IBCRHBR4 ;ALB/ARH - RATES: UPLOAD (RC) SELECT SITES ; 10-OCT-1998 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**106,138,148**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ; SELSITE() ; select one site to calculate RC charges for ; return: 0 or 'IFN of site in IBCR RC SITE ^ site number ^ site name ^ 3-digit zip' ; D SETRGZIP,CHKRGZIP ; N IBSNAME,IBSELDIV,IBX,IBXIFN,IBMCDV W !!!,"Select Site to calculate Reasonable Charges v"_$$VERSION^IBCRHBRV_" for load into Charge Master" W !,"--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ; SELECT S (IBSELDIV,IBMCDV)=0 S IBSNAME=$$ASKNAM I IBSNAME="" G SSQ ; S IBXIFN=$$LSTSITE(IBSNAME) I +IBXIFN'>0 G SELECT S IBSELDIV=$G(^XTMP("IBCR RC SITE",IBXIFN)) I IBSELDIV="" G SELECT S IBSELDIV=IBXIFN_U_IBSELDIV ; S IBX=$P(IBSELDIV,U,2) D MSGSITE^IBCRHBRV(IBX),MSGVERS^IBCRHBRV(IBX),MSGDIV(IBX) ; I '$$CONT(IBSELDIV) G SELECT ; SSQ Q IBSELDIV ; ASKNAM() ; ask the user to enter the name of a site/division, return upper case name entered or null N DIR,DIRUT,DUOUT,X,Y,IBX,IBY S IBX="" S DIR("?",1)="All or some divisions whose care is billed from your site may have charges." S DIR("?",2)="Some charges are unique to a single division, others cover multiple divisions." S DIR("?",3)="This may result in multiple sets in the Charge Master." S DIR("?",4)="Enter '??' for a complete list of divisions." S DIR("?",5)="Enter a division number or name for a matching list.",DIR("?",6)="" S DIR("?")="Select a division that will be billed at your site.",DIR("??")="^D LSTALL^IBCRHBR4" S DIR(0)="FO",DIR("A")="Select Division" W !! D ^DIR K DIR S IBX=Y I $D(DIRUT) S IBX="" I IBX'="" S IBX=$$UP^XLFSTR(IBX) Q IBX ; CONT(SITE) ; as user if they want to load this division, return 1 if accept division and calculate charges, else 0 N DIR,DIRUT,DUOUT,X,Y,IBX S IBX=0 W !,?15,$P(SITE,U,2),?27,$P(SITE,U,3),! S DIR("?")="Enter 'Y' if the care provided at this division is billed at your site and you need this divisions charges loaded on your system." S DIR("A")="Calculate RC v"_$$VERSION^IBCRHBRV_" charges for this division" S DIR(0)="YO" D ^DIR K DIR I Y=1 S IBX=Y Q IBX ; LSTALL ; list all sites, user cannot select, nothing returned N IBX,IBCNT,IBEND,IBXIFN,IBNODE,DIR,DIRUT,DUOUT,DTOUT,X,Y S (IBCNT,IBEND)=0 W ! ; S IBX="" F S IBX=$O(^XTMP("IBCR RC SITE","C",IBX)) Q:IBX="" D Q:$D(DIRUT) . S IBXIFN="" F S IBXIFN=$O(^XTMP("IBCR RC SITE","B",IBX,IBXIFN)) Q:'IBXIFN D Q:$D(DIRUT) .. S IBNODE=$G(^XTMP("IBCR RC SITE",IBXIFN)) .. W !,?15,$P(IBNODE,U,1),?27,$P(IBNODE,U,2),?65,$P(IBNODE,U,3) .. S IBCNT=IBCNT+1,IBEND=0 I '(IBCNT#21) W ! S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K DIR W ! S