IBOMTLTC ;OAKOIFO/ELZ-MT/LTC COPAY REMOTE QUERY ;20-AUG-2002 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**188**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; QUERY ; main entry point for user to request a query of mt and ltc copay info ; N IBBDT,IBEDT,DIC,DFN,X,Y,IBT,DIR,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT,DIROUT,IBICN,IBTFL,%ZIS,ZTDESC,ZTREQ,ZTRTN,ZTSAVE,POP ; S DIC="^DPT(",DIC(0)="AEMNQ" D ^DIC Q:Y<1 S DFN=+Y ; D DATE^IBOUTL Q:IBEDT<1 ; S IBT=$$TFL^IBARXMU(DFN,.IBTFL) S IBICN=$$ICN^IBARXMU(DFN) I 'IBICN,IBT W !,"There is no ICN for this patient." K IBTFL S IBT=0 ; I IBT W !,"This patient has remote facilities." S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="YES",DIR("A")="Do you want to perform remote queries" D ^DIR Q:$D(DIRUT) I 'Y S IBT=0 ; I 'IBT W !!,"Performing query locally only" W:$D(IBTFL)>9 "." I $D(IBTFL)<10 W ", the patient has no remote facilities." ; S %ZIS="MQ" D ^%ZIS Q:POP I $D(IO("Q")) D Q . S ZTRTN="DQ^IBOMTLTC",ZTDESC="MT/LTC COPAY REMOTE QUERY" . S (ZTSAVE("DFN"),ZTSAVE("IB*"))="" D ^%ZTLOAD,HOME^%ZIS K IO("Q") ; DQ ; tasked entry point N IBS,IBX,IBH,IBQ,IBC,IBP,IBHERE K ^TMP("IBOMTLTC",$J) ; ; data will be gathered in ^tmp("ibomtltc",$j,site,n) nodes in final ; output format. (where site is the internal value from file 4 locally) ; S IBS=+$$SITE^VASITE ; store the internal value for file 4 D DEM^VADPT ; ; send off queries (if needed) I IBT S IBX=0 F S IBX=$O(IBTFL(IBX)) Q:IBX<1 D . ; . W:'$D(ZTQUEUED) !,"Now sending query to ",$P(IBTFL(IBX),"^",2)," ..." . D EN1^XWB2HL7(.IBH,+IBTFL(IBX),"IBO MT LTC COPAY QUERY","",IBICN,"",IBBDT,IBEDT) . I $G(IBH(0))="" S IBR="-1^No handle returned from RPC" Q . S $P(IBTFL(IBX),"^",3)=IBH(0) ; save handle for later. ; ; now while waiting for remote stuff, let's do local stuff. D RETURN($NA(^TMP("IBOMTLTC",$J,IBS)),"",DFN,IBBDT,IBEDT) ; ; now lets look for the remote data I IBT S IBX=0 F S IBX=$O(IBTFL(IBX)) Q:IBX<1 D . ; . F IBC=1:1:10 D RPCCHK^XWB2HL7(.IBR,$P(IBTFL(IBX),"^",3)) Q:$G(IBR(0))["Done" H 2 . ; if done get data. . I $G(IBR(0))["Done" D .. K IBR,IBHERE .. D RTNDATA^XWBDRPC(.IBHERE,$P(IBTFL(IBX),"^",3)) .. I $D(IBHERE)>10 M ^TMP("IBOMTLTC",$J,+$$LKUP^XUAF4(+IBTFL(IBX)))=IBHERE .. E M ^TMP("IBOMTLTC",$J,+$$LKUP^XUAF4(+IBTFL(IBX)))=^TMP($J,"XWB") K ^TMP($J,"XWB") .. D CLEAR^XWBDRPC(.IBZ,$P(IBTFL(IBX),"^",3)) . E S ^TMP("IBOMTLTC",$J,+$$LKUP^XUAF4(+IBTFL(IBX)),0)="Unable to get remote information from this site." ; ; now that I have the info, time to print ; U IO S (IBQ,IBP)=0 S IBS=0 F S IBS=$O(^TMP("IBOMTLTC",$J,IBS)) Q:IBS<1!(IBQ) D . S IBS(0)=$$NNT^XUAF4(IBS) . D PAUSE(1) . S IBX=-1 F S IBX=$O(^TMP("IBOMTLTC",$J,IBS,IBX)) Q:IBX=""!(IBQ) W !,^(IBX) D PAUSE() ; I 'IBQ,$E(IOST,1,2)="C-" K DIR S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR ; D ^%ZISC ; K ^TMP("IBOMTLTC",$J) D KVAR^VADPT S:$D(ZTQUEUED) ZTREQ="@" ; Q ; PAUSE(IBNEW) ; ; IBNEW = optional variable, it is a flag for new site ; N DIR,DIRUT,DIROUT,DTOUT,X,Y I IBQ Q I $Y+6IBEDT!