IBTUBOA ;ALB/RB - UNBILLED AMOUNTS - GENERATE UNBILLED REPORTS ;01-JAN-01 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**19,31,32,91,123,159,192,155,276**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; % ; - Entry point from Taskman. ;ARRAY VARIABLES: ; IBAVG("BILLS-I")=number of inpatient institutional claims ; IBAVG("BILLS-P")=number of inpatient professional claims ; IBAVG("EPISD-I")=number of inpt. episodes for institutional claims ; IBAVG("EPISD-P")=number of inpt. episodes for professional claims ; IBAVG("$AMNT-I")=inpatient institutional amount billed ; IBAVG("$AMNT-P")=inpatient professional amount billed ; IBUNB("EPISM-I")=number of inpatient episodes missing inst. claims ; IBUNB("EPISM-P")=number of inpatient episodes missing prof. claims ; IBUNB("EPISM-I-MRA")=number of MRA req inpat institutional claims ; IBUNB("EPISM-P-MRA")=number of MRA req inpat professional claims ; IBUNB("EPISM-A")=number of inpatient admissions missing claims ; (any type: Prof,Inst or both) ; IBUNB("EPISM-A-MRA")=number inpt MRA req admissions missing claims ; (any type: Prof,Inst or both) ; IBUNB("ENCNTRS")=number of outpatient encounters missing claims ; IBUNB("CPTMS-I")=number of CPT codes missing institutional claims ; IBUNB("CPTMS-I-MRA")=number of MRA req CPT codes missing inst claims ; IBUNB("CPTMS-P")=number of CPT codes missing professional claims ; IBUNB("CPTMS-P-MRA")=number of MRA req CPT codes missing prof claims ; IBUNB("PRESCRP")=number of unbilled prescriptions ; IBUNB("PRESCRP-MRA")=number of MRA req prescriptions ; IBUNB("UNBILIP")=unbilled inpatient amount ; IBUNB("UNBILIP-MRA")=MRA req inpatient amount ; IBUNB("UNBILOP")=unbilled outpatient amount ; IBUNB("UNBILOP-MRA")=MRA req outpatient amount ; IBUNB("UNBILRX")=unbilled prescription amount ; IBUNB("UNBILRX-MRA")=MRA req prescription amount ; IBUNB("UNBILTL")=total unbilled amount ; IBUNB("UNBILTL-MRA")=total MRA req amount ; ;ARRAY VARIABLES FOR DM EXTRACT: ; IB(1)=Number of inpatient episodes missing institutional claims ; IB(2)=Amount of inpatient episodes missing institutional claims ; IB(3)=Number of inpatient episodes missing professional claims ; IB(4)=Amount of inpatient episodes missing professional claims ; IB(5)=Number of all inpatient episodes missing claims ; IB(6)=Amount of all inpatient episodes missing claims ; IB(7)=Number of unbilled outpatient encounters prior to 9/1/99 ; IB(8)=Amount of unbilled outpatient encounters prior to 9/1/99 ; IB(9)=Number of procedures without an institutional charge ; IB(10)=Amount of procedures without an institutional charge ; IB(11)=Number of procedures without a professional charge ; IB(12)=Amount of procedures without a professional charge ; IB(13)=Number of all procedures without a charge ; IB(14)=Number of encounters associated with all procedures without ; a charge ; IB(15)=Number of all encounters missing claims ; IB(16)=Amount of all encounters missing claims ; IB(17)=Number of unbilled prescriptions and refills ; IB(18)=Amount of unbilled prescriptions and refills ; IB(19)=Amount of all unbilled episodes of care ; N IB,IBAMTI,IBAMTP,IBIAV,IBIA,IBNODE,IBOE,IBPA,IBQUERY,IBRX,IBSAV,IBT N IBAMTIM,IBAMTPM,IBTYP,IBX,IBY,DFN,DGPM,I,J ; K ^TMP($J,"IBTUB-INPT"),^TMP($J,"IBTUB-OPT"),^TMP($J,"IBTUB-RX") K ^TMP($J,"IBTUB-INPT_MRA"),^TMP($J,"IBTUB-OPT_MRA"),^TMP($J,"IBTUB-RX_MRA") ; ; - Initialize DM extract variables, if necessary. I $G(IBXTRACT) D E^IBJDE(37,1) F IBX=1:1:19 S IB(IBX)=0 ; ; - Initialize Unbilled Amounts variables. S (IBUNB("ENCNTRS"),IBUNB("PRESCRP"),IBUNB("PRESCRP-MRA"))=0 F