IBJDI21 ;ALB/CPM - VETERANS WITH UNVERIFIED ELIGIBILITY (CONT'D) ;16-DEC-96 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**118,249**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ; - Find inpatients treated within the user-specified date range. S IBD=IBBDT-.01 F S IBD=$O(^DGPM("ATT3",IBD)) Q:'IBD!(IBD\1>IBEDT) D Q:IBQ .S IBPM=0 F S IBPM=$O(^DGPM("ATT3",IBD,IBPM)) Q:'IBPM D Q:IBQ ..I IBPM#100=0 Q:$$STOP(.IBQ,"Unverified Eligibility Report") ..S IBPMD=$G(^DGPM(IBPM,0)) Q:'IBPMD ..I IBSORT S IBDIV=$$DIV(1,+$P(IBPMD,U,6)) Q:'$D(IB(IBDIV)) ..S DFN=+$P(IBPMD,U,3) Q:'DFN ..; ..; - Process patient. ..I '$D(^TMP("IBJDI21",$J,DFN)) D PROC(DFN,"*",.IBQUERY) ; D CLOSE^IBSDU(.IBQUERY) I IBQ G ENQ ; ; - Find outpatients treated within the user-specified date range. D OUTPT("",IBBDT,IBEDT,"S:IBQ SDSTOP=1 I 'IBQ,$$ENCHK^IBJDI5(Y0) D ENC^IBJDI21(Y0,.IBQUERY1)","Unverified Eligibility Report",.IBQ,"IBJDI21",.IBQUERY) D CLOSE^IBSDU(.IBQUERY),CLOSE^IBSDU(.IBQUERY1) ; I IBQ G ENQ ; ; - Extract summary data. I $G(IBXTRACT) D G ENQ .F X="DEC","NOT","PEN","TOT","VER","VERO" S IB(X)=$G(IB("ALL",X)) .D E^IBJDE(2,0) ; ; - If detail, look up next appt I IBRPT="D" S IBARRAY("SORT")="P",IBARRAY("FLDS")=1,IBARRAY(1)=$$NOW^XLFDT_";9999999",IBARRAY(4)="^TMP(""IBDFN"",$J,",IBCOUNT=$$SDAPI^SDAMA301(.IBARRAY) ; ; - Print the reports. S IBQ=0 D NOW^%DTC S IBRUN=$$DAT2^IBOUTL(%) S IBDIV="" F S IBDIV=$O(IB(IBDIV)) Q:IBDIV="" D Q:IBQ .S IBPAG=0 D:IBRPT="D" DET I 'IBQ D SUM,PAUSE ; ENQ Q ; OUTPT(DFN,IBBDT,IBEDT,IBCBK,IBMSG,IBQ,IBSUBSCR,IBQUERY,IBDIR) ; ; Input: DFN = IEN of patient if using PATIENT/DATE index, otherwise, ; if null or 0, DATE/TIME index will be used ; IBCBK = The MUMPS code to execute when valid enctr found ; IBBDT/IBEDT = The start/end dates ; IBMSG = The text to send to STOP PROCESSING CALL (if null, no ; call made) ; IBQ = Flag that says whether or not the process was stopped ; by user ; IBQUERY = The # of the QUERY OBJECT to be used to extract outpt ; visits ; IBDIR = Null to look forward, 'B' to look backward thru file ; N IBVAL,IBFILTER S IBVAL("BDT")=IBBDT,IBVAL("EDT")=IBEDT_".99" S:$G(DFN) IBVAL("DFN")=DFN ; ; - Look at parent encounters, completely checked out, check user ; requested to quit, process each pt only once if IBSUBSCR'=null S IBFILTER="" S IBCBK="I "_$S($G(IBSUBSCR)'="":"'$D(^TMP(IBSUBSCR,$J,+$P(Y0,U,2))),",1:"")_"'$P(Y0,U,6),$P(Y0,U,7),$S((Y#100)'=0:1,$G(IBMSG)="""":1,1:'$$STOP^IBJDI21(.IBQ,IBMSG))"_" "_IBCBK S IBDIR=$S($G(IBDIR)="":"",1:"BACKWARD") D SCAN^IBSDU($S($G(DFN):"PATIENT/DATE",1:"DATE/TIME"),.IBVAL,IBFILTER,IBCBK,0,.IBQUERY,IBDIR) K ^TMP("DIERR",$J) Q ; STOP(IBQ,MSG) ; - Check if user wants to stop. N Y,Y0 S IBQ=$$STOP^IBOUTL(MSG) Q IBQ ; ENC(IBOED,IBQUERY1) ; - Encounter extract for all patients loop. ; IBQUERY1 = the # of the QUERY to use to do the extract. ; Pre-set variables IB array, IBSORT are required. ; I IBSORT S IBDIV=$$DIV(0,+$P(IBOED,U,11)) Q:'$D(IB(IBDIV)) D