IBEMTO ;ALB/CPM-BILL MT CHARGES AWAITING NEW COPAY RATE ;02-AUG-93 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**179,183,202**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ; Bill MT OPT charges on hold awaiting the new copay rate. ; ENO ; Standalone option entry point S IBOPT=1 ; ENR ; Enter/edit billing rates entry point ; ; - quit if job has been fired up from enter/edit rates already I $G(IBRUN) G ENQ ; ; no longer used (at least for now) W !!,"This option is no longer available.",! G ENQ ; ; - quit if there are no charges on hold awaiting the new rate I '$D(^IB("AC",20)) W:$G(IBOPT) !!,"There are no charges on hold awaiting the entry of the new copay rate." G ENQ ; ; - quit if current rate is still too old S IBDT=DT,IBX="O" D TYPE^IBAUTL2 I $$OLDRATE^IBAMTS1(IBRTED,DT) D:$G(IBOPT) G ENQ .W !!,"The current copay rate (effective ",$$DAT1^IBOUTL(IBRTED),") is still too old to use. Please be" .W !,"sure that you have entered the most current rate in your Billing Rates table." ; ; - if x-ref is locked, the job must be currently running L +^IB("AC",20):5 E D:$G(IBOPT) G ENQ .W !!,"The list of held charges cannot be accessed -- the job to bill these held" .W !,"charges may currently be running." ; ; - queue the job to bill the held charges? I '$G(IBOPT) D .W !!?28,*7,*7,"*** PLEASE NOTE ***" .W !?8,"The Means Test Outpatient Copayment rate has just been updated," .W !?8,"and there are charges 'on hold' awaiting the entry of this new rate!",! ; I $G(IBOPT) D .S IBN=0 F IBJ=0:1:21 S IBN=$O(^IB("AC",20,IBN)) Q:'IBN .W !!,"There ",$S(IBJ=1:"is 1",1:"are "_$S(IBJ>20:"at least ",1:"")_IBJ)," charge",$E("s",IBJ>1)," on hold, awaiting the new copay rate." S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Do you want to queue a job to automatically bill these held charges",DIR("?")="^D HQ^IBEMTO" D ^DIR K DIR I 'Y!($D(DIRUT))!($D(DUOUT)) G ENQ ; ; - queue up job to bill held charges S:'$G(IBOPT) ZTDTH=$H S ZTRTN="DQ^IBEMTO",ZTIO="",ZTDESC="BILLING OF MT OPT CHARGES AWAITING NEW COPAY RATE" S IBRUN=1 D ^%ZTLOAD W !!,$S($D(ZTSK):"This job has been queued. The task number is "_ZTSK_".",1:"Unable to queue this job!") ; ENQ L -^IB("AC",20) K:$G(IBOPT) IBRUN K IBN,IBDT,IBATYP,IBDESC,IBJ,IBOPT,IBRTED,IBCHG,IBX,ZTSK Q ; HQ ; Help for prompt W !!,"If you wish to queue off a job to bill the Means Test Outpatient" W !,"copayment charges that are on hold awaiting entry of the updated" W !,"billing rate, please enter 'Y' or 'YES'. The job will be tasked" W !,"immediately. Otherwise, enter 'N' or 'NO' or '^' to quit." Q ; ; DQ ; Tasked job to bill all charges awaiting the new copay rate. S IBJOB=8,IBDUZ=DUZ,IBSEQNO=1,IBCNT=0 ; ; - record start time D NOW^%DTC S IBSTART=$$DAT2^IBOUTL(%) ; ; - if can't lock x-ref, job must currently be running L +^IB("AC",20):5 ; ; - loop through all charges awaiting the new rate I S IBREF=0 F S IBREF=$O(^IB("AC",20,IBREF)) Q:'IBREF D CHG ; ; - unlock x-ref, record end time, and post bulletin L -^IB("AC",20) D NOW^%DTC S IBEND=$$DAT2^IBOUTL(%) D BULL^IBEMTO1 K IBT,IBSTART,IBEND,IBREF,IBND,IBDT,IBX,IBCHG,IBSEQNO,IBNOS,IBCNT,XMTEXT,XMSUB,XMZ,XMY,XMDUZ Q ; CHG ; Pass a single charge to Accounts Receivable. S IBND=$G(^IB(IBREF,0)) I 'IBND K ^IB("AC",20,IBREF) G CHGQ S IBDT=DT,IBX="O" D TYPE^IBAUTL2 I $$OLDRATE^IBAMTS1(IBRTED,$P(IBND,"^",14)) G CHGQ ; rate still old S $P(^IB(IBREF,0),"^",7)=IBCHG,IBSEQNO=1,DFN=+$P(IBND,"^",2) S IBNOS=IBREF D ^IBR S:Y>0 IBCNT=IBCNT+1 CHGQ Q