IBX="IP","OP","RX" S IBUNB("UNBIL"_IBX)=0,IBUNB("UNBIL"_IBX_"-MRA")=0 F IBX="I","P" S (IBUNB("EPISM-"_IBX),IBUNB("EPISM-"_IBX_"-MRA"),IBUNB("CPTMS-"_IBX),IBUNB("CPTMS-"_IBX_"-MRA"))=0 S (IBUNB("EPISM-A"),IBUNB("EPISM-A-MRA"))=0 ; ; - Retrieve the Rate Type code for Reimbursable Insurance S IBRT=$S($O(^DGCR(399.3,"B","REIMBURSABLE INS.",0)):$O(^(0)),1:8) ; ; - If Compile/Store - Checks if the Average Bill Amounts exists for ; IBTIMON. If it does not, calls IBTUBAV to calculate/updated it. I $G(IBCOMP) D . I $P($G(^IBE(356.19,IBTIMON,1)),"^",14)'="" Q . ; . ; - DQ^IBTUBAV will kill the variables IBTIMON and IBCOMP - That's why . ; they are being set again after this call. . S IBSAV=IBTIMON D DQ^IBTUBAV S IBTIMON=IBSAV,IBCOMP=1 ; PROC ; - Loops through all the entries in the Claims Tracking file for the ; period selected and calculate the Unbilled Amounts S IBDT=IBBDT-.1 ; F S IBDT=$O(^IBT(356,"D",IBDT)) Q:'IBDT!(IBDT>IBEDT) D . S IBX=0 F S IBX=$O(^IBT(356,"D",IBDT,IBX)) Q:'IBX D . . S IBNODE=$G(^IBT(356,IBX,0)) Q:IBNODE="" . . I $P(IBNODE,U,12) Q ; Tort-Feasor,Workman's Comp,No-fault Auto Acc. . . I $P(IBNODE,U,19) Q ; Reason not billable assigned. . . I '$P(IBNODE,U,20) Q ; Inactive. . . S DFN=+$P(IBNODE,U,2) . . I '$$PTCHK^IBTUBOU(DFN,IBNODE) Q ; Has a non-veteran eligibility. . . I '$$INSURED^IBCNS1(DFN,IBDT) Q ; Not insured during care. . . I $P(IBNODE,U,5),IBSEL[1,$$COV^IBTUBOU(DFN,IBDT,1) D Q ;Inpatient . . . S DGPM=+$P(IBNODE,U,5) D INPT^IBTUBO2(DGPM) . . I $P(IBNODE,U,4),IBSEL[2,$$COV^IBTUBOU(DFN,IBDT,2) D Q ;Outpatient . . . S IBOE=+$P(IBNODE,U,4) I $$NCCL^IBTUBOU(IBOE) Q ; Non-Count Clinic . . . D OPT^IBTUBO1(IBOE,.IBQUERY) . . I $P(IBNODE,U,8),IBSEL[3,$$COV^IBTUBOU(DFN,IBDT,3) D Q ;Prescription . . . N IBIFN,IBCSTAT S IBIFN=+$P(IBNODE,U,11) . . . I IBIFN S IBCSTAT=$$GET1^DIQ(399,IBIFN_",",.13,"I") Q:$S(IBCSTAT=0:1,IBCSTAT=1:0,IBCSTAT=2:1,IBCSTAT=3:1,IBCSTAT=4:1,IBCSTAT=5:1,IBCSTAT=7:0,1:1) ;already billed (modified in T9) . . . S IBRX=+$P(IBNODE,U,8) D RX^IBTUBO2(IBRX) . . ; . . ; - Check CT entry event type to get unbilled amounts, if necessary. . . S IBTYP=$P($G(^IBE(356.6,+$P(IBNODE,U,18),0)),U,8) . . I IBTYP=1,IBSEL[1,$$COV^IBTUBOU(DFN,IBDT,1) D . . . D INPT^IBTUBO2(+$O(^DGPM("APTT1",DFN,IBDT,0))) . . I IBTYP=2,IBSEL[2,$$COV^IBTUBOU(DFN,IBDT,2) D . . . D OPT^IBTUBO1("",.IBQUERY) ; I $G(IBXTRACT) D XTRACT^IBTUBOU ; Load extract file, if necessary. ; ; - Calculate the Amount Inpatient INST. & PROF. Unbilled Amounts, ; based on average amounts of Billed Amounts S IBIAV=$$INPAVG^IBTUBOU(IBTIMON) S IBAMTI=$P(IBIAV,"^")*IBUNB("EPISM-I") ; Inst S IBAMTIM=$P(IBIAV,"^")*IBUNB("EPISM-I-MRA") ; Inst S IBAMTP=$P(IBIAV,"^",2)*IBUNB("EPISM-P") ; Prof S IBAMTPM=$P(IBIAV,"^",2)*IBUNB("EPISM-P-MRA") ; Prof ; ; - Calculate Unbilled Amounts Totals S IBUNB("UNBILIP")=$J(IBAMTI+IBAMTP,0,2) S IBUNB("UNBILIP-MRA")=$J(IBAMTIM+IBAMTPM,0,2) S IBUNB("UNBILOP")=$J(IBUNB("UNBILOP"),0,2) S IBUNB("UNBILOP-MRA")=$J(IBUNB("UNBILOP-MRA"),0,2) S IBUNB("UNBILRX")=$J(IBUNB("UNBILRX"),0,2) S IBUNB("UNBILRX-MRA")=$J(IBUNB("UNBILRX-MRA"),0,2) S IBUNB("UNBILTL")=$J(IBUNB("UNBILIP")+IBUNB("UNBILOP")+IBUNB("UNBILRX"),0,2) S IBUNB("UNBILTL-MRA")=$J(IBUNB("UNBILIP-MRA")+IBUNB("UNBILOP-MRA")+IBUNB("UNBILRX-MRA"),0,2) ; ; - If Compile/Store - update Unbilled Amounts data on file #356.19 I $G(IBCOMP) D LD^IBTUBOU(3,IBTIMON) ; PRT ; - Print report(s). I $G(IBQUERY) D CLOSE^IBSDU(.IBQUERY) D REPORT^IBTUBO3 ; END K ^TMP($J,"IBTUB-INPT"),^TMP($J,"IBTUB-OPT"),^TMP($J,"IBTUB-RX") K IBDT,IBRT,IBUNB I $D(ZTQUEUED) S ZTREQ="@" Q D ^%ZISC K IBTEMON,IBXTRACT,D,D0,DA,DIC,DIE Q