IBJDF71 ;ALB/MR - REPAYMENT PLAN REPORT (COMPILE);15-AUG-00 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**123**;21-MAR-94 ; ST ; - Tasked entry point. K IB,^TMP("IBJDF7",$J),^TMP("IBJDF7PAT",$J) S IBQ=0 ; ; - Initialize the array IB F I=1:1:12 S IB(I)=0 ; ; - Find the data required for report. Loops through all the Active ; Bills (Status 16) and checks if bill has a Repayment Plan ; S IBDA="" F S IBDA=$O(^PRCA(430,"AC",16,IBDA)) Q:'IBDA D Q:IBQ . I IBDA#100=0 S IBQ=$$STOP^IBOUTL("Repayment Plan Report") Q:IBQ . S IBAR=$G(^PRCA(430,IBDA,0)) Q:'IBAR . I '$P($G(^PRCA(430,IBDA,4)),"^") Q ; No Repayment Plan . S IBCAT=+$P(IBAR,"^",2) ; Gets valid AR category. . I '$$MCCR(IBCAT) Q ; Checks MCCR vs. NON-MCCR . S DEB=$P(IBAR,"^",9) ; Gets the pointer to the Debtor . S IBPAT=$$PAT(DEB) Q:IBPAT="" ; Gets patient info. . S DFN=$P(IBPAT,"^",5) ; Gets the pointer to the Patient . ; . ; - Retrieves Repayment Plan Data . S IBRP=$$REPDATA^RCBECHGA(IBDA,IBDAYS) . S IBCHK=0 I IBRP="" S IBCHK=$$DBLCHK(IBDA) I 'IBCHK Q . ; . ; - Set the temporary global . I IBPLN="B"!(IBPLN="C"&'$P(IBRP,"^",8))!(IBPLN="D"&$P(IBRP,"^",8)) D . . S KEY=$P(IBPAT,"^") . . S IBPT=$G(^TMP("IBJDF7",$J,KEY,DFN)) . . I IBPT="" S IBPT=$P(IBPAT,"^",2,4) . . I $P(IBRP,"^",8),'$P(IBPT,"^",4) S $P(IBPT,"^",4)=1 . . S ^TMP("IBJDF7",$J,KEY,DFN)=IBPT . . S ^TMP("IBJDF7",$J,KEY,DFN,$P(IBAR,"^"))=IBRP_"^"_$$BAL(IBDA) . ; . ; - Updates the IB array for the Summary Report . I 'IBCHK D SUM(IBRP,DFN) ; I 'IBQ D EN^IBJDF72 ; Print the report. ; ENQ K ^TMP("IBJDF7",$J),^TMP("IBJDF7PAT",$J) I $D(ZTQUEUED) S ZTREQ="@" G ENQ1 ; D ^%ZISC ENQ1 K DFN,I,IB,IBCHK,IBDA,IBAR,IBCAT,IBCD,IBPAT,IBPT,IBQ,IBRP,KEY Q ; MCCR(X) ; - Checks if the Bill category is the type selected by the users ; (MCCR or NON-MCCR) ; Input: X=AR category pointer to file #430.2 ; Output: Y= 1 - Matches user selection / 0 - Doesn't match ; I (X>11&(X<18))!(X=19)!(X=20)!(X>26&(X<32)) Q:IBMCR="N" 1 Q 0 I IBMCR="M" Q 1 Q 0 ; PAT(DEB) ; - Find the AR patient and decide to include the AR. ; Input: DEB=Debtor file pointer (file #340) ; Output: Y=Sort key (name or SSN) ^ Name ^ SSN ^ Date of death (if any) ; ^Pointer to Patient file ; N DEATH,DFN,KEY,NAME,SSN,VA,VADM,VAERR,Y,RCDZ S Y="" I 'DEB G PATQ S RCDZ=$G(^RCD(340,DEB,0)) I $P(RCDZ,"^")'["DPT" G PATQ S DFN=+RCDZ D DEM^VADPT S NAME=VADM(1),SSN=$P(VADM(2),"^",2),DEATH=$P(VADM(6),".") S KEY=$S(IBSN="N":NAME,1:$P(SSN,"-",3)) S Y="" I KEY=""!(IBSNF'="@"&('DFN)) G PATQ I $D(IBSNA) G:IBSNA="ALL"&('DFN) PATQ G:IBSNA="NULL"&(DFN) PATQ I IBSNF="@",IBSNL="zzzzz" G PATC I IBSNF]KEY!(KEY]IBSNL) G PATQ ; PATC S Y=KEY_"^"_NAME_"^"_SSN_"^"_DEATH_"^"_DFN PATQ Q Y ; BAL(BILL) ; Calculates the Account Balance for the Bill ; Input: BILL - Bill internal # - Pointer to file #430 ; Output: BAL - Bill Balance ; N B7,BAL,I ; S B7=$G(^PRCA(430,BILL,7)) S BAL=0 F I=1:1:5 S BAL=BAL+$P(B7,"^",I) ; Q BAL ; DBLCHK(BILL) ; Double-checks if the receivable does not have any Repayment ; Plan information at all ; Output: 0 - No Repayment Plan Info or Repayment Plan paid in full ; 1 - Some Repayment Plan Info ; N ARZ,DBLCHK,I,IBPMT ; S DBLCHK=0 ; - Repayment Plan has been paid in full S IBPMT=$O(^PRCA(430,BILL,5,999),-1) I IBPMT,$P($G(^PRCA(430,BILL,5,IBPMT)),"^",2) Q DBLCHK ; ; - Looks for some information on file about the Repayment Plan S ARZ=$G(^PRCA(430,BILL,4)) F I=1:1:4 I $P(ARZ,"^",I)'="" S DBLCHK=1 Q ; Q DBLCHK ; SUM(IBRP,DFN) ; Sets the array IB with the Summary information ; Input: IBRP=Array returned by the function $$RP (See estructure above) ; DFN=Pointer to the Patient file ; Output: Updates the IB array with summary iformation ; N X S X=$S($P(IBRP,"^",8):"D",1:"C") ; ; - Updates summary information for Defaulted Plans I X="D" D . S IB(1)=IB(1)+1 . I '$D(^TMP("IBJDF7PAT",$J,DFN,X)) S IB(2)=IB(2)+1 ; ; - Updates summary information for Current Plans I X="C" D . S IB(5)=IB(5)+1 . I '$D(^TMP("IBJDF7PAT",$J,DFN,X)) S IB(6)=IB(6)+1 ; ; - Defaulted Outstanding balance and # of Payments S IB(3)=IB(3)+($P(IBRP,"^",3)*$P(IBRP,"^",8)) S IB(4)=IB(4)+$P(IBRP,"^",8) ; ; - Current Outstanding balance and # of Payments S IB(7)=IB(7)+($P(IBRP,"^",3)*($P(IBRP,"^",7)-$P(IBRP,"^",8))) S IB(8)=IB(8)+($P(IBRP,"^",7)-$P(IBRP,"^",8)) ; ; - Total Number of Patients (Unique) I '$D(^TMP("IBJDF7PAT",$J,DFN)) S IB(10)=IB(10)+1 ; ; - Used to prevent counting the same patient twice S ^TMP("IBJDF7PAT",$J,DFN,X)="" Q