IBY5PT ;ALB/NLR - Post-init for Patch IB*2*6 ; 05-MAY-94 ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;**6**; 21-MAR-94 ; D POP ; Add the IVM Center domain to file #350.9 D ADD ; Add the new option to the Mgmt reports menu D ^IBY5ONIT ; Install the IBCN NEW INSURANCE EVENTS protocol Q ; POP ; Add the IVM Center domain to file #350.9 W !!,">>> Updating the IVM Center domain in the IB SITE PARAMETERS (#350.9) file..." S $P(^IBE(350.9,1,4),"^",7)="G.IVM REPORTS@IVM.VA.GOV" Q ; ADD ; Add the option IVM Billing Activity Report to the Mgmt reports menu S (IBUY,Y)=$O(^DIC(19,"B","IB OUTPUT MANAGEMENT REPORTS",0)) Q:Y="" S X=$O(^DIC(19,"B","IB OUTPUT IVM BILLING ACTIVITY",0)) Q:X="" W !!,"<<< Adding IB OUTPUT IVM BILLING ACTIVITY option to IB OUTPUT MANAGEMENT",!," REPORTS menu..." I '$D(^DIC(19,+Y,10,0)) S ^DIC(19,+Y,10,0)="^19.01IP^0^0" S (DA,D0)=+Y,DIC="^DIC(19,"_+Y_",10,",DIC(0)="L",DA(1)=+Y,DLAYGO=19.01,X="IB OUTPUT IVM BILLING ACTIVITY" D ^DIC S DA=+Y,DIE="^DIC(19,"_DA(1)_",10,",DR="2///^S X=""IVM""" D ^DIE K DIC,DIE,DA,IBUY,DR,X,Y Q