PROC(+$P(IBOED,U,2),"",.IBQUERY1) ; Process patient. Q ; PROC(DFN,IBIPC,IBQUERY) ; - Process each specific patient. ; Input: DFN = Pointer to the patient in file #2 ; IBIPC = Inpatient treatment marker ; ("*"=Had inpat. treatment, null=No inpat. treatment) ; IBQUERY = The # of the QUERY OBJECT to be used to extract ; outpatient visits ; ; Pre-set variables IB array, IBDIV are required. ; I $$TESTP^IBJDI1(DFN) Q ; Test patient. D ELIG^VADPT I 'VAEL(4) G PRCQ ; Patient is not a vet. ; ; - Set patient index and 'total' accumulator. S ^TMP("IBJDI21",$J,DFN)="",IB(IBDIV,"TOT")=IB(IBDIV,"TOT")+1 ; I $G(^DPT(DFN,.35)) S IB(IBDIV,"DEC")=IB(IBDIV,"DEC")+1 ; Deceased. ; ; - Elig. status is Verified, Pending, Re-pending, or null. S IBES=$P(VAEL(8),U) I IBES="V" D G PRCS:X'<730,PRCQ .S IB(IBDIV,"VER")=IB(IBDIV,"VER")+1 .S IBESD=+$P($G(^DPT(DFN,.361)),U,2),X1=DT,X2=IBESD D ^%DTC .S:X'<730 IB(IBDIV,"VERO")=IB(IBDIV,"VERO")+1,^TMP("IBJDI23",$J,DFN)=" (on "_$$DAT1^IBOUTL(IBESD)_")" I IBES="P"!(IBES="R") S IB(IBDIV,"PEN")=IB(IBDIV,"PEN")+1 G PRCS S IB(IBDIV,"NOT")=IB(IBDIV,"NOT")+1 ; PRCS I IBRPT="D" D SET(.IBQUERY) ; PRCQ K VA,VAERR,VAEL Q ; SET(IBQUERY) ; - Set up detailed information to appear on the report. ; Working variable definitions: ; IBLT = Last treatment date ; IBDN = Zero node of Patient file entry ; IBDOD = Patient's date of death (if any) ; IBNUMO = No. outpatient visits in date range ; IBNUMD = No. discharges in date range ; IBNEXT = Next scheduled treatment date ; IBQUERY = The # of the QUERY OBJECT to be used to extract outpatient ; visits ; S (IBNUMD,IBNUMO,IBLT)=0 ; ; - Get # of discharges; look for LTD. S IBDT=0 F S IBDT=$O(^DGPM("ATID3",DFN,IBDT)) Q:'IBDT D .S IBDTF=9999999.9999999-IBDT\1 .S:IBDTF>IBLT IBLT=IBDTF I IBDTFIBEDT) Q .S IBNUMD=IBNUMD+1 ; ; - Get # of outpatient visits; look for LTD. D OUTPT(DFN,IBBDT,9991231,"S IBDTF=Y0\1 S:IBDTF>IBLT IBLT=IBDTF I IBDTF'IBEDT S IBNUMO=IBNUMO+1","","","",.IBQUERY) ; ; - If current inpatient, set LTD to today. I $G(^DPT(DFN,.105)) S IBLT=DT ; ; - Find next scheduled treatment date. S IBNEXT="" I $$GETICN^MPIF001(DFN) S ^TMP("IBDFN",$J,DFN)="" ;set tmp sched appt. S X=0 F S X=$O(^DGS(41.1,"B",DFN,X)) Q:'X D ; Scheduled adm. .S X1=$G(^DGS(41.1,X,0)) .S X2=$P(X1,U,2)\1 .I X2
IBNEXT S IBNEXT=X2 ; S IBDN=$G(^DPT(DFN,0)) S IBDOD=$S(+$G(^DPT(DFN,.35)):$$DAT1^IBOUTL(+$G(^(.35))\1),1:"") ; S ^TMP("IBJDI22",$J,IBDIV,$E($P(IBDN,U),1,25)_IBIPC_"@@"_DFN)=$P(IBDN,U,9)_U_$E($P(VAEL(1),U,2),1,23)_U_IBES_U_IBNUMO_U_IBNUMD_U_IBLT_U_IBNEXT_U_IBDOD Q ; DIV(X,Y) ; - Return division name. ; Input: X=1-Inpatient, 0-Outpatient ; Y=IEN of file #42 (If X=1) or IEN of file #40.8 (If X=0) I X S Y=+$P($G(^DIC(42,Y,0)),U,11) S Z=$P($G(^DG(40.8,Y,0)),U) I Z="" S Z=$P($$SITE^VASITE,U,2) Q Z ; DET ; - Print the detailed report. D HDET Q:IBQ I '$D(^TMP("IBJDI22",$J,IBDIV)) W !!,"There were no patients treated in this date range with unverified eligibility." G