IBPU ;ALB/CPM - ARCHIVE/PURGING UTILITIES ; 20-APR-92 ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;; 21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ASK(FILE,JOB) ; User prompts to find/archive/purge entries for each data file. ; Input: FILE -- Billing Data file number ; JOB -- 1 Find Billing Data to Archive ; -- 2 Archive Billing Data ; -- 3 Purge Billing Data ; Output: -1 -- Exit option ; 0 -- No action to be taken ; 1^a -- Take action. ; Optional second piece (a) is ien of ; log entry if a restart is required. N FNAME,STATUS,Y S STATUS=$$LOG($G(FILE)) I 'STATUS W !,"File #",FILE," is not defined." Q 0 S FNAME=$P($G(^DIC(FILE,0)),"^") I (JOB=2&(STATUS=1))!(JOB=3&(STATUS<3)) W !,"You must ",$S(STATUS=1:"find ",1:"archive "),FNAME," entries before you can ",$S(JOB=2:"archive.",1:"purge.") Q 0 S STATUS=STATUS-JOB+1 Q $S(STATUS>1:$$RESTART(FNAME,FILE,JOB),1:$$START(FNAME,JOB)) ; START(NAME,JOB) ; Start find/archive/purge action? ; Input: NAME -- File name ; JOB -- same as above (1, 2, or 3) ; Output: 1 -- Yes, 0 -- No, -1 -- Exit Option N DESC,DIR,DIRUT,DUOUT,DTOUT,Y S DESC=$P("find^archive^purge","^",JOB) S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Do you wish to "_DESC_" "_NAME_" file entries" S DIR("?",1)="Enter: 'Y' to "_DESC_" "_NAME_" entries" S DIR("?",2)=" 'N' to ignore "_$P("find^archiv^purg","^",JOB)_"ing "_NAME_" entries, or" S DIR("?")=" '^' to quit this option." D ^DIR Q $S($D(DIRUT)!($D(DUOUT))!($D(DTOUT)):-1,Y:1,1:0) ; RESTART(NAME,FILE,JOB) ; Re-start find/archive action? ; Input: NAME -- File name ; FILE -- Billing Data file number ; JOB -- same as above (only 1 or 2) ; Output: 1 -- Yes, 0 -- No, -1 -- Exit Option N DIR,DIRUT,DUOUT,DTOUT,Y W !,NAME," file entries have already been ",$P("found.^archived.","^",JOB) S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Do you wish to "_$S(JOB=1:"delete your search template and start",1:"archive these entries")_" again" S DIR("?",1)="Enter: 'Y' to "_$S(JOB=1:"delete your current search template and search",1:"archive entries")_" again" S DIR("?",2)=" 'N' to "_$S(JOB=1:"retain your current search template",1:"ignore archiving this file")_", or" S DIR("?")=" '^' to quit this option." D ^DIR Q $S($D(DIRUT)!($D(DUOUT))!($D(DTOUT)):-1,Y:"1^"_$$LOGIEN^IBPU1(FILE),1:0) ; LOG(FILE) ; Determine Log status for a file. ; Input: FILE -- Billing Data file number ; Output: 0 -- File undefined, or invalid file number ; 1 -- No active log entry on file ; 2 -- Active log entry on file - entries FOUND ; 3 -- Active log entry on file - entries ARCHIVED N Y,LOG,LOG1,LOG2 I '$D(^DIC(+$G(FILE))) S Y=0 G LOGQ S DA=$$LOGIEN^IBPU1(FILE) S LOG=$G(^IBE(350.6,DA,0)),LOG1=$G(^(1)),LOG2=$G(^(2)) I $P(LOG,"^",5)'=1 S Y=1 LOGQ Q $S($D(Y):Y,$P(LOG2,"^",2):3,$P(LOG1,"^",2):2,1:1) ; NUM() ; How many previous fiscal year's worth of data should be retained? ; Input: NONE Output: number of years, or -1 to exit option. N DIR,DIRUT,DUOUT,DTOUT,Y S DIR("A")="Select the number of previous fiscal year's data to retain: " S DIR("?",1)="Please select the number of previous fiscal years' worth of billing" S DIR("?")="data that you wish to retain in your system, or '^' to exit." S DIR(0)="NA^1:20:0",DIR("B")=1 D ^DIR Q $S($D(DIRUT)!($D(DUOUT))!($D(DTOUT)):-1,1:Y) ; DAT() ; What is the date through which data should be archived? ; Input: NONE Output: final date for archiving, or -1 to exit. N %DT,DTOUT,X,Y S %DT="AEPX",%DT(0)=-$$LAST^IBPFU(1),%DT("A")="Enter the final date through which data should be archived: " D ^%DT Q Y