IBTUBO2 ;ALB/AAS - UNBILLED AMOUNTS - GENERATE UNBILLED REPORTS ;03 Aug 2004 8:21 AM ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**19,31,32,91,123,159,192,155,309,347**;21-MAR-94;Build 24 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. ; INPT(DGPM) ; - Check if inpatient episode has bills or final bill; if not, ; ^TMP($J,"IBTUB-INPT",NAME@@DFN,DATE,IBX)=bill status ; ^TMP($J,"IBTUB-INPT_MRA",NAME@@DFN,DATE,IBX)=1 if MRA request ; *Pre-set variables: DFN=patient IEN, DGPM=pointer to file #405, ; IBDT=event date, IBRT=bill rate, ; IBEDT=reporting period date I '$G(DFN)!('$G(DGPM))!('$G(IBDT))!('$G(IBRT)) G INPTQ N IBIP,IBDATA,IBNAME,IBNCF,IBXX,X,Y,IBMRA S IBNAME=$P($G(^DPT(DFN,0)),U) I $D(^TMP($J,"IBTUB-INPT",IBNAME_"@@"_DFN,IBDT)) G INPTQ I $P($G(^DGPM(DGPM,0)),U,11) G INPTQ ; Admitted for SC condition. I $$SC^IBTUBOU($P($G(^DGPM(DGPM,0)),U,16)) G INPTQ ; Check PTF for SC. S (IBIP(1),IBIP(2))=0 ; Set claim flags. ; ; - Check patient's claims. S (IBNCF,X)=0 F S X=$O(^DGCR(399,"C",DFN,X)) Q:'X D Q:IBIP(1)&(IBIP(2)) . S IBDATA=$$CKBIL^IBTUBOU(X,1) Q:IBDATA="" . ; . ; The admission date on the bill is different from the Event date. . I $P(IBDATA,U,5)'=$P(IBDT,".") Q . S IBNCF=IBNCF+1 ; Increment the number of bills on file for episode . ; . ; If Compile/Store & Not authorized before reporting period - Quit. . I $G(IBCOMP),$S($P(IBDATA,U,2)'=2:$P(IBDATA,U,3),1:$P(IBDATA,U,6))>IBEDT Q . ; . S IBIP($P(IBDATA,U,4))=$S($P(IBDATA,U,2)'=2:1,1:2) ; Episode billed for inst/prof bill type ; I IBIP(1)=1 G:IBIP(2)=1!(IBDT<2990901) INPTQ ; Episode is billed. ; ; - Add to episodes missing inst./prof. bills. S (IBXX,IBMRA)="" ; I IBIP(1)'=1 D . I 'IBIP(1) S IBUNB("EPISM-I")=IBUNB("EPISM-I")+1 S:IBDET IBXX="I" . I $G(IBXTRACT) S IB(1)=IB(1)+1 ; For DM extract. . I IBIP(1)=2 S IBUNB("EPISM-I-MRA")=IBUNB("EPISM-I-MRA")+1 S:IBDET IBMRA="I" ; I IBIP(2)'=1,IBDT'<2990901 D . I 'IBIP(2) S IBUNB("EPISM-P")=IBUNB("EPISM-P")+1 S:IBDET IBXX=$S(IBXX="I":"I,P",1:"P") . I $G(IBXTRACT) S IB(3)=IB(3)+1 ; For DM extract. . I IBIP(2)=2 S IBUNB("EPISM-P-MRA")=IBUNB("EPISM-P-MRA")+1 S:IBDET IBMRA=$S(IBMRA="I":"I,P",1:"P") ; I $S('IBIP(1):1,'IBIP(2):1,1:0) S IBUNB("EPISM-A")=IBUNB("EPISM-A")+1 ; Number of Admissions missing claims S:IBIP(1)=2!