IBCNSUR2 ;ALB/CPM/CMS - MOVE SUBSCRIBERS TO DIFFERENT PLAN (CON'T) ; 09-SEP-96 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**103,238**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. Q ; PL ; Display old plan attributes; allow new plan to be edited N IBP0,DA W @IOF,!!,"Now you may edit specific Plan attributes and Coverage Limitations." W !,"(Plan 1 is the plan subscribers moved from.)" W !,"(Plan 2 is the plan subscribers moved to.)" W !,$TR($J("",71)," ","=") W !,"'Plan 1' Attributes for: ",IBC1N S IBP0=$G(^IBA(355.3,IBP1,0)),DA=+IBP1 W !?9,"Plan Name: ",IBP1N,?43,"Plan Number: ",IBP1X W !,$TR($J("",71)," ","-") W !,?19,"TYPE OF PLAN: ",$S($P(IBP0,"^",9):$P($G(^IBE(355.1,+$P(IBP0,"^",9),0)),"^"),1:"",X:"YES",X=0:"NO",1:"") ; ; LIM ; Display/Edit Coverage Limitations. W @IOF,!,$TR($J("",71)," ","=") D LIMDSP(IBC1,IBP1,1) W !,$TR($J("",71)," ","-") D LIMDSP(IBC2,IBP2,2) W !,$TR($J("",71)," ","=") ; ; - does the user wish to edit the plan coverage limitations? S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Do you wish to edit the 'Plan 2' Coverage Limitations" S DIR("?")="If you wish to edit the coverage limitations for the new plan, enter 'Yes.'" D ^DIR K DIR,DIRUT,DIROUT,DUOUT,DTOUT I 'Y G LIMQ ; ; - allow the edit of coverage limitations for plan 2 W !!,"Editing 'Plan 2' Coverage Limitations for: ",IBC2N S IBX=$G(^IBA(355.3,IBP2,0)) W !?9,"Plan Name: ",IBP2N,?43,"Plan Number: ",IBP2X ; S IBCPOL=IBP2 D EDCOV^IBCNSJ51 K VALMBCK ; The call below is to clean up List Man variables from IBCNSJ51 ; the call to FULL^VALM sets variables. Or modify IBCNSJ51 S IBROU="IBCNSJ51",IBTOP="T" D EN^VALM(IBROU,IBTOP) K IBROU,IBTOP ; LIMQ Q ; ; LIMDSP(IBC,IBP,IBPNUM) ; Display coverage limitations for a company/plan. N IBCOV,IBCOVD,IBCOVFN,IBCNT,IBP0,IBLEDT,IBLIM,IBLINE,IBX,IB0,IBS W !!," 'Plan ",IBPNUM,"' Coverage Limitations for ",$S(IBPNUM=1:IBC1N,1:IBC2N) S IBP0=$G(^IBA(355.3,IBP,0)) W !?9,"Plan Name: ",$S($P(IBP0,U,3)]"":$P(IBP0,U,3),1:"") W ?43,"Plan Number: ",$S($P(IBP0,U,4)]"":$P(IBP0,U,4),1:"") W !!," Coverage Effective Date Covered? Limit Comments" W !," -------- -------------- -------- --------------" ; ; - display limitation for each type of coverage S IBLIM=0 F S IBLIM=$O(^IBE(355.31,IBLIM)) Q:'IBLIM S IBCOV=$P($G(^(IBLIM,0)),U) D .S IBCNT=0 .S IBLEDT="" F S IBLEDT=$O(^IBA(355.32,"APCD",IBP,IBLIM,IBLEDT)) Q:$S(IBLEDT="":IBCNT,1:0) D Q:IBLEDT="" ..S IBCOVFN=+$O(^IBA(355.32,"APCD",IBP,IBLIM,+IBLEDT,"")),IBCOVD=$G(^IBA(355.32,+IBCOVFN,0)) ..S IBCNT=IBCNT+1 ..I IBCOVD="" S IBW=" "_$E(IBCOV_$J("",18),1,18)_$J("",19)_"BY DEFAULT" W !,IBW Q ..S IBX=" "_$E($S(IBCNT=1:IBCOV,1:"")_$J("",18),1,18) ;Don't dup category ..S IBX=IBX_" "_$E($$DAT1^IBOUTL($P(IBLEDT,"-",2))_$J("",8),1,8)_$J("",9)_$S($P(IBCOVD,U,4):$S($P(IBCOVD,U,4)<2:"YES"_$J("",8),$P(IBCOVD,U,4)=2:"CONDITIONAL",1:"UNKNOWN "),1:"NO"_$J("",9))_$J("",4) ..W !,IBX ..S (IBS,IB0)=0 F S IB0=$O(^IBA(355.32,IBCOVFN,2,IB0)) Q:'IB0 W:IBS ! W ?54,$G(^(IB0,0)) S IBS=1 ; Q