ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;**43**; 21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; EDCOV ; Add/edit limitations of coverage for a plan in IBCPOL N IBTYP,IBEDT,IBCNT,IB1,IBOK,IBQUIT,IBOUT,IBCOV,Z,DONE,DONE1 G:'$G(IBCPOL) EDCOVEX D FULL^VALM1 ; ; S DONE=0 F D Q:DONE ; Effective date selection .K DIR .W ! .S DIR(0)="DO",DIR("A")="Select EFFECTIVE DATE",DIR("?")="^D COVDTH^IBCNSJ51" S:$D(IBEDT) DIR("B")=$$DAT1^IBOUTL(IBEDT) .D ^DIR W:$D(Y(0)) " ",Y(0) K DIR .I $D(DIRUT) S DONE=1 Q .S IBEDT=Y\1,IBCNT=0 .K IBTYP .; .S DONE1=0 .F D Q:DONE1 ; Coverage category type selection ..K DIR ..S DIR(0)="F"_$S(IBCNT:"O",1:"")_"^1:30",DIR("A")="Select "_$S(IBCNT:"another ",1:"")_"coverage category -OR- "_$S(IBCNT:"Press ENTER if selection is complete",1:"'ALL' to select all coverage categories") ..S DIR("?")="^D COVTYPH^IBCNSJ51" ..D ^DIR K DIR ..I $D(DUOUT)!$D(DTOUT) S DONE1=1 Q ..; ..I Y'="" D Q:$TR(IBCNT,"al","AL")'="ALL" ...I 'IBCNT,Y="ALL" S IBCNT="ALL",IBTYP=0 D Q ....F S IBTYP=$O(^IBE(355.31,IBTYP)) Q:'IBTYP I $$WARN1(IBTYP) S IBTYP(IBTYP)="" ...S DIC="^IBE(355.31,",DIC(0)="EMQ",X=Y D ^DIC ...I Y<0 Q:'$$QUIT() S (DONE,DONE1)=1,IBCNT="" K IBTYP Q ...I $D(IBTYP(+Y)) W !,"This category already selected." Q ...S IBTYP=+Y I $$WARN1(IBTYP) S IBTYP(IBTYP)="",IBCNT=IBCNT+1 ..; ..I $O(IBTYP(""))="" S (DONE,DONE1)=1 Q ..; ..S IBTYP="" ..F S IBTYP=$O(IBTYP(IBTYP)) Q:IBTYP="" D Q:DONE1 ...K ^TMP($J,"IBCAT") ...W !!,"Effective Date: ",$$DAT1^IBOUTL(IBEDT)," Coverage Category: ",$P($G(^IBE(355.31,+IBTYP,0)),U) ...S DA=$O(^IBA(355.32,"APCD",+IBCPOL,IBTYP,-IBEDT,"")) ...I DA'="" D SAVE^IBCNSJ52(DA) W !,"Editing existing record.",! ...I DA="" D Q:'DA ;Add a new record ....S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A",1)="A new record will be added for this EFFECTIVE DATE/coverage category.",DIR("A")="Is this OK",DIR("B")="YES" D ^DIR K DIR ....I Y'=1 S:$$QUIT() (DONE,DONE1)=1 Q ....K DO,DD ....S DIC="^IBA(355.32,",DIC(0)="L",X=IBCPOL,DIC("DR")=".02////"_IBTYP_";.03////"_IBEDT_";.04////1" D FILE^DICN ....S DA=$S(Y>0:+Y,1:0) ....W:DA !,"New record added.",! ...; ...S IBCOV=DA ...; ...L +^IBA(355.32,IBCOV):5 I '$T D LOCKED^IBTRCD1 Q ...S DIE="^IBA(355.32,",DR=".04;S Y=$S(X'>1:"""",1:2);2" ...D ^DIE S IBOUT=$D(Y) ...I $P($G(^IBA(355.32,IBCOV,0)),U,4)'>1,$O(^(2,0)) S Z=0 F S Z=$O(^IBA(355.32,IBCOV,2,Z)) Q:'Z S DIK="^IBA(355.32,"_IBCOV_",2,",DA(1)=IBCOV,DA=Z D ^DIK ;Delete comments ...I $$DIFFLIM^IBCNSJ52(IBCOV) S DIE="^IBA(355.32,",DA=IBCOV,DR="1.03///NOW;1.04////^S X=DUZ" D ^DIE ;Update user who edited entry ...L -^IBA(355.32,IBCOV) ...; ...I IBOUT,$$QUIT() S (DONE,DONE1)=1 ..K IBTYP S IBCNT=0 ; EDCOVEX S VALMBCK="R" K ^TMP($J,"IBCOV") Q ; QUIT() ; Quit coverage limitation loop N DIR,Y S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Do you want to exit this function now",DIR("B")="YES" D ^DIR Q Y ; COVDTH ; Help text for selecting effective date on coverage add/edit N Z,Z0,ZX,CT D HELP^%DTC I $O(^IBA(355.32,"APCD",IBCPOL,""))="" W !!,"No current dates on file for this plan." Q W !!,"Current dates on file for this plan:" S Z="" F S Z=$O(^IBA(355.32,"APCD",IBCPOL,Z)) Q:'Z S Z0="" F S Z0=$O(^IBA(355.32,"APCD",IBCPOL,Z,Z0)) Q:'Z0 S ZX(Z0,Z)="" S Z="" F S Z=$O(ZX(Z)) Q:'Z W !,?3,$$DAT1^IBOUTL(-Z)," -" S Z0="",CT=0 F S Z0=$O(ZX(Z,Z0)) Q:'Z0!(CT>3) S CT=CT+1 W " ",$P($G(^IBE(355.31,Z0,0)),U) W:CT=4&($O(ZX(Z,Z0))'="") " (and more)" Q ; COVTYPH ; Help text for selecting coverage category on coverage add/edit W !!,"Enter a coverage category to add/edit coverage limitations for.",! S DIC="^IBE(355.31,",DIC(0)="M",X="?" D ^DIC I '$G(IBCNT) W !,"Enter ALL to select all coverage categories." W !,"You may enter multiple coverage categories by entering them one at a time.",!,"After you have selected all needed categories, press ENTER at this prompt to",!,"continue." Q ; WARN1(IBTYP) ; Warning if adding/editing an earlier effective date than latest one on file N IB1,Y S IB1=$O(^IBA(355.32,"APCD",+IBCPOL,IBTYP,-9999999)),Y=1 I IB1'="",IB1<-IBEDT D .W ! .S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A",1)="An effective date later than the one you selected",DIR("A",2)="already exists for "_$P($G(^IBE(355.31,IBTYP,0)),U)_"." .S DIR("A")=" Are you sure you want to "_$S($D(^IBA(355.32,"APCD",+IBCPOL,IBTYP,-IBEDT)):"edit",1:"add")_" this earlier date for the category",DIR("B")="NO" .D ^DIR K DIR .W ! Q (Y=1) ;