IBPU2 ;ALB/BGA - IB PURGE FILE CLEAN UP ; 17-FEB-94 ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;**48**; 21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ; This routine requires IBN from routine IBPP ; and deletes entries in FILE #399 ; ; The following procedures remove references which ; point to the IBN about to be deleted. This routine is ; invoked by IBPU. ; Q:'$G(IBN) D CTARNB ; adds a Reason Not Billable (.19) to 356: PURGED D CLBCOM ; deletes Rec from file 362.1 D CLPSTE ; deletes Rec from file 362.3,362.4,362.5 D CLCTRK ; deletes ptr from file 356 field .11 D CLCTBI ; deletes Rec from file 356.399 D IBPBIL ; sets the ptr in fld .17 to its self D IBCYTO ; checks the ptr in fld .15 Q ; CTARNB ; add a RNB (356,.19) for every episode found on the bill, if none exists (non-cancelled bills) N ARRAY,IBA,IBX,DIE,DIC,DA,DR,IBRNB K ARRAY S IBRNB=$O(^IBE(356.8,"B","BILL PURGED",0)) Q:'IBRNB D IFNTRN^IBCU83(IBN,.ARRAY) S IBA=0 F S IBA=$O(ARRAY(IBA)) Q:'IBA I +ARRAY(IBA)'=5 S ^TMP($J,"IBPPTRN",IBA)="" I $P($G(^DGCR(399,+IBN,0)),U,13)'=7 S IBA=0 F S IBA=$O(ARRAY(IBA)) Q:'IBA S IBX=$G(^IBT(356,+IBA,0)) D . I +IBX,'$P(IBX,U,19),+ARRAY(IBA)'=5 S DIE="^IBT(356,",DA=IBA,DR=".19////"_IBRNB D ^DIE Q CLBCOM ; uses "D" xref to find all recs to be deleted N IBA,DIK,DA S IBA="" F S IBA=$O(^IBA(362.1,"D",IBN,IBA)) Q:'IBA S DIK="^IBA(362.1,",DA=IBA D ^DIK Q CLPSTE ; uses "AIFN_IBN" to find all recs pointing to the rec to be deleted N IBA,IBB,REF,DIK,DA S REF="AIFN"_IBN F IBI=362.5,362.3,362.4 S (IBA,IBB)="" F S IBA=$O(^IBA(IBI,REF,IBA)) Q:'IBA F S IBB=$O(^IBA(IBI,REF,IBA,IBB)) Q:'IBB S DIK="^IBA("_IBI_",",DA=IBB D ^DIK Q CLCTBI ; uses "C" xref to find all recs pointing to 399 then deletes N IBA,IBB,DIK,DA S IBA="" F S IBA=$O(^IBT(356.399,"C",IBN,IBA)) Q:'IBA D . S IBB=$P($G(^IBT(356.399,IBA,0)),U,1) I +IBB S ^TMP($J,"IBPPTRN",+IBB)="" . S DIK="^IBT(356.399,",DA=IBA D ^DIK Q CLCTRK ; uses "E" xref to find all recs ptr to 399 then sets them to null N IBA,DIE,DA,DR S IBA="" F S IBA=$O(^IBT(356,"E",IBN,IBA)) Q:'IBA S ^TMP($J,"IBPPTRN",+IBA)="",DIE="^IBT(356,",DA=IBA,DR=".11///@" D ^DIE Q IBPBIL ; uses "AC" xref to find all recs ptr to 399 then sets to the bill # N IBA,DIE,DA,DR S IBA="" F S IBA=$O(^DGCR(399,"AC",IBN,IBA)) Q:'IBA I IBN'=IBA S DIE="^DGCR(399,",DA=IBA,DR=".17///"_IBA D ^DIE Q IBCYTO ; uses "C" xref to find all recs ptr to 399 then sets the recs to null N IBA,IBB,DFN,DIE,DA,DR S (IBA,IBB)="",DFN=+$P($G(^DGCR(399,IBN,0)),U,2) F S IBA=$O(^DGCR(399,"C",DFN,IBA)) Q:'IBA I +$P($G(^DGCR(399,IBA,0)),U,15)=IBN S DIE="^DGCR(399,",DA=IBA,DR=".15///@" Q ; ; PTCH48 ; CODE FOR PATCH IB*2*48 TO ADD NEW REASON NOT BILLABLE N IBI,DINUM,DIC,Y I $D(^IBE(356.8,"B","BILL PURGED")) W !!,"*** REASON NOT BILLABLE of 'BILL PURGED' already exists in FILE #356.8, new entry NOT added.",!! Q W !!,">>> Adding new REASON NOT BILLABLE of 'BILL PURGED' to FILE #356.8" F IBI=19:1:999 I '$D(^IBE(356.8,IBI,0)) D Q . S DINUM=IBI I '$D(^IBE(356.8,DINUM,0)) K DD,DO S DIC="^IBE(356.8,",DIC(0)="L",X="BILL PURGED" D FILE^DICN I $G(Y)<1 W !!,"**** Unable to add new entry to FILE #356.8, contact Field Support ****",!! I $G(Y)>0 W !,"Done.",!! K DIC,DINUM,Y,DD,DO Q