IBCU65 ;ALB/ARH - BILL CHARGE UTILITY: COMBINE E&M ; 12/01/04 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**287**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ; Combine (E&M) Charges on one bill: ; 90801-90815, 90845-90899, 99201-99215, 99241-99245, 99271-99288, 99385-99387, 99395-99429, 99499 ; For each of the procedures update the first line item to include both the professional and facility charge ; If there is another line item for the procedure then delete it (no bill CT) ; ASKCMB(IBIFN) ; if the user requests, combine (E&M) charges on the bill N DIR,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y S IBIFN=+$G(IBIFN) Q:'IBIFN ; I '$$CHKBILL(IBIFN) Q ; provider based bill with combinable procedures ; W !! S DIR("?")="Enter Yes to add both Institutional and Professional charge for E&M codes" S DIR("?",1)="The Professional and Facility charges of certain E&M codes may be combined onto" S DIR("?",2)="one line item on this bill.",DIR("?",3)=" " S DIR("B")="NO",DIR("A")="Combine Institutional and Professional Charges for E&M Procedures" S DIR(0)="Y" D ^DIR Q:$D(DIRUT) Q:'Y ; I Y=1 D CHGCMB(IBIFN) Q ; CHGCMB(IBIFN) ; combine certain E&M codes on the bill N IBRC,IBRC0,IBCPT,IBRCCT,IBMATCH,IBCHGS,IBTCHG,IBDONE,IBX K ^TMP($J,"IBCU65 CMB") Q:'$G(IBIFN) ; D BILLCHG(IBIFN) I '$D(^TMP($J,"IBCU65 CMB")) Q ; S IBRC=0 F S IBRC=$O(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,"RC",IBRC)) Q:'IBRC D . S IBRC0=$G(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,"RC",IBRC,0)) . ; . S IBCPT=$P(IBRC0,U,6) Q:'IBCPT I '$$CHKCODE(IBCPT) Q ; charge must be for a combinable cpt . S IBRCCT=$P(IBRC0,U,12) I IBRCCT'=1,IBRCCT'=2 Q ; must be a component charge . I '$P(IBRC0,U,8) Q ; charge must be auto created . ; . S IBMATCH=$P(IBRC0,U,3)_U_IBCPT_U_$P(IBRC0,U,7)_U_$P(IBRC0,U,10)_U_$P(IBRC0,U,11) . ; . S IBCHGS=$G(^TMP($J,"IBCU65 CMB",IBMATCH)) Q:IBCHGS="" ; find match . ; . I +$G(IBDONE(IBMATCH)) I $$RVDEL(IBIFN,IBRC) D Q ; if already combined delete line item .. S IBX(IBCPT_" "_IBRC)=$S(IBRCCT=1:"Facility",1:"Professional")_" Charge for "_IBCPT_" deleted "_$P(IBRC0,U,2) . ; . S IBTCHG=$P(IBCHGS,U,3) Q:'IBTCHG . ; . I $$RVCHG(IBIFN,IBRC,IBTCHG) S IBDONE(IBMATCH)=1 D ; match found, combine charges .. S IBX(IBCPT_" "_IBRC)="Charge for "_IBCPT_" combined: "_$P(IBCHGS,U,1)_"+"_$P(IBCHGS,U,2)_"="_IBTCHG ; I '$D(ZTQUEUED),'$G(IBAUTO) S IBX="" F S IBX=$O(IBX(IBX)) Q:IBX="" W !,IBX(IBX) K ^TMP($J,"IBCU65 CMB") Q ; ; ; RVDEL(IBIFN,RCIFN) ; delete charge line item, Output: 0/1 ; Input: IBIFN = Bill Number, RCIFN = Charge Line Item in RC multiple N IBX,DIK,DIC,X,Y,Z,Z1,DA,D0,D1,DG,DICR,DIG,DIH,DIW,DGXRF1 S IBX=0 I $D(^DGCR(399,+$G(IBIFN),"RC",+$G(RCIFN),0)) D S IBX=1 . S DA(1)=+IBIFN,DA=+RCIFN,DIK="^DGCR(399,"_DA(1)_",""RC""," D ^DIK K DIK Q IBX ; RVCHG(IBIFN,RCIFN,CHG) ; update line item charge and remove component, Output: 0/1 ; Input: IBIFN = Bill Number, RCIFN = Charge Line Item in RC multiple, CHG = New Charge Amount N IBX,DA,DIE,DIC,DR,X,Y,Z,Z1,D,D0,D1,DI,DQ,DGXRF1 S IBX=0 I $D(^DGCR(399,+$G(IBIFN),"RC",+$G(RCIFN),0)) D S IBX=1 . S DA(1)=+IBIFN,DIE="^DGCR(399,"_DA(1)_",""RC"",",DR=".12///@;.02////"_+$G(CHG),DA=+RCIFN D ^DIE Q IBX ; ; CHKCODE(CPT) ; return true if CPT code combinable N IBOUT S CPT=+$G(CPT) S IBOUT=0 I (CPT<90800)!