IBEND=1 I 'IBEND,'$D(DIRUT) W ! S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K DIR W ! Q ; LSTSITE(SNAME) ; search, display, selecy from list of sites ; returns 'site IFN in IBCR RC SITE' if one selected, 0 if none selected, -1 if ^ ; N IBX,IBL,IBXIFN,IBNODE,IBCNT,IBEND,IBSEL,SELARR,DIR,DIRUT,DUOUT,X,Y S (IBSEL,IBEND,IBCNT)=0 W ! ; S IBX=SNAME,IBL=$L(SNAME) I SNAME'="" S IBX=$E(SNAME,1,$L(SNAME)-1)_$C($A($E(SNAME,$L(SNAME)))-1)_"~" ; F S IBX=$O(^XTMP("IBCR RC SITE","B",IBX)) Q:IBX=""!($E(IBX,1,IBL)'=SNAME) D Q:IBSEL'=0 . S IBXIFN="" F S IBXIFN=$O(^XTMP("IBCR RC SITE","B",IBX,IBXIFN)) Q:'IBXIFN D Q:IBSEL'=0 .. S IBNODE=$G(^XTMP("IBCR RC SITE",IBXIFN)) .. S IBCNT=IBCNT+1,SELARR(IBCNT)=IBXIFN .. W !,?9,IBCNT,")",?15,$P(IBNODE,U,1),?27,$P(IBNODE,U,2),?65,$P(IBNODE,U,3) .. S IBEND=0 I '(IBCNT#21) S IBSEL=$$ASKSEL(IBCNT) S IBEND=1 I SNAME'="",IBCNT'>0 W ?40,"??" ; I IBSEL=0,IBCNT>1,'IBEND S IBSEL=$$ASKSEL(IBCNT) I IBSEL=0,IBCNT=1 S IBSEL=1 ; I IBSEL>0,$D(SELARR(+IBSEL)) S IBSEL=SELARR(+IBSEL) ; Q IBSEL ; ASKSEL(CNT) ; ask user to select from list of sites, returns number selected, 0 if none selected, -1 if ^ ; N DIR,DIRUT,DUOUT,DTOUT,X,Y,IBX S IBX=0 W ! S DIR("?")="Enter return to continue, enter '^' to exit, or enter the number preceding the site you want to select. The number may be no greater than "_CNT S DIR(0)="NO^1:"_CNT_":0",DIR("A")=" Press return to continue or select a site" D ^DIR S IBX=$S($D(DUOUT)!$D(DTOUT):-1,+Y>0:+Y,1:0) W ! Q IBX ; ; MSGDIV(SITE) ; check if division selected is defined as a division (40.8) on the system N IBMCDV,IBRG,IBX,IBY,IBFND S (IBMCDV,IBFND)="",SITE=$G(SITE) I SITE'="" S IBMCDV=+$O(^DG(40.8,"C",SITE,0)) I +IBMCDV S IBX=$G(^DG(40.8,+IBMCDV,0)) D . W !!,?5,$P(IBX,U,2),?15,$P(IBX,U,1)," is a valid Medical Center division on your system.",! . S IBRG="RC" F S IBRG=$O(^IBE(363.31,"B",IBRG)) Q:$E(IBRG,1,2)'="RC" D Q:IBFND .. I IBRG[(" "_SITE_" ") S IBFND=1 Q .. S IBY=$O(^IBE(363.31,"B",IBRG,0)) I 'IBY Q .. I '$O(^IBE(363.31,IBY,11,"B",+IBMCDV,0)) Q .. W !!,?5,SITE," is already assigned to Billing Region: ",IBRG,! S IBFND=1 I 'IBMCDV W !!,?5,"*** ",SITE," is NOT defined as a Medical Center Division on your system ***",! Q ; ; ; *************************************************************************************** ; SETRGZIP ; for all existing Billing Regions, set the sites 3-digit zip code into the Identifier field (363.31,.02) ; the 3-digit zip was not available with RC v1, so Regions created for RC v1 will not have this field set ; N DIE,DIC,DA,DR,X,Y,IBRGFN,IBLN,IBZIP I $$VERSION^IBCRHBRV=1 Q ; S IBRGFN=0 F S IBRGFN=$O(^IBE(363.31,IBRGFN)) Q:'IBRGFN D . S