IBECEA32 ;ALB/CPM-Cancel/Edit/Add... Add Utilities; 02-APR-93 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING ;**57,188**; 21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; CLUPD ; Handle the updating of the billing clock when adding a charge. I IBXA=5!(IBCLDA&(IBXA=4)) G CLOCKQ ; ; - charge not covered by a clock I 'IBCLDA D ADD G CLOCKQ ; ; - update existing clock S IBCLST=^IBE(351,IBCLDA,0) D CLOCK^IBECEAU(IBCHG,+$P(IBCLST,"^",9),IBUNIT) CLOCKQ K IBCLST Q ; CHMPVA ; Process the CHAMPVA inpatient subsistence charge. I '$$ON^IBACVA2() W !!,"Sorry! The CHAMPVA billing module is not yet fully installed. You will need",!,"to generate a claim to bill this patient the inpatient subsistence charge." G CHMPVAQ CHMPEN S IBPM=$$ADSEL^IBECEA31(DFN) I IBPM=-1 G CHMPVAQ I 'IBPM W !!,"This patient has no admissions on file!",!,"You cannot bill the CHAMPVA inpatient subsistence charge at this time." G CHMPVAQ S IBSL=+IBPM,IBCVA=$P(IBPM,"^",2),IBPMD=$P(IBPM,"^",3) I 'IBPMD W !!,"You can only bill admissions which have been discharged!" G CHMPEN I $$PREV^IBACVA1(DFN,IBCVA,IBSL) W !!,"This admission has already been billed the CHAMPVA inpatient subsistence charge." G CHMPEN ; ; - set input parameters and automatically calculate the charge S IBBDT=$$FMTH^XLFDT(IBCVA,1),IBEDT=$$FMTH^XLFDT(+$G(^DGPM(IBPMD,0))\1,1) D BILL^IBACVA1 CHMPVAQ K IBPM,IBSL,IBCVA Q ; ADD ; Prompt user to add a new billing clock. N DIE,DA,DR,DIR,DIRUT,DUOUT,DTOUT,X,Y W !!,"Since this patient has no active clock to cover this charge, I would like to",!,"set up an active clock as follows:" W !!?5,"Clock Begin Date: ",$$DAT1^IBOUTL(IBFR),! W:IBXA=1!(IBXA=2) ?4,"1st 90 days copay: $",IBCHG,! W:IBXA=3 ?5,"# Inpatient days: ",IBUNIT,! S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Is it okay to set up a new clock with "_$S(IBXA=4:"this",1:"these")_" value"_$E("s",IBXA'=4),DIR("?")="Enter 'Y' or 'YES' to create a new clock, or 'N', 'NO', or '^' to quit." D ^DIR I 'Y!($D(DIRUT))!($D(DUOUT)) W !,"A new clock will not be established. Be sure this patient's clock is correct." Q W !!,"Creating a new, active billing clock... " S IBCLDT=IBFR D CLADD^IBAUTL3 Q:IBY<0 I IBXA'=4 S DIE="^IBE(351,",DA=IBCLDA,DR=$S(IBXA=3:.09,1:.05)_"////"_$S(IBXA=3:IBUNIT,1:IBCHG)_";13////"_DUZ_";14///NOW" D ^DIE W "done." Q ; FEPR ; Issue prompts for Inpatient Fee Services N DIR,DIRUT,DUOUT,DTOUT,IBCLDT,X,Y S IBDESC=$S(IBXA=1:"FEE SERVICE (INPT)",1:$P($G(^IBE(350.1,+$G(IBATYP),0)),"^",8)) D FEE^IBECEAU2(0) I IBY>0 D CTBB^IBECEAU3 Q ; HFEV ; Help for Fee Event Date W !!,"Please enter the Event Date for this Fee Service (which should be the" W !,"admission date, and not exceed the Bill From date [",$$DAT1^IBOUTL(IBFR),"]), or '^' to quit." Q ; SPEC(X,Y) ; Display messages for special inpatient billing cases. ; Input: X -- has two values: ; 1 --> entering after selecting an admission ; (will need to set IBSIBC) ; 0 --> billing event record exists ; Y -- Pointer to special inpatient billing case in ; file #351.2 (quit if not positive) Q:'$G(Y) I $G(X),'$P($G(^IBE(351.2,Y,0)),"^",8) D Q .S IBSIBC=+IBDG .W !,"This is a special inpatient billing case! The case will be dispositioned." W !,*7,"Please note that you are creating a charge for a special inpatient case!!" S IBSIBC1=Y D DSPL^IBAMTI1(Y) Q