(CPT>99500) S IBOUT=0 G CHKCODQ ; I CPT>90800,CPT<90816 S IBOUT=1 G CHKCODQ I CPT>90844,CPT<90900 S IBOUT=1 G CHKCODQ I CPT>99200,CPT<99216 S IBOUT=1 G CHKCODQ I CPT>99240,CPT<99246 S IBOUT=1 G CHKCODQ I CPT>99270,CPT<99289 S IBOUT=1 G CHKCODQ I CPT>99384,CPT<99388 S IBOUT=1 G CHKCODQ I CPT>99394,CPT<99430 S IBOUT=1 G CHKCODQ I CPT=99499 S IBOUT=1 ; CHKCODQ Q IBOUT ; CHKBILL(IBIFN) ; return true if combining charges is applicable or available for bill ; bill must be Provider Based and have at least one combinable procedure N IBOUT,IBX,IBY S IBOUT=0 S IBIFN=+$G(IBIFN) I 'IBIFN G CHKBILQ ; S IBX=$P($G(^DGCR(399,+IBIFN,0)),U,22) S IBY=$P($$RCDV^IBCRU8(IBX),U,3) I IBY'=1,IBY'=2 S IBOUT=0 G CHKBILQ ; S IBX="90800;" F S IBX=$O(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,"CP","B",IBX)) Q:('IBX)!(+IBX>99499) I +$$CHKCODE(+IBX) S IBOUT=1 Q ; CHKBILQ Q IBOUT ; ; BILLCHG(IBIFN) ; get all possible charges for bill with discounts applied ; output array of charges for combinable procedures ; Output: ^TMP($J,"IBCU65 CMB", "units ^ cpt ^ div ^ itm type ^ itm ptr") = inst chg ^ prof chg ^ total chg ; N IBX,IB0,IBU,IBBRT,IBBTYPE,IBCBARR,IBLN,IBCPT,IBCMP,IBSBCR,IBCHGI,IBCHGP K ^TMP($J,"IBCRCC"),^TMP($J,"IBCRCSX"),^TMP($J,"IBCRCSXR"),^TMP($J,"IBCRCSXN") K ^TMP($J,"IBCU65 TMP"),^TMP($J,"IBCU65 CMB") Q:'$G(IBIFN) I '$O(^DGCR(399,+IBIFN,"RC",0)) Q ; S IB0=$G(^DGCR(399,+IBIFN,0)) Q:IB0="" S IBU=$G(^DGCR(399,+IBIFN,"U")) Q:'IBU S IBBRT=+$P(IB0,U,7),IBBTYPE=$S($P(IB0,U,5)<3:1,1:3) ; ; get standard set of charge sets available for bill, including all Instutional and Professional charge sets D RT^IBCRU3(IBBRT,IBBTYPE,$P(IBU,U,1,2),.IBCBARR,"PROCEDURE") I 'IBCBARR Q ; ; get all possible charges and sort as they would be added to the bill, including all discounts applied D BILL^IBCRBH1(IBIFN,1,.IBCBARR),SORTCI^IBCRBH1(IBIFN) ; ; ; compile like charges for procedures that are combinable S IBX=0 F S IBX=$O(^TMP($J,"IBCRCSX",IBX)) Q:'IBX D . S IBLN=$G(^TMP($J,"IBCRCSX",IBX)) . ; . S IBCPT=$P(IBLN,U,5) Q:'IBCPT I '$$CHKCODE(IBCPT) Q ; CPT must be defined and combinable . S IBCMP=+$P(IBLN,U,9) Q:'IBCMP ; must be a component charge . I '$P(IBLN,U,8) Q ; item pointer must be defined . I $P(IBLN,U,7)'=4 Q ; item type must be cpt . ; . S IBSBCR=$P(IBLN,U,4,8) . S ^TMP($J,"IBCU65 TMP",IBSBCR)=+$G(^TMP($J,"IBCU65 TMP",IBSBCR))+1 . S ^TMP($J,"IBCU65 TMP",IBSBCR,IBCMP)=IBLN ; ; ; compile array of combinable charges by procedure, must be combinable cpt and have both charges available S IBSBCR="" F S IBSBCR=$O(^TMP($J,"IBCU65 TMP",IBSBCR)) Q:IBSBCR="" D . I +$G(^TMP($J,"IBCU65 TMP",IBSBCR))'=2 Q . ; . S IBCHGI=$P($G(^TMP($J,"IBCU65 TMP",IBSBCR,1)),U,3) Q:'IBCHGI . S IBCHGP=$P($G(^TMP($J,"IBCU65 TMP",IBSBCR,2)),U,3) Q:'IBCHGP . ; . S ^TMP($J,"IBCU65 CMB",IBSBCR)=IBCHGI_U_IBCHGP_U_(IBCHGI+IBCHGP) ; ; K ^TMP($J,"IBCRCC"),^TMP($J,"IBCRCSX"),^TMP($J,"IBCRCSXR"),^TMP($J,"IBCRCSXN"),^TMP($J,"IBCU65 TMP") Q