IBCNSUR ;ALB/CPM/CMS - MOVE SUBSCRIBERS TO DIFFERENT PLAN ;09-SEP-96 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**103,276**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. Q ; EN ; Entry point from option. Main processing loop. I $S('($D(DUZ)#2):1,'$D(^VA(200,+DUZ,0)):1,1:0) W !!?3,"The variable DUZ must be set to an active user code before continuing." G ENQ W !!,?5,"MOVE SUBSCRIBERS OF ONE PLAN TO ANOTHER PLAN" W !,?5,"This option may be used to move subscribers from a selected Plan" W !,?5,"to a different Plan. The plans may be associated with the same" W !,?5,"Insurance Company or a different one. Plan and Annual Benefit" W !,?5,"information may be moved as well. Users of this option should" W !,?5,"be knowledgeable of the VistA Patient Insurance management options." W ! W !,?5,"This option also gives the user the option to expire the old plan or" W !,?5,"replace it completely in the patient insurance profile. The reason" W !,?5,"to expire the old plan is intended for use when Insurance groups change" W !,?5,"PBMs for processing electronic Pharmacy claims. By leaving the old" W !,?5,"plan information intact (i.e. do not replace), the user will be able" W !,?5,"to monitor PBM changes that affect the electronic Pharmacy claims." ; W !!,$TR($J("",75)," ","-") S IBSTOP=0 F D PROC^IBCNSUR1 Q:IBSTOP ENQ K IBSTOP Q ; PROC ; - Process continuation from IBCNSUR1. ; - display old plan attributes; allow new plan to be edited D PL^IBCNSUR2 R !!,?10,"Press any key to continue. ",IBX:DTIME ; ; - display coverage limitations; allow add/edit of plan 2 limitations D LIM^IBCNSUR2 ; I $P($G(^IBA(355.3,IBP1,0)),"^",11) W !!,"Please note that ",IBC1N,"'s",!,"plan, subscribers were moved from, is already inactive." G PROCDP ; ; - does the user wish to inactivate the old plan? W !! S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Do you wish to inactivate "_IBC1N_"'s plan subscribers were moved from" S DIR("?")="If you wish to inactivate the old plan, enter 'Yes' - otherwise, enter 'No.'" D ^DIR K DIR I 'Y W !," " G PROCQ ; D IRACT^IBCNSJ(IBP1,1) W !!,"The plan has been inactivated." ; PROCDP ; - does the user wish to delete the old plan? W !! S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Do you wish to delete this plan" S DIR("?")="If you wish to delete the old plan, enter 'Yes' - otherwise, enter 'No.'" D ^DIR K DIR I 'Y G PROCQ ; D DEL^IBCNSJ(IBP1) W !!,"The plan has been deleted." ; PROCQ Q ; ; SEL(IBNP) ; Select a company and plan. ; Input: IBNP -- If set to 1, allows adding a new plan and ; -- Screen Inactive Companies ; -- If set to 0, must have at least one group plan ; Output: IBCNS -- Pointer to selected company in file #36 ; IBPLAN -- Pointer to selected/added plan in file #355.3 ; IBQUIT -- Set to 1 if the user wants to quit. ; N X,Y K DIC,DIR S DIC(0)="QEAMZ",DIC="^DIC(36," I 'IBNP S DIC("S")="I $$ANYGP^IBCNSJ(+Y,0,1)" I IBNP S DIC("S")="I '$P($G(^DIC(36,+Y,0)),U,5)" S DIC("A")="Select INSURANCE COMPANY: " D ^DIC K DIC S IBCNS=+Y I Y<0 W " " S IBQUIT=1 G SELQ ; ; - if a new plan may be added, allow adding I IBNP D I (IBPLAN)!(IBQUIT) G SELQ .W !!,"You may add a new Plan at this time or select an existing Plan." .D NEW^IBCNSJ3(IBCNS,.IBPLAN,1) .I 'IBPLAN,'$$ANYGP^IBCNSJ(+IBCNS,0,1) W !!,*7,"Insurance Company receiving subscribers must have a Plan." S IBQUIT=1 ; ; - see if user wants to select the plan W !!,"You may select an existing Plan from a list or enter a specific Plan.",! S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="YES",DIR("A")="Do you wish to enter a specific plan" S DIR("?")="The look-up facility to select a group plan has been enhanced to use the List Manager. Enter 'NO' if you wish to select a plan from this look-up, or 'YES' to directly enter a plan." D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT) S IBQUIT=1 G SELQ ; ; - invoke the plan look-up I 'Y D G SELQ .W " ..." S IBPLAN=0 D LKP^IBCNSU2(IBCNS,0,0,.IBPLAN,0,1) .I 'IBPLAN W !!,*7,"* No plan selected!",! S IBQUIT=1 ; ; - allow a FileMan look-up S DIC("A")="Select a GROUP PLAN: " S DIC="^IBA(355.3,",DIC(0)="AEQM",DIC("S")="I +^(0)=IBCNS,$P(^(0),U,2)" S DIC("W")="N IBX S IBX=$G(^(0)) W "" Name: "",$E($S($P(IBX,U,3)]"""":$P(IBX,U,3),1:"""")_$J("""",20),1,20),"" Number: "",$S($P(IBX,U,4)]"""":$P(IBX,U,4),1:"""")" D ^DIC K DIC S IBPLAN=+Y I Y<0 W !!,*7,"* No plan selected!",! S IBQUIT=1 ; SELQ K DIRUT,DUOUT,DTOUT,DIROUT Q