IBJDI2 ;ALB/CPM - VETERANS WITH UNVERIFIED ELIGIBILITY ;16-DEC-96 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**69,91,98,100,118,249**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; EN ; - Option entry point. ; W !!,"This report measures the number of patients who have been treated at the" W !,"facility but whose eligibility has not been verified. This report will" W !,"also list patients with verified eligibility for at least 2 years, if any.",! ; DATE D DATE^IBOUTL I IBBDT=""!(IBEDT="") G ENQ ; ; - Sort by division? S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="NO",DIR("?")="^D DHLP^IBJDI2" S DIR("A")="Do you wish to sort this report by division" W ! D ^DIR S IBSORT=+Y I $D(DIRUT)!$D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT)!$D(DIROUT) G ENQ K DIR,DIROUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT ; I IBSORT D PSDR^IBODIV G:Y<0 ENQ ; Select division(s). ; ; - Select a detailed or summary report. D DS^IBJD I IBRPT["^" G ENQ ; I IBRPT="D" W !!,"You will need a 132 column printer for this report!" E W !!,"This report only requires an 80 column printer." ; W !!,"Note: This report may take a while to run." W !?6,"You should queue this report to run after normal business hours.",! ; ; - Select a device. S %ZIS="QM" D ^%ZIS G:POP ENQ I $D(IO("Q")) D G ENQ .S ZTRTN="DQ^IBJDI2",ZTDESC="IB - UNVERIFIED ELIGIBILITY" .F I="IB*","VAUTD","VAUTD(" S ZTSAVE(I)="" .D ^%ZTLOAD .W !!,$S($D(ZTSK):"This job has been queued. The task number is "_ZTSK_".",1:"Unable to queue this job.") .K ZTSK,IO("Q") D HOME^%ZIS ; U IO ; DQ ; - Tasked entry point. ; I $G(IBXTRACT) D E^IBJDE(2,1) ; Change extract status. ; N IBQUERY,IBQUERY1 K IB,^TMP("IBJDI21",$J),^TMP("IBJDI22",$J),^TMP("IBJDI23",$J) K ^TMP("IBDFN",$J),^TMP($J,"SDAMA301") S IBC="DEC^NOT^PEN^TOT^VER^VERO",IBQ=0 I IBSORT D G PROC .S I=0 F S I=$S(VAUTD:$O(^DG(40.8,I)),1:$O(VAUTD(I))) Q:'I D ..S J=$P($G(^DG(40.8,I,0)),U) F K=1:1:6 S IB(J,$P(IBC,U,K))=0 S IBDIV="ALL" F I=1:1:6 S IB("ALL",$P(IBC,U,I))=0 ; PROC D ^IBJDI21 ; Process and print reports. ; ENQ K ^TMP("IBJDI21",$J),^TMP("IBJDI22",$J),^TMP("IBJDI23",$J) K ^TMP("IBDFN",$J),^TMP($J,"SDAMA301") I $D(ZTQUEUED) S ZTREQ="@" G ENQ1 ; D ^%ZISC ENQ1 K IB,IBQ,IBBDT,IBEDT,IBRPT,IBD,IBDOD,IBDN,IBPAG,IBRUN,IBX,IBXX,IBPERV K IBESD,IBPM,IBPMD,IBOE,IBOED,IBES,IBLT,IBNUMO,IBNUMD,IBNEXT,IBDT,IBDTF K IBC,IBN,IBDIV,IBSORT,IBPERD,IBPERO,IBPERP,VAUTD,DFN,POP,I,J,K K X,X1,X2,Y,%,%ZIS,DIR,DIROUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT,ZTDESC,ZTRTN,ZTSAVE Q ; DHLP ; - 'Sort by division' prompt. W !!,"Select: '' to print the trend report without regard to" W !?15,"division" W !?11,"'Y' to select those divisions for which a separate" W !?15,"trend report should be created",!?11,"'^' to quit" Q