IBEFUNC1 ;ALB/ARH - CPT BILLING EXTRINSIC FUNCTIONS ; 11/27/91 ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;; 21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ;created front-ends for extrinsic functions for use until all versions of file man can use them FCC ; S IBCHGX=$$CPTCHG($S('$D(IBCDX):"",1:IBCDX),$S('$D(IBDIVX):"",1:IBDIVX),$S('$D(IBDTX):"",1:IBDTX)) Q ; CPTCHG(CODE,DIV,DATE) ;ambulatory procedure billing charge on a date ;assumes current date if none passed in (to disallow guessing on division pass in +DIV) ;assumes first active division if (DIV=""!'$D(DIV)) passed in ;returns - the charge if code is valid and active in Billing on DATE ; - "" if unable to calc charge or there was none ; division or rate group inactive on date or not defined in file N X,%,%H,%I,Y S Y=-1 G:'$D(CODE) ENDCHG S:'$D(DATE) DATE=DT S DATE=$E(DATE,1,7) I DATE'?7N S DATE=DT S:'$D(DIV) DIV="" I DIV="" S DIV=$$MCDIV(DIV,DATE) I +$$CPTBSTAT(CODE,DATE) S X=DATE_"^"_DIV_"^"_+CODE D RATE^IBAUTL1 ENDCHG Q $S(Y<0:"",1:Y) ; FCBS ; S IBSTX=$$CPTBSTAT($S('$D(IBCDX):"",1:IBCDX),$S('$D(IBDTX):"",1:IBDTX)) Q ; CPTBSTAT(CODE,DATE) ;ambulatory procedure billing status on a date ;assumes current date if none passed in ;returns - "" if CODE had never been a billing code on/before DATE given or DATE before BASC start date ; - 0^INACTIVE if CODE billing inactive on DATE given or rate group inactive on DATE ; - 1^ACTIVE if CODE billing active on DATE given N LN,ST,%,%H,%I,X S ST="" I '$D(CODE) G ENDST S:'$D(DATE) DATE=DT S DATE=$E(DATE,1,7) I DATE'?7N S DATE=DT I $$STDATE^IBCU63>DATE G ENDST I $D(^IBE(350.4,+$O(^(+$O(^IBE(350.4,"AIVDT",+CODE,-(DATE+1))),0)),0)) S LN=^(0),ST=+$P(LN,"^",4) I ST,$P($G(^IBE(350.2,+$P(LN,"^",3),0)),"^",2)>DATE S ST="" S ST=ST_$S(ST'="":"^"_$P($P($P(^DD(350.4,.04,0),"^",3),ST_":",2),";",1),1:"") ENDST Q ST ; FCR ; S IBRGX=$$CPTRG($S('$D(IBCDX):"",1:IBCDX),$S('$D(IBDTX):"",1:IBDTX)) Q ; CPTRG(CPT,DATE) ;find the rate group for the CPT on the given date ;assumes current date if none passed in ;returns - a rate group name ; - "" if no rate group listed for date, or CPT or DATE is "" N RATE,%,%H,%I,X G:'$D(CPT) ENDRG S:'$D(DATE) DATE=DT S DATE=$E(DATE,1,7) I DATE'?7N S DATE=DT I $D(^IBE(350.4,+$O(^(+$O(^IBE(350.4,"AIVDT",+CPT,-(DATE+1))),0)),0)) S RATE=$P($P($G(^IBE(350.1,+$P(^(0),"^",3),0)),"^",1)," ",2,999) ENDRG Q $S($D(RATE):RATE,1:"") ; FMCD ; S IBDIVX=$$MCDIV($S('$D(IBDIVX):"",1:IBDIVX),$S('$D(IBDTX):"",1:IBDTX)) Q ; MCDIV(DIV,DATE) ;find the medical center division ; if DATE is not defined then assumes current date ;returns - DIV passed in, if its status is active for date given ; - first active division found, if DIV was inactive or "" ; - if all divisions are inactive for the given date, returns "" N I,NDIV,INACT,%,%H,%I,X S DIV=$G(DIV) ;I '$D(DIV) S DIV="" G ENDIV S:'$D(DATE) DATE=DT S DATE=$E(DATE,1,7) I DATE'?7N S DATE=DT S NDIV=+$O(^(+$O(^IBE(350.5,"AIVDT",+DIV,-(DATE+1))),0)) I '$P($G(^IBE(350.5,NDIV,0)),"^",4) S DIV="" F I=1:1 S DIV=$O(^IBE(350.5,"AIVDT",DIV)) Q:DIV=""!('$D(INACT(+DIV))&($P($G(^IBE(350.5,+$O(^(+$O(^IBE(350.5,"AIVDT",+DIV,-(DATE+1))),0)),0)),"^",4))) S INACT(DIV)="" ENDIV Q DIV ; RC(D0,D1,DATE) ;find BASC charge for particular revenue code entry (399,42) ;input: D0 = bill ifn, D1 = revenue code sub-file IFN ; if DATE not passed then assums STATEMENT FROM date of bill ;returns: dollar amount if rev code has an active BASC CPT, otherwise "" N X,Y,DA S X="",DATE=$P($G(DATE),".") I DATE'?7N S DATE=+$G(^DGCR(399,D0,"U")) S Y=$G(^DGCR(399,D0,"RC",D1,0)) I +$P(Y,U,6),+$P(Y,U,7) S X=+$$CPTCHG^IBEFUNC1(+$P(Y,U,6),+$P(Y,U,7),DATE) Q X ; CP(D0,D1) ;find BASC charge for particular procedure entry (399,304) ;input: D0 = bill IFN, D1 = procedure code sub-file IFN ;returns: dollar amount if CPT is BASC active, otherwise "" N X,Y,DA S X="",Y=$G(^DGCR(399,D0,"CP",D1,0)) I $P(Y,U,1)[";ICPT(",+$P(Y,U,2),+$P(Y,U,6) S X=$$CPTCHG^IBEFUNC1(+Y,+$P(Y,U,6),+$P(Y,U,2)) Q X