IBECEA31 ;ALB/CPM-Cancel/Edit/Add... Handle Events ; 02-APR-93 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**27,57,52,176,188**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; EVF(DFN,IBFR,IBTO,IBNH) ; Find the matching event for a copay or per diem. ; Input: DFN -- Pointer to the patient in file #2 ; IBFR -- Charge 'Bill From' date ; IBTO -- Charge 'Bill To' date ; IBNH -- 2 - Fee, 1 - NHCU charge, 0 - Hospital charge ; 3 - LTC ; Output: >1 -- ien of event ^ admission date ^ discharge date ; 0 -- an event is not found ; -1 -- an event is found, but can't be billed I '$G(DFN)!'$G(IBFR)!'$G(IBTO) Q 0 S IBNH=$G(IBNH),IBNH=$S(IBNH=2:"FEE",IBNH=3:"LTC A",IBNH:"NHCU",1:"HOSPITAL") N DIS,EVD,IBN,Y S EVD="",(IBN,Y)=0 F S EVD=$O(^IB("AFDT",DFN,EVD)) Q:'EVD I -EVD'>IBFR F S IBN=$O(^IB("AFDT",DFN,EVD,IBN)) Q:'IBN S IBND=$G(^IB(IBN,0)) I $P(IBND,"^",8)[IBNH,$P(IBND,"^",8)'["FEE OPT",$P(IBND,"^",8)'["FEE LTC OPT" D EVS G EVFQ EVFQ Q Y ; EVS ; Set the output variable Y for the most recent (applicable) event. S DIS=$$DIS($P(IBND,"^",4)) S Y=$S(IBXA=3&(IBTO>DIS):-1,(IBXA=2!(IBXA=1))&(IBTO'1 -- ien of pt movement (in file #405) to link event ; 0 -- no admissions for the patient, or ; -1 -- user decided to quit. I '$D(^DGPM("ATID1",+$G(DFN))) Q 0 N ARR,DG,IBD,IBQ,J,SEL,X S IBQ=0,IBD="" F J=1:1 S IBD=$O(^DGPM("ATID1",DFN,IBD)) Q:'IBD S DG=+$O(^(IBD,0)) I $D(^DGPM(DG,0)) W:J=1 !!," Please select one of the following admissions:" S ARR(J)=DG_"^"_(+^(0)\1)_"^"_+$P(^(0),"^",17) W !?3,J D DISEL,ASKAD:'(J#5) G:IBQ!($D(SEL)) ADSELQ I '$D(ARR) G ADSELQ I '((J-1)#5) W !!?3,"End of list.",! S J=J-1 D ASKAD ADSELQ Q $S('$D(ARR):0,IBQ!'$D(SEL):-1,1:SEL) ; DISEL ; Display admission data. N DGPM S DGPM=$G(^DGPM(DG,0)) W ?7,$$DAT2^IBOUTL(+DGPM),?28,"to: ",$E($P($G(^DIC(42,+$P(DGPM,"^",6),0)),"^"),1,18) I $P(DGPM,"^",17) W ?52,"(Discharged: ",$$DAT2^IBOUTL(+$G(^DGPM(+$P(DGPM,"^",17),0))\1),")" Q ; ASKAD ; Prompt the user to select an admission. W !," Select 1-",J," or type '^' to quit: " R X:DTIME S:'$T!(X["^") IBQ=1 I IBQ!(X="") G ASKADQ I '$D(ARR(+X)) W !!?3,*7,"Enter a NUMBER from 1-",J,".",! G ASKAD I IBXA=6!(IBXA=7) S SEL=ARR(+X) G ASKADQ S IBDIS=+$G(^DGPM(+$P(ARR(+X),"^",3),0))\1 S:'IBDIS IBDIS=DT I IBFR'<$P(ARR(+X),"^",2),IBTO'>IBDIS S SEL=ARR(+X) G ASKADQ W !!?3,*7,"The bill dates fall outside the admissions dates!",! G ASKAD ASKADQ K IBDIS Q ; ADEV ; Add a new event entry in file #350. W !!,"I have to build the event record first... " N DIE,DR,DA,IBLAST D EVADD^IBAUTL3 K IBN,IBEVDT Q:IBY<0 W "done." S IBLAST=$S(IBXA=2:IBTO,IBFR=IBTO:IBTO,1:$$FMADD^XLFDT(IBTO,-1)) W !,"Updating the Date Last Calculated to ",$$DAT1^IBOUTL(IBLAST),"... " S DIE="^IB(",DA=IBEVDA,DR=".18////"_IBLAST D ^DIE W "done." I $P(IBDG,"^",3) W !,"Since the patient has been discharged, let me 'close' the IB event... " S DIE="^IB(",DA=IBEVDA,DR=".05////2" D ^DIE W "done." Q ; NOEV ; No event in Integrated Billing - ask user to select an admission W !! I IBEVDA<0 D UNAB W !,"Tried to link the charge to an admission on ",$$DAT1^IBOUTL($P(IBEVDA,"^",2)),", but the Bill To date",!,"(",$$DAT1^IBOUTL(IBTO),") exceeds the discharge date of ",$$DAT1^IBOUTL($P(IBEVDA,"^",3)),"." D:'IBEVDA UNAB I IBNH=2 D NOEVT^IBECEA34 Q W !,"You may link this charge to one of the patient's admissions..." S IBDG=$$ADSEL(DFN) I 'IBDG W !!,"This patient has no admissions -- this charge cannot be added." S IBY=-1 Q I IBDG=-1 W !!,"No admission selected -- transaction cannot be completed." S IBY=-1 Q W !!,"I will need to build an event record in Integrated Billing for this charge." ; ; - check for special inpatient billing case I IBXA'=9 D SPEC^IBECEA32(1,$O(^IBE(351.2,"AC",+IBDG,0))) ; ; - build softlink and set event date S IBSL="405:"_+IBDG,IBEVDT=$P(IBDG,"^",2) Q ; UNAB W "Unable to link this charge to an event in Integrated Billing!" Q