IBCNSMR6 ;ALB/TJK - MRA EXTRACT ; 02-SEPT-97 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**146**;21-MAR-94 ; -Queue task to create MRA Extract file N IBABEG,IBAEND,DIR,SITE,EXDATE,FILENM,PATH,DTOUT,DUOUT I '$D(DT) D DT^DICRW W !!,"Build MRA Extract" I '$G(DUZ) D G END .W !!,"Your user number (DUZ) must be defined before proceeding!" W !! W !,"This program extracts data from the AR and IB packages and" W !,"sends it to the VA CFO office for analysis. A background job" W !,"called 'IB-Compile MRA statistics' will be queued to run at a time" W !,"you choose. A file will be created with the extracted info" W !,"will have to be FTPed to a designated IP address. The file will" W !,"have a format: MRA_SITE #_MMDDYYYY.DAT." W !!,"This extract must be run on the Legacy sites as well as " W !,"the Primary site if you are an integrated database facility." W !! ; - specify the default file directory DIR S DIR(0)="FO" S DIR("A")="Volume/Directory (or return to accept the default directory)" S DIR("?")="Enter using format VA3$:[ANONYMOUS.PUB]" W ! D ^DIR K DIR G END:$D(DUOUT)!($D(DTOUT)) K PATH I Y]"" S PATH=Y I '$D(PATH) S PATH=$$PWD^%ZISH I PATH="" W !,*7,"Unable to determine default directory. Please enter one." G DIR ; ; - be sure file can be opened S SITE=$P($$SITE^VASITE,"^",3) S EXDATE=$E(DT,4,5)_$E(DT,6,7)_($E(DT,1,3)+1700) S FILENM="MRA"_SITE_EXDATE_".DAT" D OPEN^%ZISH("MRAEXTRACT",PATH,FILENM,"W") I POP W !,*7,"Unable to create file in specified volume/directory" G DIR D CLOSE^%ZISH("MRAEXTRACT") I '$O(^IBE(350.9,1,99,0)) W !!,"You must enter the list of Insurance Companies to be included in this extract first",!! D BLD1^IBCNSMRE I '$O(^IBE(350.9,1,99,0)) G END W ! S DIR(0)="DA",DIR("A")="Enter Start Date for MRA Extract: ",DIR("B")="Jan. 1,1995",DIR("?")="Enter the earliest date for which Means test charges will be extracted" D ^DIR G END:'Y S IBABEG=Y W ! S DIR(0)="DA",DIR("A")="Enter End Date for MRA Extract: ",DIR("B")="Dec. 31, 1996",DIR("?")="Enter the latest date for which Means test charges will be extracted" D ^DIR G END:'Y S IBAEND=Y ; QUE ; -- que compilation to run W !!,"This will automatically be tasked to run. Upon completion of the extract A mail message will be sent to you.",! S ZTIO="",IO("Q")=1 S ZTDESC="IB-Compile MRA statistics",ZTRTN="DQ^IBCNSMR7",(ZTSAVE("DUZ"),ZTSAVE("IBABEG"),ZTSAVE("IBAEND"),ZTSAVE("FILENM"),ZTSAVE("SITE"),ZTSAVE("PATH"))="" D ^%ZTLOAD W $S($G(ZTSK):"Job queued ("_ZTSK_")",1:"Task not queued!") K ZTSK,ZTIO,ZTDESC,ZTRTN,ZTSAVE,IO("Q") ; END ; -- end of program K C,I,J,POP,X,Y,ZTSK,ZTSAVE,ZTDESC,ZTRTN,IBPRNT,IBSNDRPT,IBQUIT D ^%ZISC Q ; POSTINIT ;Purges old data in 350.9, node 99 ;Resets '0' node of subfile K ^IBE(350.9,1,99) S ^IBE(350.9,1,99,0)="^350.999PA" Q