IBEFUNC3 ;ALB/ARH - EXTRINSIC FUNCTIONS ;26-FEB-02 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**174,363**;21-MAR-94;Build 35 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ;; BDSRC(IBVIFN) ; Check if billable Visit Data Source (9000010,81203) ; only 'PROSTHETICS DATA' is non-billable (patch IB*2*174) (these are item, not visits) ; Input: IBVIFN pointer to Visit (9000010) ; Returns: true if Billable Data Source N IBDS,IBDSN,IBFLG S IBDSN="",IBFLG=1 ; I +$G(IBVIFN) S IBDS=$P($G(^AUPNVSIT(+IBVIFN,812)),U,3) I +IBDS S IBDSN=$P($G(^PX(839.7,+IBDS,0)),U,1) D . I IBDSN="PROSTHETICS DATA" S IBFLG=0 Q IBFLG ; VALNDC(IBIFN,IBDFN,IBRXARY) ; NDC validation between file 362.4 and 52 ; IB*2*363 - NDC from file 352.4 can become out-of-synch with the latest ; NDC# stored in the PRESCRIPTION file (#52) as the NDC can change after ; the bill has been entered. This algorithm compares the NDC# between ; the 2 files and returns a value which represents whether the NDC# values ; are the same or not the same. ; input - IBIFN = internal entry number of BILL/CLAIMS file (#399) ; IBDFN = internal entry number of PATIENT file (#2) associated with the billing record ; output - IBRXARY = array (passed in by reference) representing the collection of Rx records ; that have different NDC#S between IB and OP files. ; IBARRAY = array containing values returned from the entry in file 362.4 ; IBDA = internal entry number of the entry in file 362.4 ; IBRXDA = pointer to entry in the PRESCRIPTION file (#52) associated with billing record ; IBDATE = Fill/refill date taken from entry in 362.4 ; IBNDC = National Drug Code (NDC) number taken from entry in 362.4 ; IB52NDC = NDC number taken from entry in file 52 associated with the billing record N IBARRAY,IBDA,IBRXDA,IBDATE,IBNDC,IB52DATE,IB52NDC,IBRFL K IBRXARY ; remove any incoming values K ^TMP($J,"IBEFUNC3") S IBDA=0 F S IBDA=$O(^IBA(362.4,"C",IBIFN,IBDA)) Q:'IBDA D . D GETS^DIQ(362.4,IBDA_",",".02;.03;.05;.08","I","IBARRAY") . S IBRXDA=IBARRAY(362.4,IBDA_",",.05,"I"),IBDATE=IBARRAY(362.4,IBDA_",",.03,"I") . I 'IBRXDA Q ;try next if no RX ien . S IBNDC=IBARRAY(362.4,IBDA_",",.08,"I") . S IB52NDC=$$GETNDC(IBDFN,IBRXDA,IBDATE) . S:IB52NDC'=IBNDC IBRXARY(IBRXDA)=$$RXAPI1^IBNCPUT1(IBRXDA,.01,"E") Q ; GETNDC(IBDFN,IBRXIEN,IBDT) ; get NDC# associated with fill/refill in file 52 ; Approved usage of $$GETNDC^PSONDCUT function (IA 4705) ; Input - IBDFN = internal entry number of PATIENT file (#2) associated with the billing record ; IBRXIEN = internal entry number of PRESCRIPTION file (#50) associated with the ; billing record ; IBDT = Fill/refill date taken from entry in 362.4 ; Output - IBRXNDC = NDC number taken from sub-entry of REFILL multiple of file 52 associated ; with the billing record ; ; IB52DT = Fill/refill date taken from top entry or refill multiple of 52 N IBRXNDC,IB52DT ; RX^PSO52API returns data existing at the 0, 2, and refill multiple of file 52 D RX^PSO52API(IBDFN,"IBEFUNC3",IBRXIEN,,"2,R") S IB52DT=$G(^TMP($J,"IBEFUNC3",IBDFN,IBRXIEN,22)) ; original fill date I +IB52DT=IBDT S IBRXNDC=$G(^TMP($J,"IBEFUNC3",IBDFN,IBRXIEN,27)) ;original fill NDC# E D .; data examination needed on the REFILL multiple of file 52 .; IBSUBDA = REFILL multiple (52.1) IEN . N IBSUBDA,IBQUIT . S (IBQUIT,IBSUBDA,IBRXNDC)=0 . F S IBSUBDA=$O(^TMP($J,"IBEFUNC3",IBDFN,IBRXIEN,"RF",IBSUBDA)) Q:'IBSUBDA Q:IBQUIT D . . S IB52DT=$G(^TMP($J,"IBEFUNC3",IBDFN,IBRXIEN,"RF",IBSUBDA,.01)) ; refill date . . I +IB52DT=IBDT S IBRXNDC=$$GETNDC^PSONDCUT(IBRXIEN,IBSUBDA),IBQUIT=1 ; refill NDC# Q IBRXNDC