IBOEMP ;ALB/ARH - EMPLOYER REPORT ; 6/19/92 ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;**33**; 21-MAR-94 ; ;Included in Report: ; Employer Name Range can be choosen ; All: Patient must NOT have active insurance on date of event ; Patient must not be dead ; Patients (2,.31115) or Spouses (2,.2515) Eployment Status is: ; 1 - EMPLOYED FULL TIME ; 2 - EMPLOYED PART TIME ; 4 - SELF EMPLOYED ; 5 - RETIRED ; or ; Patient (2,.3111) or Spouse (2,.251) (VAOA(9)) Employer Name is defined ; ; Inpatient: Admission Movements (405,.02=1): ; ; Outpatient: division can be choosen by the user ; Scheduling Visits (409.5), unscheduled visits ; Scheduled visits: ; Hospital Location must be "C" Clinic (44,2.1) ; Patient visit Outpatient, not cancelled or no-showed (2,1900,3="") ; Dispositions, that are not Application Without Exam ((2,1000,1)<2) ; ;Printed on Report: Report is sorted by employer name, within employers, by patient name ; For employers to match their name, address, and phone number must match exactly ; All: Employer Name, phone, address ; if employment status is employed but no employer name use {unspecified} for employer name ; Patient Name, SSN, Primary Eligibility, home ph number ; Inpatient: Admission Date, Transaction (405,.02) ; Outpatient: Appointment Date, Appointment Type (409.5,5) or "DIPSOSITION" ; For Employed: Name, SSN, Occupation, Employment Status, for patient-work ph number ; ; EN ;report on employers of patients with no insurance at time of care D HOME^%ZIS S IBHDR="EMPLOYER REPORT" W @IOF,?27,IBHDR,!!!! RG S DIR("?",1)="Specify the employers to list in the report by entering:",DIR("?",2)=" 1. the first character in the Employer's Name" S DIR("?",3)=" 2.""-"" for patients who indicated they were employed but who have no employer" S DIR("?",4)=" 3.""+"" for all employers.",DIR("?")="Enter one character only" S DIR(0)="FO^1:1",DIR("A")="Beginning Value",DIR("B")="+" D ^DIR K DIR G:$D(DIRUT) EXIT I Y="+" S IBRGB=-1,IBRGE=999 G NX I Y="-" S (IBRGB,IBRGE)=-1 G NX S IBRGB=$A(Y) S DIR("?")="Enter the last character in the Employer Name range to include" S DIR(0)="FO^1:15",DIR("A")="Ending Value",DIR("B")="Z" D ^DIR K DIR G:$D(DIRUT) EXIT S IBRGE=$A(Y) I IBRGB<65!(IBRGE>90) W "??" G RG NX I IBRGE