IBCNSU3 ;ALB/TMP - Functions for billing decisions; 08-AUG-95 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**43,80**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; PTCOV(DFN,IBVDT,IBCAT,ANYINS) ; Determine if patient is covered for coverage category on a visit dt ; Function returns 1 if covered, 0 if not covered ; DFN - ifn of patient (req) ; IBVDT - fileman format visit date (req) ; IBCAT - entry in file 355.31 limitation of coverage category (req) ; ANYINS - optional parameter, but if passed by reference, returns 0 if ; no active insurance at all and 1 if any active insurance found N IBCOV,IBDD,PLAN,POLCY S (IBCOV,ANYINS)=0 I $G(DFN)=""!($G(IBCAT)="")!($G(IBVDT)="") G PTCOVQ ; Required fields not present S IBCAT=$O(^IBE(355.31,"B",IBCAT,"")) G:IBCAT="" PTCOVQ S IBVDT=IBVDT\1 D ALL^IBCNS1(DFN,"IBDD",1,IBVDT) ;All active ins policies returned in IBDD array S ANYINS=($O(IBDD(0))'="") ;Set flag for any active insurance found S POLCY=0 F S POLCY=$O(IBDD(POLCY)) Q:'POLCY D Q:IBCOV .S PLAN=$P($G(IBDD(POLCY,0)),U,18) Q:PLAN="" .S IBCOV=$$PLCOV(PLAN,IBVDT,IBCAT) .I 'IBCOV,$D(^IBA(355.7,"APP",DFN,POLCY,+$P($G(^IBE(355.31,+IBCAT,0)),U,3)))'=0 S IBCOV=1 PTCOVQ Q IBCOV ; PLCOV(IBPL,IBVDT,IBCAT,COMMENT) ; Determine if a specific plan covers a category of coverage as of a date and returns comments ; IBPL - pointer to file 355.3 group insurance plan (req) ; IBVDT - fileman format visit date (req) ; IBCAT - pointer to file 355.31 limitation of coverage category (req) ; COMMENT - if passed by reference and the coverage is conditional will contain limitation comments N CATLIM,X,Y K COMMENT S CATLIM=$O(^IBA(355.32,"APCD",IBPL,IBCAT,+$O(^IBA(355.32,"APCD",IBPL,IBCAT,-(IBVDT+1))),"")) S X=$S(CATLIM="":1,1:+$P($G(^IBA(355.32,CATLIM,0)),U,4)) I X>1 S COMMENT=CATLIM,Y=0 F S Y=$O(^IBA(355.32,CATLIM,2,Y)) Q:'Y S COMMENT(Y)=$G(^IBA(355.32,CATLIM,2,Y,0)) Q X ; RIDERS(DFN,IBCDFN,RIDERS) ; Returns all Riders (355.7) associated with a patient's policy in array if RIDERS is passed by reference N Y K RIDERS I +$G(DFN),+$G(IBCDFN) S Y=0 F S Y=$O(^IBA(355.7,"APP",DFN,IBCDFN,Y)) Q:'Y S RIDERS(Y)=$P($G(^IBE(355.6,Y,0)),U,1) Q