IBCNSOK1 ;ALB/AAS - Insurance consisitency stuff ; 2/22/93 ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;; 21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; DUPCO(DFN,IBCNS,IBCDFN,IBTALK) ; -- is this a duplicate company for this patient ; -- make this call after selecting a company ; -- input DFN = patient file pointer (required) ; IBCNS = new insurance company selected ; IBCDFN = if added to patient ins type mult is required as enter number in multiple ; IBTALK = (optional) if defined and true will write messages to current device if not queued ; -- output = $p1 - 0 if no other entry 1 if possible dup. ; $p2 - 1 if another active entry for same company ; $p3 - 1 if same co, same subscriber ; $p4 - 1 if same co, same dates ; $p5 - 1 if same co, same plan ; $p6 - 1 if spouse insurer but not listed ; $p7 - 1 if spouse insurer but no employer N IBI,IBJ,IBX,IBY,I,J,X,Y,Z,IBDUP,IBACT,IBCDFND S (I,IBDUP)=0 I '$O(^DPT(DFN,.312,0)) G DUPCOQ ; no policies on file, don't bother ; ; -- use b x-ref F S I=$O(^DPT(DFN,.312,"B",IBCNS,I)) Q:'I S IBX=$G(^DPT(DFN,.312,I,0)) I $S('$G(IBCDFN):1,I=$G(IBCDFN):0,1:1) D .S IBDUP=1 .S IBACT=$$CHK^IBCNS1(IBX,DT,2) I IBACT S $P(IBDUP,"^",2)=1 ; another active entry .I '$G(IBCDFN) Q ;quit if not stored in dpt .I 'IBACT Q .; .S IBCDFND=$G(^DPT(DFN,.312,+IBCDFN,0)) I IBCDFND=""!(IBCDFND=+IBCDFND) Q .I $P(IBX,"^",6)=$P(IBCDFND,"^",6) S $P(IBDUP,"^",3)=1 ; same whose ins. .I $P(IBX,"^",4)="",$P(IBCDFND,"^",4)="" S $P(IBDUP,"^",4)=1 ; no expiration date .I $P(IBX,"^",8)="",$P(IBCDFND,"^",8)="" S $P(IBDUP,"^",4)=1 ; no effective date .; need to figure out overlapping date logic. not simple .I $P(IBX,"^",18)=$P(IBCDFND,"^",18) S $P(IBDUP,"^",5)=1 ; same plan .I $P(IBCDFND,"^",6)="s" I $P(^DPT(DFN,0),"^",5)=6!($P(^DPT(DFN,0),"^",5)=7) S $P(IBDUP,"^",6)=1 ; marital status inconsistent .I $P(IBCDFND,"^",6)="s",$P($G(^DPT(DFN,.25)),"^")="" S $P(IBDUP,"^",7)=1 I 'IBDUP G DUPCOQ I IBDUP,$G(IBTALK),'$D(ZTQUEUED) D .W !!,*7,"Warning: Insurance Company selected already on file for this patient." .I $P(IBDUP,"^",2) W !," The previous entry is active." .I $P(IBDUP,"^",3) W !," The WHOSE INSURANCE are the same." .I $P(IBDUP,"^",4) W !," The Effective and Expiration dates may cover overlapping dates." .I $P(IBDUP,"^",5) W !," The Group Plans are the same." .I $P(IBDUP,"^",6) W !," WHOSE INSURANCE is Spouse, patient marital Status Inconsistent." .I $P(IBDUP,"^",7) W !," WHOSE INSURANCE is Spouse but no Employer listed." .Q ; DUPCOQ Q IBDUP ; DUPPOL(IBCPOL,IBTALK) ; -- is this a duplicate policy for this company N I,J,X,Y,Z,IBDUP,IBCNS S (I,IBDUP)=0,J=$G(^IBA(355.3,IBCPOL,0)),IBCNS=+J F S I=$O(^IBA(355.3,"B",IBCNS,I)) Q:'I I I'=IBCPOL S X=$G(^IBA(355.3,I,0)) D .Q:'$P(X,"^",2) ;skip individual policies .I $P(J,"^",3)'="",$P(J,"^",3)=$P(X,"^",3) S $P(IBDUP,"^")=1 .I $P(J,"^",4)'="",$P(J,"^",4)=$P(X,"^",4) S $P(IBDUP,"^",2)=1 I IBDUP,$G(IBTALK),'$D(ZTQUEUED) D .I $P(IBDUP,"^",1) W !!,"Warning: There is another policy with the same Group Name." .I $P(IBDUP,"^",2) W !!,"Warning: There is another policy with the same Group Number." ; DUPPOLQ Q IBDUP