IBCRU7 ;LL/ELZ - TRANSFER PRICING CHARGE MASTER UTILITIES ; 20-AUG-1999 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**115**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; TPCS(BR,RG) ; finds charge set for billing rate and region ; region in transfer pricing is an institution, not a division ; if RG not passed, looks up national default ; N BRIFN,CSIFN,X ; Q:'$D(BR) 0 S BRIFN=$O(^IBE(363.3,"B",BR,0)) Q:'BRIFN 0 ; I $D(RG) S RG=$O(^IBE(363.31,"AB",RG,0)) Q:'RG 0 ; S (X,CSIFN)=0 F S CSIFN=$O(^IBE(363.1,"C",BRIFN,CSIFN)) Q:'CSIFN!(X) I $P(^IBE(363.1,CSIFN,0),U,7)=$G(RG) S X=CSIFN Q X ; DISPCS(IBCSFN) ; display charge set data ** copy of same entry from IBCRU5 with items left off N IBCS0,IBBR0,IBRVCD,IBX S IBCSFN=+$G(IBCSFN) S IBCS0=$G(^IBE(363.1,IBCSFN,0)),IBBR0=$G(^IBE(363.3,+$P(IBCS0,U,2),0)),IBRVCD=$G(^DGCR(399.2,+$P(IBCS0,U,5),0)) ; W !!!,?4,"Charge Set: ",?19,$E($P(IBCS0,U,1),1,30) I +$P(IBCS0,U,4) W ?49,"Charge Type: ",?65,$$EXPAND^IBCRU1(363.1,.04,+$P(IBCS0,U,4)) W !,?4,"Billing Event: ",?19,$E($$EMUTL^IBCRU1($P(IBCS0,U,3),1),1,28) W !,?4,"Billing Rate: ",?19,$E($P(IBBR0,U,1),1,28) I +$P(IBCS0,U,7) S IBX=$$RGEXT^IBCRU4(+$P(IBCS0,U,7)) I IBX'="" W !,?4,"Region: ",?19,$P(IBX,U,1) I +$P(IBBR0,U,4) W !,?4,"All items billable to the ",$P(IBBR0,U,2)," Billing Rate must be ",$$EXPAND^IBCRU1(363.3,.04,+$P(IBBR0,U,4)),"s.",!! I '$P(IBBR0,U,4) W !,?4,"The ",$P(IBBR0,U,2)," Billing Rate charges are calculated, there are no Charge Items.",!! Q ; DISPCSL(IBCSFN) ; display one line of charge set data ** copy of same entry from IBCRU5 with items left off N IBCS0 I '$G(IBCSFN) Q S IBCS0=$G(^IBE(363.1,IBCSFN,0)) I IBCS0'="" W !!,?4,"Set: ",$E($P(IBCS0,U,1),1,30) Q ;