IBCU7A1 ;ALB/ARH - BILL PROCEDURE MANIPULATIONS (BUNDLED) ; 10-OCT-03 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**245,270**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ; BNDL(IBIFN) ; manipulate a bill's CPT codes, replace bundled codes ; on facility and profesional bills global codes should be billed using their components ; on freestanding bills component codes should be billed as global ; - on facility bill, if a global code is found in the clinical data and on the bill then ; replace it on the bill with the institutional components ; - on professional bill, if the global code is found in the clinical data and the institutional components ; are found on the bill then replace the institutional components with the professional components ; - on a freestanding bill if all institutional and professional components are found then ; replace them with the global code ; maximum of 10 is insurance against infinite loops N IB0,IBCT,IBDVTY,IBTYPE,IBI,IBJ,IBLN,IBGLB,IBNLN,IBNEW,IBDEL,IBRPL,IBX,IBMSG,IBCHANGE S IBCHANGE=0 S IB0=$G(^DGCR(399,+$G(IBIFN),0)) Q:IB0="" S IBCT=$P(IB0,U,27) Q:'IBCT S IBDVTY=$P($$RCDV^IBCRU8($P(IB0,U,22)),U,3) S IBTYPE=$S(IBDVTY=3:3,1:+IBCT) ; I +$O(^DGCR(399,+$G(IBIFN),"CP","B","94017;ICPT("),-1)<93000 Q ; none of the bundled codes on bill ; I IBDVTY'=3 D GETSD^IBCU7U(IBIFN) ; for provider based sites global charge should be in clincal data ; ; loop through list of bundled procedures and find any on bill F IBI=1:1 S IBLN=$P($T(IPBI+IBI),";;",2) Q:IBLN="" D . S IBGLB=$P(IBLN,":",1),IBCHANGE=0 . ; . S IBNLN=$$IPB(IBLN,IBTYPE) Q:'IBNLN S IBNEW=$P(IBNLN,":",2),IBDEL=$P(IBNLN,":",1) . ; . I IBDVTY'=3,'$D(^UTILITY($J,"CPT-CLN",+IBGLB)) Q . ; . ; search the bill for the list of procedures to be replaced . F IBJ=1:1 S IBRPL=$$FND(IBIFN,IBDEL) Q:'IBRPL D Q:IBJ>10 .. ; .. I IBDVTY'=3,'$D(^UTILITY($J,"CPT-CLN",+IBGLB,+IBRPL)) Q .. S IBRPL=$P(IBRPL,U,2,999) I $L(IBRPL,U)'=$L(IBDEL,U) Q .. ; .. I +$$RPL(IBIFN,IBNEW,IBRPL) S IBCHANGE=1 ; replace procedures . ; . I +IBCHANGE S IBMSG(IBI)=$TR(IBDEL,"^",",")_" replaced by "_$TR(IBNEW,"^",",") ; I '$D(ZTQUEUED),'$G(IBAUTO),+$O(IBMSG(0)) S IBI=0 F S IBI=$O(IBMSG(IBI)) Q:'IBI W !,IBMSG(IBI) Q ; RPL(IBIFN,NEWCPTS,OLDLIST) ; replace procedures on the bill ; Input: NEWCPTS - list of CPT codes to add to the bill ; OLDLIST - list of procedure ifn's on the bill to be replaced ; Output: returns true if changes made ; the list of new and replaced may not be the same length ; - if more CPT's to be added than exist then the first existing procedure is copied for the new CPT ; - if fewer CPT's to be added than exist then the extra entries on the bill are deleted N IBJ,IBFFN,IBRFN,IBNCPT,IBFND S IBFND=0 ; S NEWCPTS=$G(NEWCPTS),OLDLIST=$G(OLDLIST),IBFFN=+OLDLIST ; F IBJ=1:1 S IBRFN=$P(OLDLIST,U,IBJ),IBNCPT=$P(NEWCPTS,U,IBJ) Q:('IBRFN)&('IBNCPT) D Q:'IBFND . I +IBRFN,'IBNCPT S IBFND=$$DELCPT^IBCU7U(IBIFN,IBRFN) Q . I 'IBRFN,+IBNCPT