IBTRKRBD ;WAS/RFJ - claims tracking - deleted admission bulletin ; 1 Mar 96 ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;**56**; 21-MAR-94 ; DELBULL(DFN,IBTRN,DGPMA,IBSPEC) ; -- send deleted admission bulletin ; dfn = patient ien file 2 ; ibtrn = claims tracking ien file 356 ; dgpma = 0th node from movement file 405 ; ibspec = specialty ien file 45.7 N %,DA,FILE,HDRFLAG,IBT,IBTDATE,LINE,SERVICE,SPECALTY,VA,VAERR,Y S IBT(1)="The following claims tracking patient's admission has been deleted from the" S IBT(2)="movement file (405). The patient's entry in the claims tracking file (356)" S IBT(3)="has been set to inactive. If the same patient is admitted to the hospital" S IBT(4)="with an admission date 5 days before or after the original admission date" S IBT(5)="the patient's entry in the claims tracking file (356) will be reactivated." S IBT(6)="" ; D PID^VADPT S IBT(7)=" Patient: "_$P(^DPT(DFN,0),"^")_" ("_VA("PID")_")" S IBT(8)=" Claims Tracking Entry: "_IBTRN S IBT(9)=" Claims Tracking ID: "_$P($G(^IBT(356,+IBTRN,0)),"^") ; S Y=$P(DGPMA,"^") D DD^%DT S IBT(10)="Original Admission Date: "_Y_" ("_$P(DGPMA,"^",14)_")" S IBT(11)="" ; S IBT(12)=" =============== ADMISSION DATA ===============" S SPECALTY=$P($G(^DIC(45.7,+IBSPEC,0)),"^",2) S IBT(13)=" Specialty: "_$P($G(^DIC(45.7,+IBSPEC,0)),"^") ; S SERVICE=$P($G(^DIC(42.4,+$P($G(^DIC(45.7,+IBSPEC,0)),"^",2),0)),"^",3) S IBT(14)=" Service: "_$$EXPAND^IBTRE(42.4,3,SERVICE) S IBT(15)=" Ward Location: "_$S($D(^DIC(42,+$P(DGPMA,"^",6),0)):$P(^(0),"^",1),1:"UNKNOWN") S IBT(16)=" Room-Bed: "_$S($D(^DG(405.4,+$P(DGPMA,"^",7),0)):$P(^(0),"^",1),1:"UNKNOWN") S IBT(17)=" Admitting DX: "_$P(DGPMA,"^",10) S IBT(18)=" Type of Admit: "_$S($D(^DG(405.1,+$P(DGPMA,"^",4),0)):$P(^(0),"^",1),1:"") S IBT(19)=" Insured: "_$S($$INSURED^IBCNS1(DFN):"YES",1:"NO") ; S LINE=19 ; F FILE=356.1,356.2 S (DA,HDRFLAG)=0 F S DA=$O(^IBT(FILE,"C",+IBTRN,DA)) Q:'DA D BUILD ; F FILE=356.9,356.91,356.94 S (DA,HDRFLAG)=0 F S DA=$O(^IBT(FILE,"C",+$P(DGPMA,"^",14),DA)) Q:'DA D BUILD ; S FILE=356.93,(IBTDATE,HDRFLAG)=0 F S IBTDATE=$O(^IBT(FILE,"AMVD",+$P(DGPMA,"^",14),IBTDATE)) Q:'IBTDATE S DA=0 F S DA=$O(^IBT(FILE,"AMVD",+$P(DGPMA,"^",14),IBTDATE,DA)) Q:'DA D BUILD ; ; send the bulletin D SEND^IBTRKRBA("UR Claims Tracking Admission Deleted") Q ; ; BUILD ; build data for file and entry N FIELD,HDRDATA,IBDATA D INQUIRE^IBTRKRU(FILE,DA) I '$D(IBDATA) Q ; ; store file name in msg (once for each file) I 'HDRFLAG S HDRFLAG=1 D FILE^DID(FILE,"","NAME","HDRDATA"),SET(" "),SET(" =============== "_$G(HDRDATA("NAME"))_" DATA (FILE "_FILE_") ===============") ; D SET($J("ENTRY NUMBER",35)_": "_DA) ; ; do not show adm. movement field (pts to deleted 405 entry) S FIELD="" F S FIELD=$O(IBDATA(FILE,DA_",",FIELD)) Q:FIELD="" I FIELD'="ADMISSION MOVEMENT",IBDATA(FILE,DA_",",FIELD)'="" D SET($J(FIELD,35)_": "_IBDATA(FILE,DA_",",FIELD)) D SET(" ") Q ; ; SET(MSG) ; set message text S LINE=LINE+1,IBT(LINE)=MSG Q