(IBIP(2)=2) IBUNB("EPISM-A-MRA")=IBUNB("EPISM-A-MRA")+1 I $G(IBXTRACT) S IB(5)=IB(5)+1 ; For DM extract. ; I '$G(IBINMRA),IBIP(1)=2 G:IBIP(2)=1 INPTQ I '$G(IBINMRA),IBIP(2)=2 G:IBIP(1)=1 INPTQ ; ; - Set global for report. I $S($G(IBINMRA):1,1:IBXX'="") S ^TMP($J,"IBTUB-INPT",IBNAME_"@@"_DFN,IBDT,IBX)=IBNCF_U_IBXX_U_U_U_$$HOSP^IBTUBOU(DGPM) I IBMRA'="",$G(IBINMRA) S ^TMP($J,"IBTUB-INPT_MRA",IBNAME_"@@"_DFN,IBDT,IBX)=1_U_IBMRA ; INPTQ Q ; RX(IBRX) ; - Check if prescription has been billed; if not, ; ^TMP($J,"IBTUB-RX",NAME@@DFN,DATE@RX#,IBX)=bill status^drug name^ ; original fill date ; ^TMP($J,"IBTUB-RX_MRA",NAME@@DFN,DATE@RX#,IBX)=1 if req MRA ; ; *Pre-set variables: DFN=patient IEN, IBDT=refill date, ; IBRT=bill rate, IBRX=pointer to file #52, ; IBEDT=reporting period date I '$G(DFN)!('$G(IBDT))!('$G(IBRT))!('$G(IBRX)) G RXQ N IBDATA,IBDAY,IBDRX,IBFL,IBFLG,IBOFD,IBNAME,IBND,IBNO,IBNCF,RX,X,RXDT,IBMRA,IBCO ; ; - Be sure prescription has an RX#. S IBND=$$RXZERO^IBRXUTL(DFN,IBRX),IBNO=$P(IBND,U) G:IBNO="" RXQ ; ; - Retrieve the Prescription Original Fill Date S IBOFD=$$FILE^IBRXUTL(IBRX,22)\1 ; S IBDAY=$E(IBDT,1,7),IBDRX=IBDAY_"@@"_IBNO,IBNAME=$P($G(^DPT(DFN,0)),U) ; ; - Be sure that this fill was not already marked as unbilled. I $D(^TMP($J,"IBTUB-RX",IBNAME_"@@"_DFN,IBDRX,IBX)) G RXQ ; ; - Look at all fills of the prescription that are on a claim. S (IBFL,X)="",(IBFLG,IBNCF,IBNCF(0),IBMRA)=0 F S X=$O(^IBA(362.4,"B",IBNO,X)) Q:'X D Q:IBFL . S RX=$G(^IBA(362.4,X,0)),RXDT=$P(RX,U,3)\1 . I RXDT=IBOFD S IBFLG=1 ; Original Fill Date Billed? . I RXDT'=IBDAY Q ; RX refill and claim refill dates not the same. . ; . ; - Skip bill if not authorized (and not meeting other criteria). . S IBDATA=$$CKBIL^IBTUBOU($P(RX,U,2)) Q:IBDATA="" . S IBNCF=IBNCF+1 ; Increment the number of bills on file for the episode . ; If Compile/Store & Not authorized before reporting period - Quit. . I $G(IBCOMP),$S($P(IBDATA,U,2)'=2:$P(IBDATA,U,3),1:$P(IBDATA,U,6))>IBEDT S IBNONMRA=0 Q . S:$P(IBDATA,U,2)'=2 IBFL=1,IBMRA=0 ; at least 1 non-MRA bill exists . S:$P(IBDATA,U,2)=2 IBMRA=1 ; at least 1 MRA bill exists . ; ; I IBFL G RXQ ; Refill has been billed. ; RX1 ; - Calculate unbilled amounts. S:'IBMRA IBUNB("PRESCRP")=IBUNB("PRESCRP")+1 I IBMRA S IBUNB("PRESCRP-MRA")=IBUNB("PRESCRP-MRA")+1 S IBCO=$$BICOST^IBCRCI(IBRT,3,IBDAY,"PRESCRIPTION FILL") S:'IBMRA IBUNB("UNBILRX")=IBUNB("UNBILRX")+IBCO I IBMRA S IBUNB("UNBILRX-MRA")=IBUNB("UNBILRX-MRA")+IBCO I $G(IBXTRACT) D ; For DM extract. . S IB(17)=IB(17)+1 . S IB(18)=IB(18)+IBCO ; ; - Set global for report. D ZERO^IBRXUTL(+$P(IBND,U,6)) I $S($G(IBINMRA):1,1:'IBMRA) S ^TMP($J,"IBTUB-RX",IBNAME_"@@"_DFN,IBDRX,IBX)=IBNCF_U_$P($G(^VA(200,+$P(IBND,U,4),0)),U)_U_$$FILE^IBRXUTL(IBRX,22)_U_U_IBFLG_U_$G(^TMP($J,"IBDRUG",+$P(IBND,U,6),.01)) I IBMRA,$G(IBINMRA) S ^TMP($J,"IBTUB-RX_MRA",IBNAME_"@@"_DFN,IBDRX,IBX)=1 K ^TMP($J,"IBDRUG") ; RXQ Q