IBCRHBT ;LL/ELZ - RATES: UPLOAD HOST FILES (TP) ; 19-MAR-1999 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**115,140**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; TP ; OPTION: upload an IBAT file from a VMS file into ^XTMP ; N DIR,DIRUT,DUOUT,X,Y,IBI,IBFILE,IBPATH,IBXRF,IBLOC,IBXRF1,IBXRF2,IBFLINE,IBX,IBY,IBTYPE,POP,IBCHRG,IBCODE N IBCPT,IBEFDT,IBTRDT,IBINACT,IBMOD,IBCHG,IBPATH W !!,"Upload the IBAT from a host file: 'IBATaxxxx.TXT' w/a = C for CPT or D for DRG",!,?49," & xxxx = year effective",! ; S IBPATH=$$PATH I IBPATH<0 Q I '$$FNDHOST(IBPATH) Q ;I '$$FNDHOST Q ; S DIR("?")="Enter an IBAT Host File Name of format: 'IBATaxxxx.TXT' w/xxxx = year effective" S DIR(0)="FO^3:60",DIR("A")="Enter a Host File Name" D ^DIR K DIR Q:$D(DIRUT) S IBFILE=Y ; I $$CHECK(IBFILE) Q ; ; S IBXRF="IBCR UPLOAD "_IBFILE,IBLOC="" I '$$CONT(IBXRF) Q I '$$CONT1 Q ; ; D OPEN^%ZISH("IBAT UPLOAD",IBPATH,IBFILE,"R") I POP W !!,"**** Unable to open ",IBPATH,IBFILE,! Q ; U IO(0) W !!,"Loading ",IBFILE," into ^XTMP " ; S IBI=0 F S IBI=IBI+1 U IO R IBFLINE:5 Q:$$ENDF D PARSE,STORE I '(IBI#100) U IO(0) W "." ; D CLOSE^%ZISH("IBAT UPLOAD") ; ; W !!,"Done. ",(IBI-1)," lines processed." W !,"The following files were created, they will be purged in 2 days:" D DISP1^IBCRHU1(IBXRF) Q ; ENDF() N IBX S IBX=1 I $T,IBFLINE'="" S IBX=0 I $$STATUS^%ZISH S IBX=1 I 'IBX,IBFLINE'?3U29N D . U IO(0) . W !!,"**** Error while reading file: line not expected format" . W !,"(3 upper case letters & 29 numeric characters):" . W !!,"Line Length=",$L(IBFLINE)," characters" W:IBFLINE="" ?40,"Line read is null" . W !,"LINE='",IBFLINE,"'",!!,"Upload Aborted!" . S IBX=1 H 7 U IO I IBI=1,IBFLINE="" U IO(0) W !!,"First line of file has no data, can not continue!" S IBX=1 H 7 U IO Q IBX ; PARSE ; process a single line from an IBAT file: parse out into individual fields and store the line in XTMP ; ; format: 3 alpha letters and 29 numbers ; S IBTYPE=$E(IBFLINE,1,3) ; type, either CPT or DRG S IBCODE=$E(IBFLINE,4,8) ; CPT procedure or DRG code I IBTYPE="DRG" S IBCODE=IBTYPE_+IBCODE S IBCHRG=$E(IBFLINE,9,16) ; charge S IBEFDT=$E(IBFLINE,17,24) ; effective date S IBTRDT=$E(IBFLINE,25,32) ; termination date S IBCS=$$CS(IBTYPE) Q ; STORE ; S IBXRF1=IBXRF_" "_IBLOC ; S IBMOD="",IBEFDT=$$DATE(IBEFDT),IBINACT="" I IBTRDT'=999999,+IBTRDT S IBINACT=$$DATE(IBTRDT) ; I +IBCHRG S IBXRF2=IBTYPE,IBCHG=$E(IBCHRG,1,6)_"."