($P(IBZ,"^",10)IBEDT,$P(IBZ,"^",4)>IBBDT Q . D GETS^DIQ(351.81,IBX,".03:.06","ENR","IBT") . ; get the free days (store in date order with a "[" flag) . S IBF=0 F S IBF=$O(^IBA(351.81,IBX,1,IBF)) Q:IBF<1 S IBFRDT=$P(^IBA(351.81,IBX,1,IBF,0),"^",2),IBT(351.81,IBX_",","["_IBFRDT_"EXEMPT DATE","E")=$$FMTE^XLFDT(IBFRDT) ; ; move the data to return area F IBF=351,351.81,351.811 S IBX="" F S IBX=$O(IBT(IBF,IBX)) Q:IBX="" D SPACE($S(IBF=351:"MT",1:"LTC")_" Billing Clock") S IBA="" F S IBA=$O(IBT(IBF,IBX,IBA)) Q:IBA="" D . I $L(@IBR@(IBL))>40!($L(IBA_": "_IBT(IBF,IBX,IBA,"E"))>40) S IBL=IBL+1,@IBR@(IBL)=$S($E(IBA)="[":$E(IBA,9,99),1:IBA)_": "_IBT(IBF,IBX,IBA,"E") Q . S IBS="",$P(IBS," ",40-$L(@IBR@(IBL)))="",@IBR@(IBL)=@IBR@(IBL)_IBS_$S($E(IBA)="[":$E(IBA,9,99),1:IBA)_": "_IBT(IBF,IBX,IBA,"E") ; ; get billing info from 350 ; first find the charges and sort K ^TMP("IBECEA",$J) S Y="" F S Y=$O(^IB("AFDT",DFN,Y)) Q:'Y I -Y'>IBEDT S Y1=0 F S Y1=$O(^IB("AFDT",DFN,Y,Y1)) Q:'Y1 D . S IBX=0 F S IBX=$O(^IB("AF",Y1,IBX)) Q:'IBX D .. Q:'$D(^IB(IBX,0)) S IBZ=^(0) .. Q:$P(IBZ,"^",8)["ADMISSION" .. I $P(IBZ,"^",15)IBEDT) Q .. S ^TMP("IBECEA",$J,+$P(IBZ,"^",14),IBX)="" ; S Y=0 F S Y=$O(^IB("ACVA",DFN,Y)) Q:'Y I Y'>IBEDT S Y1=0 F S Y1=$O(^IB("ACVA",DFN,Y,Y1)) Q:'Y1 D . S IBX=0 F S IBX=$O(^IB("AD",Y1,IBX)) Q:'IBX D .. Q:'$D(^IB(IBX,0)) S IBZ=^(0) .. I $P(IBZ,"^",15)IBEDT) Q .. S ^TMP("IBECEA",$J,Y,IBX)="" ; ; now store for return D SPACE("Patient Charges") I $D(^TMP("IBECEA",$J)) S IBL=IBL+1,@IBR@(IBL)="Bill From Bill To Charge Type Stop Bill # Status Charge" S IBD="" F S IBD=$O(^TMP("IBECEA",$J,IBD)) Q:'IBD D . S IBX="" F S IBX=$O(^TMP("IBECEA",$J,IBD,IBX)) Q:'IBX D .. S IBZ=^IB(IBX,0) Q:$P(IBZ,"^",7)="" .. S IBL=IBL+1 .. S IBSTAT=$$EXTERNAL^DILFD(350,.05,"",$P(IBZ,"^",5)) .. S IBATYP=$P($G(^IBE(350.1,+$P(IBZ,"^",3),0)),"^") .. S:$E(IBATYP,1,2)="DG" IBATYP=$E(IBATYP,4,99) .. ; if ouptatient charge and clinic stop, show it .. I $E(IBATYP,1,3)="OPT",$P(IBZ,"^",20) S IBATYP=$E(IBATYP_" ",1,21)_" "_$P($G(^IBE(352.5,+$P(IBZ,"^",20),0)),"^") .. S IBCHG=$S(IBATYP["CANCEL":"(",1:" ")_"$"_$P(IBZ,"^",7)_$S(IBATYP["CANCEL":")",1:"") .. S IBAX=$$SETSTR^VALM1($$DAT1^IBOUTL(IBD),"",1,9) .. S IBAX=$$SETSTR^VALM1($$DAT1^IBOUTL($S($P(IBZ,"^",8)["RX COPAY":IBD,1:$P(IBZ,"^",15))),IBAX,12,8) .. S IBAX=$$SETSTR^VALM1(IBATYP,IBAX,22,26) .. S IBAX=$$SETSTR^VALM1($P($P(IBZ,"^",11),"-",2),IBAX,49,8) .. S IBAX=$$SETSTR^VALM1(IBSTAT,IBAX,58,12) .. S IBAX=$$SETSTR^VALM1(IBCHG,IBAX,71,9) .. S @IBR@(IBL)=IBAX I '$D(IBAX) S @IBR@(IBL+1)=" ",@IBR@(IBL+2)="No charges meet criteria" K ^TMP("IBECEA",$J) ; Q ; SPACE(IBTEXT) ; spaces out return info (sub-header info) S IBL=IBL+1,@IBR@(IBL)="",IBL=IBL+1,$P(@IBR@(IBL),"-",80)="" S IBL=IBL+1,$P(@IBR@(IBL)," ",80-$L(IBTEXT)/2)=IBTEXT Q ;