IBOHDT ;ALB/EMG - REPORT OF CHARGES ON HOLD > 60 DAYS ;FEB 14 1997 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**70,95,142,347**;21-MAR-94;Build 24 ; ; MAIN ; N DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,IBNUM,IBQUIT,POP,VA,ZTIO,Y S (IBQUIT,IBNUM)=0 W !! S DIR(0)="NO",DIR("B")=60,DIR("A")="Enter number of days",DIR("A",1)="This report is used to follow-up on charges that have been on hold for an" S DIR("A",2)="extended period of time. Press return to print a list of charges on hold",DIR("A",3)="for longer than 60 days. You may limit your search to older charges" S DIR("A",4)="by typing a higher number. (For example, type 80 to see charges on hold",DIR("A",5)="for longer than 80 days.)",DIR("A",6)="" D ^DIR K DIR S IBNUM=+Y Q:$D(DIRUT) QUEUED ; entry point if queued ;*** K ^TMP($J) D:'$G(IBQUIT) DEVICE D:'$G(IBQUIT) CHRGS,REPORT^IBOHDT1 D EXIT ;*** Q EXIT ; K ^TMP($J) K IBRDT,IBRF,IBRX,IBRXN I $D(ZTQUEUED) S ZTREQ="@" Q D ^%ZISC Q DEVICE ; I $D(ZTQUEUED) Q W !!,*7,"*** Margin width of this output is 132 ***" W !,"*** This output should be queued ***" S %ZIS="QM" D ^%ZIS I POP S IBQUIT=1 Q I $D(IO("Q")) S ZTRTN="QUEUED^IBOHDT",ZTIO=ION,ZTDESC="HELD CHARGES REPORT",ZTSAVE("IB*")="" D ^%ZTLOAD W !,$S($D(ZTSK):"REQUEST QUEUED TASK="_ZTSK,1:"REQUEST CANCELLED") D HOME^%ZIS K ZTSK S IBQUIT=1 Q U IO Q ; indexes records that should be included in report ; CHRGS ; charges on hold N DFN,IBDT,IBN,IBNAME,IBND,IBTYPE,X1,X2 S X1=DT,X2=(-IBNUM) D C^%DTC S IBTO=X S DFN=0 F S DFN=$O(^IB("AHDT",DFN)) Q:'DFN S IBDT=0 F S IBDT=$O(^IB("AHDT",DFN,8,IBDT)) Q:'IBDT!(IBDT>IBTO) S IBN=0 F S IBN=$O(^IB("AHDT",DFN,8,IBDT,IBN)) Q:IBN="" D .S IBND=$G(^IB(IBN,0)) Q:'IBND .S DFN=$P(IBND,"^",2) D ;fetch patient name ..N VAERR,VADM D DEM^VADPT I VAERR K VADM ..S IBNAME=$G(VADM(1)) ..Q .S IBTYPE=$P($G(^IBE(350.1,+$P(IBND,"^",3),0)),"^"),IBATYPE=$S(IBTYPE["OPT":"O",IBTYPE["PSO":"RX",1:"I") .S ^TMP($J,"HOLD",IBNAME,DFN,IBATYPE,IBN)="" .D BILLS Q PAT ; patient name N VAERR,VADM D DEM^VADPT I VAERR K VADM S IBNAME=$G(VADM(1)) S:IBNAME="" IBNAME=" " Q BILLS ; find bills for charges on hold N IBFR,IBT,IBATYPE,IBTO S IBATYPE=$S($P($G(^IBE(350.1,+$P(IBND,"^",3),0)),"^")["OPT":"O",$P($G(^IBE(350.1,+$P(IBND,"^",3),0)),"^")["PSO":"RX",1:"I") S IBFR=$P(IBND,"^",14),IBTO=$P(IBND,"^",15) I IBATYPE="I" D INP I IBATYPE="O" D OPT E D RX,OPT Q INP ; inpatient bills N IBEV,IBBILL,IBT,X,IBEND,IBOK S IBEV=$P(IBND,"^",16) Q:'IBEV ; parent event S IBEV=($P($G(^IB(IBEV,0)),"^",17)\1) Q:'IBEV ; date of parent event S X1=IBEV,X2=1 D C^%DTC S IBEND=X S IBT=(IBEV-.0001) F S IBT=$O(^DGCR(399,"D",IBT)) Q:'IBT!(IBT'T) S IBOK='$T Q:'IBOK CK4 ; insurance bill? I $P(IBBILL0,"^",11)="i" S IBOK=$T Q OPT ; outpatient bills N X,IBV,IBBILL,IBOK,IBBILL0 S IBV=(IBFR\1)-.0001 F S IBV=$O(^DGCR(399,"AOPV",DFN,IBV)) Q:'IBV!(IBV>IBTO) S IBBILL=0 D .F S IBBILL=$O(^DGCR(399,"AOPV",DFN,IBV,IBBILL)) Q:('IBBILL) D ..Q:$D(^TMP($J,"HOLD",IBNAME,DFN,IBATYPE,IBN,IBBILL)) ..S IBBILL0=$G(^DGCR(399,IBBILL,0)) D CK4 Q:'IBOK ..S ^TMP($J,"HOLD",IBNAME,DFN,IBATYPE,IBN,IBBILL)="" Q RX ; rx refill bills S (IBRX,IBRXN,IBRF,IBRDT)=0 N IENS I $P(IBND,"^",4)'["52:" Q ; S IBRXN=$P($P(IBND,"^",4),":",2),IBRX=$P($P(IBND,"^",8),"-"),IBRF=$P($P(IBND,"^",4),":",3) ; I +IBRF>0 S IBRDT=$$SUBFILE^IBRXUTL(+IBRXN,IBRF,52,.01) I +IBRF=0 S IBRDT=$$FILE^IBRXUTL(+IBRXN,22) ; Q:(IBRX="")!('IBRDT) N X,IBBILL,IBBILL0,IBFILL,IBFILL0,IBOK S IBBILL=0 S IBFILL=0 F S IBFILL=$O(^IBA(362.4,"B",IBRX,IBFILL)) Q:IBFILL="" D .S IBFILL0=$G(^IBA(362.4,IBFILL,0)) I $P(IBFILL0,"^",3)'=IBRDT Q .S IBBILL=+$P(IBFILL0,"^",2) I 'IBBILL Q .S IBBILL0=$G(^DGCR(399,IBBILL,0)) D CK4 I 'IBOK Q .S ^TMP($J,"HOLD",IBNAME,DFN,IBATYPE,IBN,IBBILL)="" Q