IBLN=$G(^IBE(363.31,IBRGFN,0)) Q:$E(IBLN,1,3)'="RC " Q:$P(IBLN,U,2)'="" . ; . S IBZIP=$P($$SITEDV($P(IBLN," ",2)),U,4) Q:IBZIP'?3N . ; . S DIE="^IBE(363.31,",DA=IBRGFN,DR=".02////"_IBZIP D ^DIE K DIE,DIC,DA,DR Q ; SITEDV(DIV) ; return the site data on the division passed in ; input: site number, output: 0 or 'IFN of site in IBCR RC SITE ^ site number ^ site name ^ 3-digit zip' ; N IBY,IBX,IBLN S (IBY,IBX)=0 I +$G(DIV) S IBY=$O(^XTMP("IBCR RC SITE","C",DIV_" ",0)) I +IBY S IBLN=$G(^XTMP("IBCR RC SITE",IBY)) I IBLN'="" S IBX=IBY_U_IBLN Q IBX ; CHKRGZIP ; for all existing Billing Regions, check to ensure each division assigned is actually within that Region ; the 3-digit zip of the Regions Divisions must match the 3-digit zip of the Regions primary division ; if the 3-digit zips do not match, the Division is deleted from the Region ; N IBRGFN,IBLN,IBRGZIP,IBDVFN,IBDV,IBDVLN,IBDVZIP,ARRAY,DA,DIK,DIC,DIR,X,Y I $$VERSION^IBCRHBRV=1 Q ; S IBRGFN=0 F S IBRGFN=$O(^IBE(363.31,IBRGFN)) Q:'IBRGFN D . S IBLN=$G(^IBE(363.31,IBRGFN,0)) Q:$E(IBLN,1,3)'="RC " . S IBRGZIP=$P($$SITEDV($P(IBLN," ",2)),U,4) Q:IBRGZIP'?3N . ; . S IBDVFN=0 F S IBDVFN=$O(^IBE(363.31,IBRGFN,11,IBDVFN)) Q:'IBDVFN D .. S IBDV=+$G(^IBE(363.31,IBRGFN,11,IBDVFN,0)) Q:'IBDV .. S IBDVLN=$G(^DG(40.8,+IBDV,0)) Q:IBDVLN="" .. S IBDVZIP=$P($$SITEDV($P(IBDVLN,U,2)),U,4) Q:IBDVZIP'?3N .. ; .. I IBRGZIP=IBDVZIP Q .. S ARRAY(IBRGFN)=IBLN,ARRAY(IBRGFN,IBDV)=$P(IBDVLN,U,1,2)_U_IBDVZIP .. S DA(1)=IBRGFN,DIK="^IBE(363.31,"_DA(1)_",11,",DA=IBDVFN D ^DIK ; I $O(ARRAY(0)) D . W @IOF,!,"********************************************************************************" . W !,"Incorrect Billing Regions found in the Charge Master." . W !!,"Billing Regions are defined by the 3-digit zip code identifier of the primary",!,"division. Only Divisions with the same 3-digit zip code identifier should",!,"be assigned to a Billing Region." . W !!,"There were Divisions incorrectly associated with Billing Regions in the",!,"Charge Master. For the following Billing Regions, the corresponding Division",!,"has been deleted." . W !!,?3,"Billing Region",?43,"Division(s) Deleted",!,?3,"--------------------------------------------------------------------------" . ; . S IBRGFN=0 F S IBRGFN=$O(ARRAY(IBRGFN)) Q:'IBRGFN D .. S IBLN=ARRAY(IBRGFN) W !,?3,$E($P(IBLN,U,1),1,23),?26,"(",$P(IBLN,U,2),")" .. ; .. S IBDV=0 F S IBDV=$O(ARRAY(IBRGFN,IBDV)) Q:'IBDV D ... S IBLN=ARRAY(IBRGFN,IBDV) W ?43,$P(IBLN,U,2),?50,$E($P(IBLN,U,1),1,20),?72,"(",$P(IBLN,U,3),")",! . W !,"********************************************************************************",! . S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K DIR W @IOF Q