_$E(IBCHRG,7,8) D SET ; charge ; Q ; DATE(X) ; reformats dates N Y,DTOUT,%DT I X S %DT="X" D ^%DT Q $G(Y,X) SET ; N IBX S IBX=$G(^XTMP(IBXRF1,0)) I IBX="" D SETHDR S $P(^XTMP(IBXRF1,0),U,4)=+$P(IBX,U,4)+1 S ^XTMP(IBXRF1,IBXRF2)=(+$G(^XTMP(IBXRF1,IBXRF2))+1)_U_$S(IBTYPE="CPT":2,1:4)_U_IBCS S ^XTMP(IBXRF1,IBXRF2,IBI)=IBCODE_U_IBEFDT_U_IBINACT_U_+IBCHG Q ; SETHDR ; N IBX S IBX="IB upload of Host file "_IBFILE_", on "_$$HTE^XLFDT($H,2)_" by "_$P($G(^VA(200,+$G(DUZ),0)),U,1) S ^XTMP(IBXRF1,0)=$$FMADD^XLFDT(DT,2)_U_DT_U_IBX Q ; CONT(XREF) ; check for existing files stored in XREF with same host file name ; returns true if user wants to continue and these files are deleted ; N ARR,IBX,IBY,IBZ,DIR,DIRUT,DUOUT,X,Y S ARR=0,IBZ=1 W ! ; D DISP1^IBCRHU1(XREF,.ARR) ; I +ARR S IBZ=0 D W ! . W !!,"The above files already exist in XTMP." S DIR("?")="Enter either 'Y' or 'N'. This files use the same name as the new upload would use and therefore must be deleted before the upload can proceed." . S DIR("A")="Delete the above files and continue with upload",DIR(0)="Y" D ^DIR K DIR . ; . I Y=1 S IBZ=1,IBX="" F S IBX=$O(ARR(IBX)) Q:IBX="" K ^XTMP(IBX) W "." ; Q IBZ ; ; CONT1() ; get final OK to start upload N IBZ,DIR,DIRUT,DUOUT,X,Y S IBZ=0 W ! S DIR("A")="Proceed with upload now",DIR(0)="Y" D ^DIR K DIR I Y=1 S IBZ=1 Q IBZ ; PATH() ; return directory or -1 N IBPATH,DIR,DIRUT,DUOUT,X,Y S IBPATH="" S DIR("?",1)="Enter the full path specification where the host files may be found" S DIR("?")="or press return for the default directory "_$$PWD^%ZISH S DIR(0)="FO^3:60",DIR("A")="Enter the file path",DIR("B")=$$PWD^%ZISH D ^DIR K DIR S IBPATH=$S($D(DUOUT)!$D(DTOUT):-1,1:Y) Q IBPATH ; FNDHOST(IBPATH) ; find and display any host files available for upload: 1 if some, 0 none found N IBX,IBY,IBZ,IBQ S (IBZ,IBQ)=0 ; W !,"IBAT Host files available for upload in: ",IBPATH,!! S IBX("IBAT*.TXT")="",IBZ=$$LIST^%ZISH(IBPATH,"IBX","IBY") I +IBZ S IBQ=IBZ,IBX="" F S IBX=$O(IBY(IBX)) Q:IBX="" W ?30,$P(IBX,";",1),! K IBX,IBY S IBX("TP*.TXT")="",IBZ=$$LIST^%ZISH(IBPATH,"IBX","IBY") I 'IBZ,'IBQ W "**** No IBAT files found ",IBPATH,"IBATaxxxx.TXT, can not continue.",! I +IBZ S IBX="" F S IBX=$O(IBY(IBX)) Q:IBX="" W ?30,$P(IBX,";",1),! Q $S(IBQ:IBQ,1:IBZ) ; CS(X) ; find charge set ien from X (name) N IBX S X=$S(X="CPT":"TP-OPT",X="DRG":"TP-INPT",1:""),IBX=0 I X'="" S IBX=$O(^IBE(363.1,"B",X,IBX)) Q IBX ; CHECK(IBFILE) ; returns if file name is not in correct format N IBZ S IBZ=1 I ($E(IBFILE,1,4)="IBAT"),(($E(IBFILE,5)="C")!($E(IBFILE,5)="D")),($E(IBFILE,6,9)?4N),($E(IBFILE,10,13)=".TXT") S IBZ=0 I IBZ,($E(IBFILE,1,2)="TP"),(($E(IBFILE,3)="C")!($E(IBFILE,3)="D")),($E(IBFILE,4,7)?4N),($E(IBFILE,8,11)=".TXT") S IBZ=0 I IBZ W !!,"**** File not an IBAT file: must be 'IBATaxxxx.TXT'.",! Q IBZ