IBECEA33 ;ALB/CPM-Cancel/Edit/Add... More Add Utilities ; 23-APR-93 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**57,52,132,153,167,176,188**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; NOCL ; Find the correct clock from the 'bill from' date. N IBCLST,IBALR S IBALR=0 I IBCLDA S IBALR=1 W !!,"The Bill From date is prior to the start of the active clock..." D CLSTR^IBECEAU1(DFN,IBFR) I 'IBCLDA D G NOCLQ .I IBALR W !!,"This patient has no clock which would cover this date. You should use the",!,"Clock Maintenance option to adjust this patient's clocks before proceeding." S IBY=-1 Q .W !!,"Please note that I cannot find an active or closed clock for this patient",!,"on this date.",! D CLDATA^IBAUTL3,DED^IBAUTL3 I IBY<0 D NODED^IBECEAU3 G NOCLQ I IBXA=2,$P($G(^IBE(350.1,IBATYP,0)),"^",8)'["NHCU",IBCLDAY>90 S IBMED=IBMED/2 I IBXA=1,IBCLDAY>90,$G(IBADJMED)'=1 S:$G(IBADJMED)=2 IBMED=IBMED/2 I '$G(IBADJMED) D MED^IBECEA34 G:IBY<0 NOCLQ S IBLIM=$S($P(IBCLST,"^",10):$P(IBCLST,"^",10),1:$$FMADD^XLFDT(IBCLDT,364)) W !!?5,"This charge will be billed under the following closed clock:" W !!?6,"Begin Date: ",$$DAT1^IBOUTL(IBCLDT)," # Inpt Days: ",IBCLDAY W !?5,"Closed Date: ",$$DAT1^IBOUTL($P(IBCLST,"^",10))," ",$$INPT^IBECEAU(IBCLDAY)," 90 Days: $",+IBCLDOL I IBXA=2,IBCLDOL'0 OPTQ Q ; CHTYP ; Ask for the Charge Type S DIC="^IBE(350.1,",DIC(0)="AEMQZ",D="E",DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),U)'[""MEDICARE"",$P(^(0),U)'[""CHAMPVA SUB""",DIC("A")="Select CHARGE TYPE: " D IX^DIC K DIC S IBATYP=+Y I Y<0 S IBY=-1 W !!,"No CHARGE TYPE entered - transaction cannot be completed." G CHTYPQ ; ; - perform charge type edits S IBSEQNO=$P(Y(0),"^",5),IBXA=$P(Y(0),"^",11),IBNH=$S(IBXA=1:2,IBXA=9&(Y(0)["FEE"):2,1:$P(Y(0),"^",8)["NHCU") I 'IBSEQNO S IBY="-1^IB023" G CHTYPQ I IBXA=7 G CHTYPQ I IBXA=6 G:IBCVAEL CHTYPQ W !!,"This patient does not have a Primary Eligibility of CHAMPVA.",! G CHTYP I 'IBCATC,IBXA'=5,IBXA'=8,IBXA'=9 W !!,"This patient has never been Means Test billable...",!,"You may only select a Pharmacy copay charge type.",! G CHTYP I +IBEXSTAT,IBXA=5 W !!,"Patient is Exempt from Medication Copayment",!,$P(IBEXSTAT,"^",4),! G CHTYP I IBLTCST=0,IBXA>7,IBXA<10 W !!,"This patient has no LTC (1010EC) information on file.",!,"You cannot select a LTC charge type.",! G CHTYP I +IBLTCST=1,IBXA>7,IBXA<10 W !!,"This patient is Exempt from LTC Charges.",! G CHTYP S:IBXA=2 IBBS=$O(^DGCR(399.1,"AC",IBATYP,0)) I IBXA=3 D .N DIR,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIROUT,TYPE .S TYPE=$S(Y(0,0)["NHCU PER DIEM":"N",1:"H") .S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")=" Is this charge for a "_$S(TYPE="N":"CNH",1:"Contract Hospital")_" admission",DIR("B")="NO" .S DIR("?")="Enter '' if the charge is for a VA "_$S(TYPE="N":"NHCU",1:"Hospital")_" admission, 'Y' for a "_$S(TYPE="N":"CNH",1:"Contract Hospital")_" admission, or '^' to quit." .W ! D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT)!$D(DUOUT) S IBY=-1 Q .I Y S IBNH=2 I IBXA>7,IBXA<10,IBNH'=2 S IBNH=3 CHTYPQ Q ; CLMSG ; Check the Medicare Deductible and Billing Clock I 'IBMED S IBCLDT=IBFR D DED^IBAUTL3 I IBY<0 D NODED^IBECEAU3 G CLMSGQ I "^1^2^"[("^"_IBXA_"^"),IBCLDA,IBFR'