IBJTRA ;ALB/AAS,ARH - TPI CT INSURANCE COMMUNICATIONS ; 4/1/95 ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;**39**; 21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ; the IR contact list screen is based on the Insurance Reviews/Contacts screen of the ; Claims Tracking Insurance Review Edit [IBT EDIT COMMUNICATIONS] option ; the VR view expanded insurance reviews screen is based on the Expanded Insurance Reviews screen of the ; Claims Tracking Insurance Review Edit [IBT EDIT COMMUNICATIONS] option ; the VR view expanded appeals/denials screen is based on the Expanded Appeals/Denials screen of the ; Claims Tracking Appeal/Denial Edit [IBT EDIT APPEALS/DENIALS] option ; ; the IR contact list build (IBJTRA*) is a copy of IBTRC with modifications to show contacts for multiple events ; the two expanded screen builds did not need changes so the CT routines are called directly from the templates ; ; three Claims Tracking LM Templates were duplicated for JBI so the appropriate Protocol Menu could be used: ; IBJT CT/IR COMMUNICATIONS LIST --- IBT COMMUNICATIONS EDITOR ; IBJT CT/IR REVIEWS --- IBT EXPAND/EDIT COMMUNICATIONS ; IBJT CT/IR APPEALS/DENIALS --- IBT EXPAND/EDIT DENIALS ; ; expanded Insurance Reviews and expanded Appeals/Denials are called from ; the same protocol based on the action type of the entry to be displayed. ; % ; EN ; -- main entry point for IBT COMMUNICATIONS EDITOR from menu's I '$G(IBTRPRF) S IBTRPRF="12" D EN^VALM("IBJT CT/IR COMMUNICATIONS LIST") K IBTRPRF,VAERR,VA,DGPM Q ; HDR ; -- header code D PID^VADPT S VALMHDR(1)="Insurance Review Entries for: "_$P($G(^DGCR(399,IBIFN,0)),U,1)_" "_$$PT^IBTUTL1(DFN) Q ; INIT ; -- init variables and list array S U="^",VALMCNT=0,VALMBG=1 K ^TMP("IBJTRA",$J),^TMP("IBJTRADX",$J),I,X,XQORNOD,DA,DR,DIE,DNM,DQ I '$G(DFN)!'$G(IBIFN) S VALMQUIT="" G INITQ D BLD^IBJTRA1 INITQ Q ; HELP ; -- help code S X="?" D DISP^XQORM1 W !! Q ; EXIT ; -- exit code K ^TMP("IBJTRA",$J),^TMP("IBJTRADX",$J) D CLEAR^VALM1 Q ; NX ; -- IBJT CT/IR REVIEWS/APPEALS SCREEN action: go to next screen template - expand review/denial/appeal ; gets user selection of contact then opens either the review or appeal/denial screen ; N VALMY,IBSELN,IBTRN,IBCNS,IBX,IBY,IBTRC,IBCNT,IBI,IBTRND,VAEL,VAIN,VAINDT,VA200,OFFSET,IBPCNT,IBLCNT,IBDCNT,IBOE D EN^VALM2($G(XQORNOD(0))) I $D(VALMY) S IBSELN=0 F S IBSELN=$O(VALMY(IBSELN)) Q:'IBSELN D . S IBTRC=$P($G(^TMP("IBJTRADX",$J,IBSELN)),U,2) Q:'IBTRC . S IBX=$G(^IBT(356.2,+IBTRC,0)) Q:IBX="" S IBTRN=$P(IBX,U,2),IBCNS=$P(IBX,U,8) . ; if review was a appeal/denial or penalty or had a parent review (which can only be a denial or penalty) . ; then use appeals/denials template, otherwise use insurance review template . S IBY=$P($G(^IBE(356.7,+$P(IBX,U,11),0)),U,3) I IBY=20!(IBY=30)!(+$P(IBX,U,18)) D EN^VALM("IBJT CT/IR APPEALS/DENIALS") Q . D EN^VALM("IBJT CT/IR REVIEWS") S VALMBCK="R" Q