IBEBRH ;ALB/AAS - HELP FOR ENTER BILLING RATES PROCESSOR ;4-MAR-92 ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;; 21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; % S IBX="MAIN" D 1 Q ; 1 ; W !!,"Select one of the displayed choices by number or name." W !,"You must select the type of rate to add/edit to proceed." Q ; 2 ; - help for 1 group of rates N I,J,IBP,IBPD,IBNOD I IBX="MAIN" D Q .W !!,"CHOOSE FROM:" F J=1:1 S TEXT=$P($T(@IBX+J^IBEBR),";;",2,99) Q:TEXT="" W !?4,TEXT F J=1:1 S IBP=$P($T(@IBX+J^IBEBR),";;",2,99),IBPD=$P(IBP,"^") Q:IBPD="" D 3 Q 3 ; - help for 1 rate name N I,IBNOD I $D(%DT) W !!,"To edit an entry enter one of the following effective dates.",! S I="" F S I=$O(^IBE(350.2,"B",IBPD,I)) Q:'I S IBNOD=$G(^IBE(350.2,I,0)) I IBNOD'="" D . W !?4,$$DAT2^IBOUTL($P(IBNOD,"^",2)),?20,$E($S($P(IBP,"^",5)'="":$P(IBP,"^",5),1:$P(IBP,"^")),1,20),?42,"$",$J($P(IBNOD,"^",4),7,2) . I $P(IBNOD,"^",6) W " + $",$J($P(IBNOD,"^",6),7,2) . W ?65,$S($P(IBNOD,"^",5):"INACTIVE",1:"ACTIVE") I $D(%DT) W !!,"Or enter a new effective date to add a new rate.",! Q