IBTUBV ;ALB/AAS - UNBILLED AMOUNTS - VIEW UNBILLED DATA ;29-SEP-94 ;;2.0;INTEGRATED BILLING;**19,123,155**;21-MAR-94 ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; % ; - View unbilled amounts for the month. I '$D(IOF) D HOME^%ZIS W !!,"View unbilled amounts",! S %ZIS="QM" D ^%ZIS G:POP END I $D(IO("Q")) D G END .S ZTRTN="DQ^IBTUBV",ZTSAVE("IB*")="" .S ZTDESC="IB - Unbilled View Unbilled Amounts" .D ^%ZTLOAD K IO("Q"),ZTSK D HOME^%ZIS ; U IO D DQ ; END W ! I $D(ZTQUEUED) S ZTREQ="@" Q D ^%ZISC Q ; DQ ; - Entry point when queued. N IBAVGI,IBAVGP,IBFL,IBHDT,IBPAG,IBQUIT,IBTMON,DA,ND,ND3,TAB,X,Y S IBHDT=$$HTE^XLFDT($H,1),(IBPAG,IBQUIT)=0 D HDR S IBTMON="",TAB=40 F S IBTMON=$O(^IBE(356.19,"AIVDT",IBTMON)) Q:'IBTMON D Q:IBQUIT .S DA=-IBTMON,IBFL=1 .I '$D(^IBE(356.19,DA,1)) D OLDV(DA) Q ; No '1' node-print old report. .S ND=$P($G(^IBE(356.19,DA,1)),U,1,6) .; .; - Get average instutional amount. .S X1=$S('$P(ND,U,3):0,1:+ND/$P(ND,U,3)) .S X2=$S('$P(ND,U):0,1:+$P(ND,U,2)/+ND),IBAVGI=$J(X1*X2,0,2) .; .; - Get average professional amount. .S X1=$S('$P(ND,U,6):0,1:+$P(ND,U,4)/$P(ND,U,6)) .S X2=$S('$P(ND,U,4):0,1:+$P(ND,U,5)/$P(ND,U,4)),IBAVGP=$J(X1*X2,0,2) .; .S ND=$G(^IBE(356.19,DA,2)) .S ND3=$G(^IBE(356.19,DA,3)) .I $Y>(IOSL-7) D HDR Q:IBQUIT .W !?22,"Inpatient Care: ",$$MYR(DA) .W !?9,"Number of Unbilled Inpatient Cases: ",$J($P(ND,U,2)+ND,11) .W !?10,"Number of Unbilled MRA Admissions: ",$J($P(ND3,U,2)+ND3,11) .W !?4,"Average Inpt. Institutional Bill Amount: ",$J(IBAVGI,11,2) .W !?5,"Average Inpt. Professional Bill Amount: ",$J(IBAVGP,11,2) .W !?14,"Total Unbilled Inpatient Care: ",$J($P(ND,U,7),11,2) .W !?10,"Total MRA Unbilled Inpatient Care: ",$J($P(ND3,U,7),11,2),! .; .I $Y>(IOSL-7) D HDR Q:IBQUIT .W !?21,"Outpatient Care: ",$$MYR(DA) .W !?8,"Number of Unbilled Outpatient Cases: ",$J($P(ND,U,3),11) .W !?15,"Number of Unbilled CPT Codes: ",$J($P(ND,U,4)+$P(ND,U,5),11) .W !?11,"Number of MRA Unbilled CPT Codes: ",$J($P(ND3,U,4)+$P(ND3,U,5),11) .W !?13,"Total Unbilled Outpatient Care: ",$J($P(ND,U,8),11,2) .W !?9,"Total MRA Unbilled Outpatient Care: ",$J($P(ND3,U,8),11,2),! .; .I $Y>(IOSL-7) D HDR Q:IBQUIT .W !?23,"Prescriptions: ",$$MYR(DA) .W !?11,"Number of Unbilled Prescriptions: ",$J($P(ND,U,6),11) .W !?7,"Number of MRA Unbilled Prescriptions: ",$J($P(ND3,U,6),11) .W !?15,"Total Unbilled Prescriptions: ",$J($P(ND,U,9),11,2) .W !?11,"Total MRA Unbilled Prescriptions: ",$J($P(ND3,U,9),11,2),! ; I '$G(IBFL) W !!,"No Unbilled Amount information found." Q ; OLDV(X) ; - Print old version of report if no '1' node of file #356.19 entry. S ND=$G(^IBE(356.19,X,0)) G:'$P(ND,U,16) OLDVQ I $Y>(IOSL-7) D HDR W !!?11,"Inpatient Care: ",$$MYR(X) W !?3,"Number of Unbilled Inpt. Cases: ",$J($P(ND,U,12),11) W !?8,"Average Inpt. Bill Amount: ",$J($P(ND,U,13),11,2) W !?9,"Total Inpatient Unbilled: ",$J($P(ND,U,12)*$P(ND,U,13),11,2) ; I $Y>(IOSL-7) D HDR W !!?11,"Outpatient Care: ",$$MYR(X) W !?3,"Number of Unbilled Opt. Cases: ",$J($P(ND,U,14),11) W !?9,"Average Opt. Bill Amount: ",$J($P(ND,U,15),11,2) W !?8,"Total Outpatient Unbilled: ",$J($P(ND,U,14)*$P(ND,U,15),11,2) ; OLDVQ Q ; HDR ; - Output header. I $E(IOST,1,2)="C-",IBPAG D PAUSE^VALM1 I $D(DIRUT) S IBQUIT=1 G HDRQ I $E(IOST,1,2)="C-"!(IBPAG) W @IOF S IBPAG=IBPAG+1 W !,"Unbilled Amounts Report",?(IOM-33),"Page ",IBPAG," ",IBHDT W !,$TR($J(" ",IOM)," ","-") I $D(ZTQUEUED),$$S^%ZTLOAD D .S (IBQUIT,ZTSTOP)=1 W !!,"...task stopped at user request" ; HDRQ Q ; MYR(X) ; - Format month/year (MM/YY). Q $S('$G(X):"",1:$E(X,4,5)_"/"_$E(X,2,3))