IBCU4 ;ALB/AAS - BILLING UTILITY ROUTINE (CONTINUED) ;12-FEB-90 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**109,122,137,245,349,371**;21-MAR-94;Build 57 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; ;MAP TO DGCRU4 ; DDAT ;Input transform for Statement Covers From field I '$D(DA) G TO S IB00=+$P(^DGCR(399,+DA,0),"^",3) I +X<$P(IB00,".",1) W !?4,"Cannot precede the 'EVENT DATE'!",*7 K X G DDAT4 I +X>(DT_".2359") W !?4,"Cannot bill for future treatment!",*7 K X G DDAT4 D PROCDT I DGPRDTB,X>DGPRDTB K X W !?4,"Can't be greater than date of specified Procedures!",*7 G DDAT4 G DDAT4 DDAT1 ;Input transform for Statement covers to I '$D(DA) G FROM S IB00=$S($D(^DGCR(399,+DA,"U")):$P(^("U"),"^",1),1:"") I 'IB00 W !?4,"'Start Date' must be specified first!",*7 K X G DDAT4 I +X>DT W !?4,"Cannot bill for future treatment!",*7 K X G DDAT4 I +X$P(IB00,"^",2) W !?4,*7,"Can't enter a visit date later than 'End Date'..." K X G DDAT4 ;I $P(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,0),"^",19)'=2,$D(^DGCR(399,"ASC2",IBIFN)),$O(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,"OP",0)) W !?4,*7,"Only 1 visit date allowed on bills with Amb. Surg. Codes!" K X G DDAT4 ;D APPT^IBCU3,DUPCHK^IBCU3 G DDAT4 ; DDAT3 ; - x-ref call for to and from dates, REPLACED BY TRIGGERS ON .08, 151, 152 ON 10/18/93 ;if inpatient bill return DGNEWLOS to cause recalc of los in IBSC6 G DDAT4:'$D(X) I $D(^DGCR(399,DA,0)),$P(^(0),"^",5)<3 S DGNEWLOS=1 S IB00=$S($D(^DGCR(399,+DA,"U")):^("U"),1:"") I IB00']"" K X G DDAT4 S IB02=$S(+$E(IB00,4,5)<10:$E(IB00,2,3),1:$E(IB00,2,3)+1),IB01=$E(IB00,1)_IB02_"0930",$P(^DGCR(399,DA,"U1"),"^",9)=IB02 ;,$P(^DGCR(399,DA,"U1"),"^",11)=$S($P(IB00,"^",2)>IB01:IB02+1,1:"") ;I $P(^DGCR(399,DA,"U1"),"^",11)="" S $P(^("U1"),"^",12)="" ; DDAT4 K IB00,IB01,IB02,IB03,DGX,DGNOAP,DGJ,DGPROC,DGPRDT,DGPRDTE,DGPRDTB Q ; OTDAT ; Input transform for Other Care Start Date (399,48,.02) I ('$G(DA(1)))!('$G(X)) Q N IBX S IBX=$G(^DGCR(399,DA(1),"U")) I +X<+IBX W !,?4,"Can Not Precede Bill Start Date!",!,*7 K X Q I +X>+$P(IBX,U,2) W !,?4,"Can not be after Bill End Date!",!,*7 K X Q Q ; CHDAT ; Input transform for chiropractics-related dates (399/245,246,247) ; Make sure that date entered is not after end date of the bill Q:'$D(X) N IBX,Y S IBX=$P($G(^DGCR(399,+DA,"U")),U,2) I IBX="" W !?4,*7,"No end date of the bill on file - can't enter chiropractics-related dates " K X Q I X>+IBX S Y=IBX D DD^%DT W !,?4,*7,"This date can not be after the end date of the claim ("_Y_") " K X Q Q ; TO ;151 pseudo input x-form I +X_.9(DT_".2359") W !?4,"Cannot bill for future treatment!",*7 K X Q FROM ;152 pseudo input x-form I '$D(IBIDS(151)) W !?4,"'Start Date' must be specified first!",*7 K X Q I +XDGPRDT) S DGPRDTB=DGPRDT . I DGPRDTE=0!(DGPRDTE