DETQ ; S IBXX="" F S IBXX=$O(^TMP("IBJDI22",$J,IBDIV,IBXX)) Q:IBXX="" S IBX=^(IBXX) D Q:IBQ .I $Y>(IOSL-2) D PAUSE Q:IBQ D HDET Q:IBQ .W !,$P(IBXX,"@@"),?28,$$SSN($P(IBX,U)),?42,$P(IBX,U,2) .W ?67,$$ESTAT($P(IBX,U,3)),$G(^TMP("IBJDI23",$J,IBDIV,+$P(IBXX,"@@",2))) .W ?93,$J($P(IBX,U,4),3),?98,$J($P(IBX,U,5),3) .W ?104,$$DAT1^IBOUTL($P(IBX,U,6)) .S IBCOUNT=$O(^TMP($J,"SDAMA301",+$P(IBXX,"@@",2),0)) .S:IBCOUNT $P(IBX,"^",7)=$S('$P(IBX,"^",7):IBCOUNT,IBCOUNT<$P(IBX,"^",7):IBCOUNT,1:$P(IBX,"^",7)) .W ?114,$$DAT1^IBOUTL($P(IBX,U,7)) .W ?124,$P(IBX,U,8) ; DETQ I 'IBQ D PAUSE Q ; HDET ; - Write the detail report header. I $E(IOST,1,2)="C-"!(IBPAG) W @IOF,*13 S IBPAG=IBPAG+1 W !,"Veterans with Unverified Eligibilities",$S(IBDIV'="ALL":" for "_IBDIV,1:""),?80,"Run Date: ",IBRUN,?123,"Page: ",IBPAG W !,"Patients who were treated in the period ",$$DAT1^IBOUTL(IBBDT)," to ",$$DAT1^IBOUTL(IBEDT) W !?91,"# Opt # Last Nxt Sched Date of" W !,"Patient (*=Had inpt. care)",?28,"SSN",?42,"Primary Eligibility" W ?67,"Eligibility Status",?91,"Visits Disc Seen Visit/Adm Death" W !,$$DASH(IOM),! S IBQ=$$STOP(0,"Unverified Eligibility Report") Q ; SUM ; - Print the summary report. I $E(IOST,1,2)="C-"!(IBPAG) W @IOF,*13 S IBPAG=IBPAG+1 W !!?21,"VETERANS WITH UNVERIFIED ELIGIBILITY",! I IBDIV'="ALL" W ?(61-$L(IBDIV))\2,"SUMMARY REPORT for ",IBDIV E W ?33,"SUMMARY REPORT" W !!?19,"Patients treated from ",$$DAT1^IBOUTL(IBBDT)," - ",$$DAT1^IBOUTL(IBEDT) W !!?24,"Run Date: ",IBRUN,!?13,$$DASH(53),!! ; S IBPERV=$J($S('IB(IBDIV,"TOT"):0,1:IB(IBDIV,"VER")/IB(IBDIV,"TOT")*100),0,2) S IBPERP=$J($S('IB(IBDIV,"TOT"):0,1:IB(IBDIV,"PEN")/IB(IBDIV,"TOT")*100),0,2) S IBPERD=$J($S('IB(IBDIV,"TOT"):0,1:IB(IBDIV,"DEC")/IB(IBDIV,"TOT")*100),0,2) S IBPERO=$J($S('IB(IBDIV,"VER"):0,1:IB(IBDIV,"VERO")/IB(IBDIV,"VER")*100),0,2) W ?29,"Number of Patients Treated:",?58,$J(IB(IBDIV,"TOT"),5) W !?28,"Number of Deceased Patients:",?58,$J(IB(IBDIV,"DEC"),5),?67,"(",IBPERD,"%)" W !?11,"Number of Patients with Verified Eligibility:",?58,$J(IB(IBDIV,"VER"),5),?67,"(",IBPERV,"%)" W !?5,"Number of Patients Whose Verified Eligibility Date" W !?13,"is At Least 2 Years Old (from above total):",?58,$J(IB(IBDIV,"VERO"),5),?67,"(",IBPERO,"%)" W !?10,"Number of Patients with a Pending Eligibility:",?58,$J(IB(IBDIV,"PEN"),5),?67,"(",IBPERP,"%)" W !?24,"Number of Patients Not Verified:",?58,$J(IB(IBDIV,"NOT"),5),?67,"(",$J($S('IB(IBDIV,"TOT"):0,1:100-IBPERV-IBPERP),0,2),"%)" Q ; DASH(X) ; - Return a dashed line. Q $TR($J("",X)," ","=") ; PAUSE ; - Page break. I $E(IOST,1,2)'="C-" Q N IBX,DIR,DIRUT,DUOUT,DTOUT,DIROUT,X,Y F IBX=$Y:1:(IOSL-3) W ! S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT)!($D(DUOUT)) S IBQ=1 Q ; SSN(X) ; - Format the SSN. Q $S(X]"":$E(X,1,3)_"-"_$E(X,4,5)_"-"_$E(X,6,10),1:"") ; ESTAT(X) ; - Decode the eligibility status. Q $S(X="V":"VERIFIED",X="P":"PENDING VERIFICATION",X="R":"PENDING RE-VERIFICATION",1:"NOT VERIFIED")