IBYAPRE ;ALB/CPM - PATCH IB*2*28 ENVIRONMENT CHECK ; 25-JAN-95 ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;**28**; 21-MAR-94 ; D DUZ,AR:$D(DIFQ) Q ; ; DUZ ; Check to see if a valid user is defined and that DUZ(0)="@" N X S X=$O(^VA(200,+$G(DUZ),0)) W ! I X']""!($G(DUZ(0))'="@") D .W !!?3,"The variable DUZ must be set to a valid entry in the NEW PERSON file" .W !?3,"and the variable DUZ(0) must equal ""@"" before you continue!" .K DIFQ Q ; AR ; Make sure an appropriate AR patch is installed. N X S X="RCAMINS" X ^%ZOSF("TEST") I '$T D .W !!?3,"Patch PRCA*4*24 or PRCA*4.5*6 does not appear to be installed! Please" .W !?3,"install the appropriate patch and then re-run this initialization." .K DIFQ Q