IBCU3 ;ALB/AAS - BILLING UTILITY ROUTINE (CONTINUED) ; 4/4/03 8:49am ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**52,80,91,106,51,137,211,245,348**;21-MAR-94;Build 5 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ;MAP TO DGCRU3 SC(DFN) ; returns 1 if service connection indicated, 0 otherwise (based on VAEL(3)) N X,VAEL,VAERR S X=0 I +$G(DFN) D ELIG^VADPT S X=+$G(VAEL(3)) Q X ; APPT(DATE,DFN,DISP) ;Check date to see if patient has any visit data ;input: DATE - required, date to check for appointments ; DFN - required, patient to check for appointments on date ; DISP - if true then error message will be printed before exit, if any ;returns: 1 - if appt visit found ; 2 - if unscheduled add/edit clinic stop entry found ; 3 - if only disposition found ; "0^error message" if no valid visit data/disposition found ; N Y,X,X1,X2 S DATE=$P(DATE,".",1),Y="0^* Patient has no Visits for this date..." I 'DATE!'$D(^DPT(DFN,0)) S Y="0^Unable to check for appointments on this date!" G APPTE N IBVAL,IBCBK,IBVTYP S IBVAL("DFN")=DFN,IBVAL("BDT")=DATE,IBVAL("EDT")=DATE+.9 S IBCBK="I '$P(Y0,U,6) S IBVTYP=+$P(Y0,U,8) I $S(IBVTYP=2:1,IBVTYP=1:$$APPTCT^IBEFUNC(Y0),IBVTYP=3:$$DISCT^IBEFUNC(Y,Y0),1:0) S IBVTYP(IBVTYP)="""" S:$D(IBVTYP(1)) SDSTOP=1" D SCAN^IBSDU("PATIENT/DATE",.IBVAL,"",IBCBK,1) K ^TMP("DIERR",$J) S IBVTYP=$O(IBVTYP(0)) S:IBVTYP Y=IBVTYP ; APPTE I +$G(DISP),'Y W !,?10,*7,$P(Y,U,2) Q Y ; BDT(DFN,DATE) ; returns primary bill defined for an event date, "" if none N X,Y S X="" I '$O(^DGCR(399,"C",+$G(DFN),0))!'$G(DATE) G BDTE S Y="",DATE=9999999-DATE F S Y=$O(^DGCR(399,"APDT",+DFN,Y)) Q:'Y D . I $O(^DGCR(399,"APDT",+DFN,Y,0))=DATE,'$P($G(^DGCR(399,Y,"S")),U,16) S X=$P($G(^DGCR(399,Y,0)),U,17) Q BDTE Q X ; BILLED(PTF) ;returns bill "IFN^^rate group" if PTF record is already associated with an uncancelled final bill ;returns "bill IFN ^ bill date (stm to) ^ bill rate group" if inpatients interim with no final bill, 0 otherwise N IFN,Y,X S Y=0 I '$D(^DGCR(399,"APTF",+$G(PTF))) G BILLEDQ S IFN=0 F S IFN=$O(^DGCR(399,"APTF",PTF,IFN)) Q:'IFN D I +Y,'$P(Y,U,2) Q . S X=$G(^DGCR(399,IFN,0)) I $P(X,U,13)=7 Q ; bill cancelled . S Y=IFN_"^^"_$P(X,U,7) I $P(X,U,6)=2!($P(X,U,6)=3) S Y=IFN_"^"_$P($G(^DGCR(399,IFN,"U")),U,2)_"^"_$P(X,U,7) BILLEDQ Q Y ; FTN(FT) ;returns name of the form type passed in, "" if not defined N X S X=$P($G(^IBE(353,+$G(FT),0)),U,1) Q X ; FT(IFN,IBRESET) ;return the correct form type for a bill (trigger code in 399 to set .19) ; if IBRESET is not a positive value ('IBRESET), returns the bills current form type (if defined) ; if IBRESET is a positive value (+IBRESET), interpret form type according to following rules (for triggers): ; first use ins co default (36,.14), then bill is inst (UB) or prof (1500) (399,.27), ; then current (399,.19), then UB N X,Y,FTC,FTN,FTI,FTT,INS S X="",IFN=+$G(IFN),Y=$G(^DGCR(399,IFN,0)) S FTC=$P(Y,U,19) I FTC=1 S FTC=3 I '$G(IBRESET),+FTC S X=FTC G FTQ S FTT=$S($P(Y,U,27)=1:3,$P(Y,U,27)=2:2,1:"") S INS=+$G(^DGCR(399,IFN,"MP")) I 'INS,$$MCRWNR^IBEFUNC($$CURR^IBCEF2(IFN)) S INS=+$$CURR^IBCEF2(IFN) S FTI=$P($G(^DIC(36,+INS,0)),U,14) S X=$S(+FTI:FTI,+FTT:FTT,+FTC:FTC,1:3) FTQ Q X ; FNT(FTN) ;returns the ifn of the form type name passed in, must be exact match, 0 if none found N X,Y S X=0 I $G(FTN)'="" S X=$O(^IBE(353,"B",FTN,0)) Q X ; BILLDEV(IFN,PRT) ;returns the default device for a bill's form type, if PRT is passed as true then returns the AR follow up device, otherwise the billing device N X,Y S X=0 I $D(^DGCR(399,+$G(IFN),0)) S PRT=$S(+$G(PRT):3,1:2),Y=$$FT(IFN),X=$P($G(^IBE(353,+Y,0)),U,PRT) Q X ; RXDUP(RX,DATE,IFN,DISP,DFN,RTG) ;returns bill ifn if rx # exists on another bill ;input: rx # - required, rx # to check for ; date - required, date of refill ;ifn, dfn, rtg are optional - if not passed then not used to specify rx ;(if ifn not passed then returns true if on any bill same or dfn and rtgetc.) ;if ifn passed the dfn and rtg do not need to be N X,LN,RIFN,BIFN,RLN,BLN S (RIFN,X)=0,DATE=$G(DATE),RX=$G(RX),IFN=$G(IFN) I RX=""!('DATE) G RXDUPE S LN=$G(^DGCR(399,+IFN,0)),DFN=$S(+$G(DFN):DFN,1:+$P(LN,U,2)),RTG=$S(+$G(RTG):RTG,1:+$P(LN,U,7)) F S RIFN=$O(^IBA(362.4,"B",RX,RIFN)) Q:'RIFN S RLN=$G(^IBA(362.4,+RIFN,0)) I +DATE=+$P(RLN,U,3) D Q:+X . S BIFN=+$P(RLN,U,2),BLN=$G(^DGCR(399,BIFN,0)) Q:(BLN="")!(BIFN=+$G(IFN)) . I $P(BLN,U,13)=7 Q ; bill cancelled . I +DFN,$P(BLN,U,2)'=DFN Q ; different patient . I +RTG,+RTG'=$P(BLN,U,7) Q ; different rate group . S X=BIFN_"^A "_$P($G(^DGCR(399.3,+$P(BLN,U,7),0)),U,1)_" bill ("_$P(BLN,U,1)_") exists for Rx # "_RX_" and refill date "_$$DAT1^IBOUTL(DATE)_"." RXDUPE I +$G(DISP),+X W !,?10,$P(X,U,2) Q X ; BCOB(IBIFN,IBCOB) ; returns an array of all bills related COB to the bill passed in ; includes prior bills defined on this bill then checks the Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Bills and adds ; all the prior bills defined on them ; ARR(BILL SEQUENCE (1,2,3), INSURANCE CO, BILL #)="" ; N IBM1,IBI,IBIFN1,IBM,IBM11,IBSEQ,IBSEQN,IBJ K IBCOB S IBM1=$G(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,"M1")) F IBI=IBIFN,+$P(IBM1,U,5),+$P(IBM1,U,6),+$P(IBM1,U,7) I +IBI S IBIFN1=+IBI D . ; . S IBM=$G(^DGCR(399,IBIFN1,"M")),IBM11=$G(^DGCR(399,IBIFN1,"M1")) I IBIFN=IBIFN1,'$P(IBM,U,2),'$P(IBM,U,3) Q . S IBSEQ=$P($G(^DGCR(399,IBIFN1,0)),U,21),IBSEQN=$S(IBSEQ="P":1,IBSEQ="S":2,IBSEQ="T":3,1:"") Q:'IBSEQN . ; . F IBJ=1:1:3 I +$P(IBM,U,IBJ) S IBCOB(IBJ,+$P(IBM,U,IBJ),+$P(IBM11,U,(IBJ+4)))="" . I +$P(IBM,U,IBSEQN) S IBCOB(IBSEQN,$P(IBM,U,IBSEQN),+IBIFN1)="" ; S IBI=0 F S IBI=$O(IBCOB(IBI)) Q:'IBI S IBJ=0 F S IBJ=$O(IBCOB(IBI,IBJ)) Q:'IBJ I +$O(IBCOB(IBI,IBJ,0)) K IBCOB(IBI,IBJ,0) Q ; BINS(IBIFN) ; return list of billable insurance carriers on a bill (COB) ; output: sequence:carrier:policy ^ sequence:carrier:policy ^ sequence:carrier:policy N IBM0,IBI,IBS,IBC,IBP,IBX S IBI=0,IBX="",IBM0=$G(^DGCR(399,+$G(IBIFN),"M")) F IBS="P","S","T" S IBI=IBI+1,IBC=+$P(IBM0,U,IBI) I +IBC D . S IBP=+$P(IBM0,U,(11+IBI)) I $P($G(^DIC(36,+IBC,0)),U,2)'="N" S IBX=IBX_IBS_":"_IBC_":"_IBP_U Q IBX ; BOTHER(IBIFN,IBDT) ; return Bedsection of Type of Care if date is Other Type of care, based on "OT" multiple ; Other care is not inpatient or outpatient, SNF and Sub-Acute became distinct with RC v2.0 ; as with all other bedsection movements, the last date is not included since that is the date they left N IBX,IBY,IBFND S IBFND=0,IBDT=$G(IBDT)\1 I +$G(IBIFN),+IBDT S IBX=0 F S IBX=$O(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,"OT",IBX)) Q:'IBX D . S IBY=$G(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,"OT",IBX,0)) Q:'IBY . I IBDT'<$P(IBY,U,2),IBDT<$P(IBY,U,3) S IBFND=+IBY Q IBFND