IBP ;ALB/CPM - ARCHIVE/PURGING OPERATIONS ; 17-APR-92 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**153**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; FIND ; Entry point to Find Billing Data to Archive S IBOP=1 G START ; ARCHIVE ; Entry point to Archive Billing Data S IBOP=2 G START ; PURGE ; Entry point to Purge Billing Data S IBOP=3 ; ; START ; Begin search/archive/purge operations. I $$NODUZ^IBPU1 G END ; no DUZ code I IBOP>1,$$NOESIG^IBPU1(DUZ) G END ; no Electronic Signature Code S IBLINE="",$P(IBLINE,"-",80)="" ; ; - write header D HOME^%ZIS S IBHDR="*** "_$P("Find^Archive^Purge","^",IBOP)_" Billing Data"_$S(IBOP=1:" to Archive",1:"")_" ***" W @IOF,!?80-$L(IBHDR)\2,IBHDR,! W !,"This option is used to ",$P("begin the archive process for^archive data from^purge data from","^",IBOP)," the following files:",! W !?8,"#350 INTEGRATED BILLING ACTION",!?8,"#351 MEANS TEST BILLING CLOCK",!?8,"#399 BILL/CLAIMS",!! I IBOP=1 W "Specify your search criteria for each file. " W "The ",$P("search^archiving process^purge process","^",IBOP)," will be queued.",! ; ; - issue all operational prompts K IBD F I=350,351,399 W !,IBLINE S J=$$ASK^IBPU(I,IBOP) G:J<0 END I J S IBD(I)="" I IBOP=1 S K=$$DAT^IBPU G:K<0 END S IBD(I)=K_"^"_+$P(J,"^",2) I '$D(IBD) X "F I=$Y:1:(IOSL-3) W !" S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K DIR G END ; ; - select device if archiving I IBOP=2 S %ZIS="N",%ZIS("B")="",%ZIS("A")="Archive entries to what device: " D ^%ZIS G:POP END ; ; - must enter Electronic Signature to archive or purge I IBOP>1,'$$ESIG^IBPU1(DUZ) G END ; ; - if ok to continue, task off job I $$OKAY^IBPU1(IBOP) D TASK^IBPU1 ; END ; - clean up and quit D HOME^%ZIS K I,IBD,IBHDR,IBLINE,IBOP,J,K,Y Q ; ; ; QUE ; Tasked Entry point to begin search/archive/purge operations. ; ; Input: IBD(file number) -- piece 1: date through which to archive ; piece 2: log entry if restarting ; IBOP -- 1 (Search), 2 (Archive), 3 (Purge) ; DUZ -- user ID; retained by Taskman ; ; - perform operation on each requested file S IBF="" F S IBF=$O(IBD(IBF)) Q:'IBF D @("^IBP"_$P("F^A^P","^",IBOP)) ; ; - send confirmation message to user D ^IBPUBUL ; ; - clean up and quit K DFN,DATE,IBBDT,IBCNT,IBD,IBDATA,IBEDT,IBF,IBFNAME,IBHDT,IBLINE,IBLOG,IBN,IBOFF,IBOP,IBPAGE,IBROOT,IBSTAT,IBTMDA,IBTMPL,IBRCNO Q