S IBFND=$$COPYCPT^IBCU7U(IBIFN,IBFFN,IBNCPT) Q . I +IBRFN,+IBNCPT S IBFND=$$EDITCPT^IBCU7U(IBIFN,IBRFN,IBNCPT) ; Q IBFND ; FND(IBIFN,LIST) ; find first set of the procedures on the bill to be replaced ; if all found then returns procedure date followed by 'CP' ifn list ; Input: list of CPT's to be replaced separated by '^', internal format ; Output: procedure date ^ ifn of procedures in bill CP multiple N IBJ,IBC1,IBC1N,IBC1D,IBC2,IBC2N,IBC2D,IBFND,IBNLIST S (IBFND,IBNLIST)=0 I '$G(LIST) G FNDQ ; ; start with the first procedure to be replaced if it is on the bill then search for the rest on same date S IBC1=$P(LIST,U,1) S IBC1N=0 F S IBC1N=$O(^DGCR(399,+$G(IBIFN),"CP","B",IBC1_";ICPT(",IBC1N)) Q:'IBC1N D Q:IBFND . S IBC1D=$P($G(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,"CP",IBC1N,0)),U,2) . S IBFND=1,IBNLIST=IBC1D_U_IBC1N . ; . ; find other procedures to be replaced for same date . F IBJ=2:1 S IBC2=$P(LIST,U,IBJ) Q:'IBC2 S IBFND=0 D Q:'IBFND .. S IBC2N=0 F S IBC2N=$O(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,"CP","B",IBC2_";ICPT(",IBC2N)) Q:'IBC2N D Q:IBFND ... S IBC2D=$P($G(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,"CP",IBC2N,0)),U,2) I IBC1D'=IBC2D S IBFND=0 Q ... S IBFND=1,IBNLIST=IBNLIST_U_IBC2N . ; . I 'IBFND S IBNLIST=0 ; FNDQ Q IBNLIST ; CHKIPB(CPT,TYPE) ; return procedures that may replace procedure passed in ; Input: TYPE - 1 for institutional, 2 for professional, 3 for Non-Provider Based ; Output: Procedures to be replaced ':' Procedures they are replaced with N IBX,IBI,IBLN,IBRPL S IBX="",CPT=$G(CPT),TYPE=+$G(TYPE) I +TYPE,CPT>92999,CPT<94017 F IBI=1:1 S IBLN=$P($T(IPBI+IBI),";;",2) Q:IBLN="" D Q:+IBX . S IBRPL=$$IPB(IBLN,TYPE) I $P(IBRPL,":",1)[CPT S IBX=IBRPL Q IBX ; ; IPB(LINE,TYPE) ; return procedures to be replaced and those they are replaced by for the type of bill ; Input: LINE - line of bundled procedures from IPBI ; TYPE - 1 for institutional, 2 for professional, 3 for Non-Provider Based ; Output: Procedures to be replaced ':' Procedures they are replaced with ; - institutional type the global is replaced by the technical componentes ; - professional type: the institutional components are replaced by the professional components ; - non-provider based: the institutional and professional components are preplaced by the global ; N IBNEW,IBDEL,IBX S (IBX,IBDEL,IBNEW)="",TYPE=$G(TYPE),LINE=$G(LINE) I TYPE=1 S IBNEW=$P(LINE,":",2),IBDEL=$P(LINE,":",1) I TYPE=2 S IBNEW=$P(LINE,":",3),IBDEL=$P(LINE,":",2) I TYPE=3 S IBNEW=$P(LINE,":",1),IBDEL=$P(LINE,":",2)_U_$P(LINE,":",3) S IBX=IBDEL_":"_IBNEW Q IBX ; IPBI ; Facility Provider Based Replace Global by Technical Component: global:technical:professional ;;93000:93005:93010 ;;93015:93017:93016^93018 ;;93040:93041:93042 ;;93224:93225^93226:93227 ;;93230:93231^93232:93233 ;;93235:93236:93237 ;;93268:93270^93271:93272 ;;93720:93721:93722 ;;93784:93786^93788:93790 ;;94014:94015:94016 ;;