IBECEA4 ;ALB/CPM - Cancel/Edit/Add... Cancel a Charge ;11-MAR-93 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**27,52,150,240**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ONE ; Cancel a single charge. D HDR^IBECEAU("C A N C E L") ; ; - perform up-front edits D CED^IBECEAU4(IBN) G:IBY<0 ONEQ I IBXA=6!(IBXA=7) D G ONEQ:$G(IBCC),REAS .I IBCANTR!($P(IBND,"^",5)=10) S IBCC=1 W !,"This transaction has already been cancelled.",! I IBCANTR!($P(IBND,"^",5)=10) W !,$S(IBH:"Please note that this cancellation action has not yet been passed to AR.",1:"This transaction has already been cancelled."),! G ONEQ:'IBH,REAS I 'IBH,IBIL="" S IBY="-1^IB024" G ONEQ ; REAS ; - ask for the cancellation reason D REAS^IBECEAU2("C") G:IBCRES<0 ONEQ ; ; - okay to proceed? D PROC^IBECEAU4("cancel") G:IBY<0 ONEQ ; ; - handle CHAMPVA/TRICARE charges I IBXA=6!(IBXA=7) D CANC^IBECEAU4(IBN,IBCRES,1) G ONEQ ; ; - handle cancellation transactions I IBCANTR D G ONEQ .I IBN=IBPARNT D UPSTAT^IBECEAU4(IBN,1) Q .I 'IBIL S IBIL=$P($G(^IB(IBPARNT,0)),"^",11) I 'IBIL W !!,"There is no bill number associated with this charge.",!,"The charge cannot be cancelled." Q .S DIE="^IB(",DA=IBN,DR=".1////"_IBCRES_";.11////"_IBIL D ^DIE,PASS K DIE,DA,DR ; ; - update 354.71 and 354.7 (cap info) I $P(IBND,"^",19) S IBAMC=$$CANCEL^IBARXMN(DFN,$P(IBND,"^",19),.IBY) G:IBY<1 ONEQ I IBAMC D FOUND^IBARXMA(.IBY,IBAMC) ; ; - handle incomplete and regular transactions D CANC^IBECEAU4(IBN,IBCRES,1) G:IBY<1 ONEQ ; ; - handle updating of clock I "^1^2^3^"'[("^"_IBXA_"^") G ONEQ I 'IBCHG G ONEQ D CLSTR^IBECEAU1(DFN,IBFR) I 'IBCLDA W !!,"Please note that there is no billing clock which would cover this charge.",!,"Be sure that this patient's billing clock is correct." G ONEQ D CLOCK^IBECEAU(-IBCHG,+$P(IBCLST,"^",9),-IBUNIT) ; ONEQ D ERR^IBECEAU4:IBY<0,PAUSE^IBECEAU K IBCHG,IBCRES,IBDESC,IBIL,IBND,IBSEQNO,IBTOTL,IBUNIT,IBATYP,IBIDX,IBCC K IBN,IBREB,IBY,IBEVDA,IBPARNT,IBH,IBCANTR,IBXA,IBSL,IBFR,IBTO,IBNOS,IBCANC,IBAMC Q ; PASS ; Pass the action to Accounts Receivable. N IBSERV W !,"Passing the cancellation action to AR... " S IBNOS=IBN D ^IBR S IBY=Y W:Y>0 "done." Q