IBJTA1 ;ALB/ARH - TPI ACTIONS ;2/14/95 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**39,137,377**;21-MAR-94;Build 23 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; CP ; -- IBJT CHANGE PATIENT action: change patient, only available on AL screen ; user selects new patient, then Active Bills screen rebuilt with that patients active bills N VALMQUIT,IBDFN D FULL^VALM1 S IBDFN=DFN S DFN=+$$PAT^IBJTU2 I 'DFN S DFN=IBDFN K ^TMP("IBJTLA",$J),^TMP("IBJTLAX",$J) D BLDA^IBJTLA1,HDR^IBJTLA S VALMBCK="R",VALMBG=1 CPQ Q ; CB ; -- IBJT CHANGE BILL action: change bill, only available on CI screen ; user enters new bill number then Claim Info screen rebuilt/redisplayed for that bill ; if option entered through Active List screen then only allows bills for current patient N VALMQUIT,IBIFN1,IBDFN1 D FULL^VALM1 S IBDFN1=DFN,IBIFN1=IBIFN I $D(^TMP("IBJTLA",$J)) S DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),U,2)="_DFN S IBIFN=+$$BILL^IBJTU2 I 'IBIFN S IBIFN=IBIFN1 S DFN=$P(^DGCR(399,+IBIFN,0),U,2) D CLEAN^VALM10 K IBXSAVE,IBXDATA D BLD^IBJTCA1,HDR^IBJTCA S VALMBCK="R",VALMBG=1 CBQ Q ; CDI ; -- IBJT CHANGE DATES INACTIVE action: Change Date range for Inactive screen ; user enters end date for search for inactive bills for a patient, Inactive Bills screen then rebuilt with ; inactive bills for the patient and new date range, IBEND passed to screen build ; if IBBEG is defined the day before is used as the default end date, otherwise, today ; this way the defaults will work backwards until end of bills, then restarts with today D FULL^VALM1 S DIR("?",1)="Enter most recent date to include in list." S DIR("?")="A search for inactive bills for this patient will begin on the date entered and go back at least 6 months into the past. If the patient has few bills then the search may span more than six months." S DIR("B")=$S(+$G(IBBEG):$$DATE^IBJU1($$FMADD^XLFDT(IBBEG,-1)),1:"TODAY") S DIR(0)="DO^::EX",DIR("A")="End Date" D ^DIR K DIR I 'Y!($D(DIRUT))!(Y=$G(IBEND)) S VALMSG="Date range was not changed." G CDIQ K ^TMP("IBJTLB",$J),^TMP("IBJTLBX",$J) S IBEND=Y D BLDA^IBJTLB1,HDR^IBJTLB CDIQ S VALMBCK="R",VALMBG=1 K VALMB,VALMBEG,VALMEND,DIRUT Q ; ARCA ; -- IBJT AR COMMENT ADD action: add a comment transaction to the AR account, IBIFN required ; IBARCOMM set to indicate AR Profile screen needs to be rebuilt when it is reentered ; will cause the AR screen to be rebuilt including the new information if the AR screen is already open N AUTHDT,MRADT,STATUS,VALMQUIT,DIR D FULL^VALM1 S STATUS=$P($G(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,0)),U,13) S AUTHDT=$P($G(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,"S")),U,10) S MRADT=$P($G(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,"S")),U,7) ; if claim status is "NOT REVIEWED" or claim status is "CANCELLED" with neither MRA request date ; nor Authorization date present, display an error and bail out. I STATUS=1!(STATUS=7&(MRADT="")&(AUTHDT="")) D G ARCAQ .S DIR(0)="EA",DIR("A",1)="A comment can not be added for an incomplete or cancelled while incomplete claim.",DIR("A")="Press RETURN to continue: " D ^DIR K DIR ; if claim status is "REQUEST MRA" or claim status is "CANCELLED" with MRA request date present, ; but no Authorization date, enter MRA comments. I STATUS=2!(STATUS=7&(MRADT'="")&(AUTHDT="")) D:$G(IBIFN) CMNT^IBCECOB6 G ARCAR ; otherwise, enter AR comments. D ADJUST^RCJIBFN3(IBIFN) I $D(^TMP("IBJTTA",$J)) S IBARCOMM=1 K ^TMP("IBJTTC",$J) ARCAR ; rebuild comments screen D BLD^IBJTTC,HDR^IBJTTC ARCAQ S VALMBCK="R",VALMBG=1 Q ; HS ; -- IBJT HS HEALTH SUMMARY action: health summary (inpt (350.9,2.08), outpt (350.9,2.09)) ; if a Health Summary has been defined for the type of care (Inpt/Outpt) it is printed to the screen ; type of care is taken from the current bill if there is one otherwise the user is asked ; requires HS 2.5 or greater, if 2.7 is available then a date range can be used ; if date range used it is taken from the current bill if available otherwise askes user N X,Y,IBX,IBHS,DIR,DIRUT,IBIOPT,IBDT1,IBDT2,IBHSVER S (IBIOPT,IBHS)=0,IBHSVER=$$VERSION^XPDUTL("HEALTH SUMMARY") I IBHSVER<2.5 S VALMSG="Health Summary package not available." G HSQ D FULL^VALM1 I +$G(IBIFN) D I 'IBIOPT G HSQ . S IBX=$G(^DGCR(399,+IBIFN,0)) I '$G(DFN) S DFN=$P(IBX,U,2) I 'DFN Q . S IBIOPT=$S($P(IBX,U,5)<1:0,$P(IBX,U,5)<3:1,1:2) . S IBDT1=$G(^DGCR(399,+IBIFN,"U")),IBDT2=$P(IBDT1,U,2),IBDT1=+IBDT1 ; I '$G(IBIFN) D I 'IBIOPT G HSQ . S DIR(0)="SOB^I:Inpatient;O:Outpatient",DIR("A")="Inpatient or Outpatient Health Summary?" D ^DIR K DIR . S IBIOPT=$S(Y="I":1,Y="O":2,1:0) Q:'IBIOPT . ; . Q:IBHSVER<2.7 . W !!,"Enter the date range the Health Summary should cover." . S IBDT1=$$DR^IBJTU2($$FMADD^XLFDT(DT,-365),DT),IBDT2=$P(IBDT1,U,2),IBDT1=+IBDT1 ; S IBX=$G(^IBE(350.9,1,2)),IBHS=$S(IBIOPT=1:$P(IBX,U,8),1:$P(IBX,U,9)) ; I 'IBHS S VALMSG="No Health Summary Type chosen for "_$S(IBIOPT=1:"In",1:"Out")_"patient." G HSQ I IBHSVER<2.7 D ENX^GMTSDVR(DFN,IBHS) G HSQ D ENX^GMTSDVR(DFN,IBHS,IBDT1,IBDT2) HSQ S VALMBCK="R" Q