IBJDB2 ;ALB/RB - REASONS NOT BILLABLE REPORT (INPUT);19-JUN-00 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**123,185**;21-MAR-94 ; ; - Sort by division. S IBSD=$$SDIV^IBJD() I IBSD["^" G ENQ ; GDR ; - Get specific date range. W !!,"Run report for (D)ATE ENTERED or (E)PISODE DATE: D// " R X:DTIME G:'$T!(X["^") ENQ S X=$S(X="":"D",1:$E(X)) I "DdEe"'[X D HELP1 G GDR S IBD=$S("Dd"[X:"DATE ENTERED",1:"EPISODE DATE") W " ",IBD S DIR(0)="DA^:DT:EX",DIR("A")=" Start with "_IBD_": ",DIR("T")=DTIME D ^DIR K DIR G:$D(DIRUT)!$D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT)!$D(DIROUT) ENQ S IBBDT=+Y K DIROUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT S DIR(0)="DA^"_IBBDT_":DT:EX" S DIR("A")=" Go to "_IBD_": ",DIR("T")=DTIME D ^DIR K DIR G:$D(DIRUT)!$D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT)!$D(DIROUT) ENQ S IBEDT=+Y K DIROUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT ; ; - Get ALL/Specific reasons not billable. D ALSP^IBJD("Reasons Not Billable^Reason Not Billable","^IBE(356.8,",.IBSRNB) I IBSRNB["^" G ENQ ; ; - Get ALL/Specific Providers D ALSP^IBJD("Providers^Provider","^VA(200,",.IBSPRV) I IBSPRV["^" G ENQ ; DS ; - Select a detailed or summary report. D DS^IBJD G:IBRPT["^" ENQ ; SEL ; - Select episode to print. S IBPRT="Choose which episode to print:" K IBEPS S IBEPS(1)="INPATIENT" S IBEPS(2)="OUTPATIENT" S IBEPS(3)="PROSTHETICS" S IBEPS(4)="PHARMACY" S IBEPS(5)="ALL RECEIVABLES" S IBSEL=$$MLTP^IBJD(IBPRT,.IBEPS,1) I 'IBSEL G ENQ ; ; - Get ALL/Specific Inpatient Specialties I IBSEL["1" D I IBSISP["^" G ENQ . D ALSP^IBJD("Inpatient Specialties^Inpatient Specialty","^DIC(45.7,",.IBSISP) ; ; - Get ALL/Specific Outpatient Specialties I IBSEL["2" D I IBSOSP["^" G ENQ . D ALSP^IBJD("Outpatient Specialties^Outpatient Specialty","^DIC(40.7,",.IBSOSP) ; I IBRPT="S" G DEV ; RPS ; - Sort by RNB category/specialty/provider, if necessary. S IBSORT="R" G:IBSEL'[1&(IBSEL'[2) EXCEL W !!,"Sort report by (R)NB CATEGORY, (P)ROVIDER, or (S)PECIALTY: R// " R X:DTIME G:'$T!(X["^") ENQ S X=$S(X="":"R",1:$E(X)) I "RrPpSs"'[X D HELP2 G RPS W " ",$S("Pp"[X:"PROVIDER","Ss"[X:"SPECIALTY",1:"RNB CATEGORY") S IBSORT=X ; EXCEL ; - Determine whether to gather data for Excel report. S IBEXCEL=$$EXCEL^IBJD() G ENQ:IBEXCEL="^" ; DEV ; - Select a device. I '$G(IBEXCEL) D . S X=$S(IBRPT="S":80,1:132) . W !!,"You will need a ",X," column printer for this report!",! . W !,"Note: This report may take a while to run. You should queue it" . W !," to run after normal business hours.",! ; I $G(IBEXCEL) D EXMSG^IBJD ; S %ZIS="QM" D ^%ZIS G:POP ENQ I $D(IO("Q")) D G ENQ .S ZTRTN="DQ^IBJDB2",ZTDESC="IB - REASONS NOT BILLABLE REPORT" .F I="IB*","IBSRNB(","VAUTD","VAUTD(" S ZTSAVE(I)="" .D ^%ZTLOAD .I $D(ZTSK) W !!,"This job has been queued. Task number is "_ZTSK_"." .E W !!,"Unable to queue this job." .K I,IO("Q"),ZTSK D HOME^%ZIS ; U IO ; DQ ; - Tasked entry point. ; ; If called by the Extraction Module, change extract status for the 4 ; reports: Reasons not Billable Inpatient, Outpatient, Prosthetics and ; Pharmacy. I $G(IBXTRACT) F I=25:1:36 D E^IBJDE(I,1) ; D ^IBJDB21 ; Compile and print report. ; ENQ K ^TMP("IBJDB2",$J) I $D(ZTQUEUED) S ZTREQ="@" G ENQ1 D ^%ZISC ENQ1 K IBBDT,IBCLK,IBD,IBEDT,IBEPD,IBEPS,IBEXCEL,IBPRT,IBRPT,IBSD,IBSEL K IBSORT,IBSISP,IBSOSP,IBSPRV,IBSRNB K POP,VAUTD,ZTDESC,ZTRTN,ZTSAVE,%ZIS,I,X,Y,% Q ; HELP1 ; - 'Run report by (D)ATE ENTERED...' prompt. W !!?6,"Enter: '' - To enter a DATE ENTERED range for the report" W !?16,"'E' - To enter a EPISODE DATE range for the report" W !?16,"'^' - To quit this option" Q ; HELP2 ; - 'Sort report by (R)NB CATEGORY...' prompt. W !!?6,"Enter: '' - To sort detail report by RNB category" W !?16,"'P' - To sort detail report by provider" W !?16,"'S' - To sort detail report by specialty" W !?16,"'^' - To quit this option" Q