IBCORC ;ALB/CPM - RANK INSURANCE CARRIERS ; 30-JUN-93 ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;**29**; 21-MAR-94 ; EN ; Entry point to generate ranking of insurance carriers by amount billed ; W !!?6,"This report will generate a list of insurance carriers ranked by" W !?6,"the total amount billed. Please note that you may no longer opt" W !?6,"to transmit this report to the MCCR Program Office in VACO using" W !?6,"this option." W !!?6,"You must select a date range in which bills to be used in the" W !?6,"totals will be selected." ; START W ! S DIR(0)="DA^2860101:NOW:EX",DIR("A")="Enter Start Date on Bill Search: ",DIR("?")="^D HLPD1^IBCORC" D ^DIR K DIR S IBABEG=+Y G:'Y ENQ ; END W ! S DIR(0)="DA^"_+Y_":NOW:EX",DIR("A")="Enter End Date on Bill Search: ",DIR("B")=$$DAT2^IBOUTL(DT),DIR("?")="^D HLPD2^IBCORC" D ^DIR K DIR S IBAEND=+Y G:'Y ENQ ; NUM W ! S DIR("A")="Enter number of insurance carriers to rank: ",DIR(0)="NA^1:1000:0",DIR("B")=30,DIR("?")="^D HLPN^IBCORC" D ^DIR K DIR S IBNR=+Y G:'Y ENQ ; ; Allow report transmittal if running in Production. S IBFLG=0 ; G:'$$PROD DEVICE ; ;W ! S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="NO",DIR("A")="Would you like this report sent to the MCCR Program Office",DIR("?")="^D HLPCO^IBCORC" ;D ^DIR K DIR S IBFLG=+Y I $D(DIRUT)!($D(DUOUT)) G ENQ ; DEVICE ; Select device for queueing/printing report S %ZIS="QM" D ^%ZIS G:POP ENQ I $D(IO("Q")) D G ENQ .S ZTRTN="DQ^IBCORC1",ZTDESC="RANK INSURANCE CARRIERS" .F I="IBABEG","IBAEND","IBFLG","IBNR" S ZTSAVE(I)="" .D ^%ZTLOAD K IO("Q") .W !!,$S($D(ZTSK):"This job has been queued as task #"_ZTSK_".",1:"Unable to queue this job.") .K ZTSK U IO D DQ^IBCORC1 ; ENQ ; Cleanup K I,IBABEG,IBAEND,IBFLG,IBNR Q ; ; PROD() ; Is this the production account? Output: 1 - YES, 0 - NO N X S X=$G(^XMB("NETNAME")) Q $L(X,".")=3!($L(X,".")=4&(X[".MED.")) ; HLPD1 ; Help for Start date. W !!,"This report uses the date the bill was first printed to determine if the" W !,"bill should be included in the accumulative total." W !!,"Please enter the lower date range for the first printed date, which" W !,"should be a past date on or after 10/1/86, or '^' to exit." Q ; HLPD2 ; Help for End date. W !!,"This report uses the date the bill was first printed to determine if the" W !,"bill should be included in the accumulative total." W !!,"Please enter the upper date range for the first printed date, which" W !,"should be a past date on or after ",$$DAT1^IBOUTL(IBABEG),", or '^' to exit." Q ; HLPN ; Help for number of carriers to rank. W !!,"This report will rank any number of insurance carriers (from 1 to 1000)" W !,"for the total amount billed within a date range." W !!,"Please enter a number between 1 and 1000, or '^' to exit." Q HLPCO ; Help for sending report to Central Office. W !!,"After the new fiscal year begins, this report should be generated for the" W !,"previous fiscal year and transmitted to the MCCR Program Office. The data" W !,"will be compiled nationally to determine which insurance carriers are the" W !,"largest customers of VA. The compiled data will assist the Program Office" W !,"in planning for future electronic billing systems." W !!,"Even if you are planning to transmit a report to the Program Office, you" W !,"should run this report once without transmitting to check the results." W !,"You may then re-run the report and transmit it centrally." Q