IBYAPT1 ;ALB/CPM - PATCH IB*2*28 INSURANCE CLEAN-UP ; 30-JAN-95 ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;**28**; 21-MAR-94 ; BKG ; Queue off a background job to clean up various insurance files. W !!,">>> Queuing off a job to clean up various insurance files..." W !," (You'll get a message when the job is completed)",! S ZTRTN="FIX^IBYAPT1",ZTDTH=$H,ZTIO="" S ZTDESC="IB - PATCH IB*2*28 POST INIT - INSURANCE CLEAN-UP" D ^%ZTLOAD W !?4,$S($D(ZTSK):"The job has been queued. The task number is "_ZTSK_".",1:"Unable to queue this job. Please run FIX^IBYAPT1 at any time.") K ZTSK Q ; ; FIX ; Perform clean-up of Insurance Company files. ; D NOW^%DTC S IBBDT=% ; D PLAN ; Clean up x-refs in file #355.3 D AB ; Delete errant Annual Benefits from file #355.4 D BU ; Delete errant Benefits Used from file #355.5 D RIDER ; Delete errant Riders from file #355.7 D IR ; Repoint 'Insurance Company Contacted' for ; Insurance Reviews in file 356.2 ; D NOW^%DTC S IBEDT=% ; D MAIL ; send out results K IBBDT,IBEDT,IBR,IBC,IBV,IBP,IBPD,IBV1,IBCT,IBT,IBX,XMSUB,XMTEXT,XMDUZ,XMY,Y Q ; ; ; PLAN ; Clean up the 'AGNU' and 'AGNA' x-refs in file #355.3 F IBR="AGNA","AGNU" D .S IBC=0 F S IBC=$O(^IBA(355.3,IBR,IBC)) Q:'IBC D ..S IBV="" F S IBV=$O(^IBA(355.3,IBR,IBC,IBV)) Q:IBV="" D ...S IBP=0 F S IBP=$O(^IBA(355.3,IBR,IBC,IBV,IBP)) Q:'IBP D ....S IBPD=$G(^IBA(355.3,IBP,0)) ....S IBV1=$P(IBPD,"^",$S(IBR="AGNA":3,1:4)) ....I +IBPD'=IBC!(IBV'=IBV1) S IBCT(IBR)=$G(IBCT(IBR))+1 K ^IBA(355.3,IBR,IBC,IBV,IBP) Q ; AB ; Delete errant Annual benefits from file #355.4 S IBC=0 F S IBC=$O(^IBA(355.4,IBC)) Q:'IBC S IBX=$G(^(IBC,0)) D .S IBV=0 I '$P(IBX,"^",2) S IBV=1 .I 'IBV,'$D(^IBA(355.3,+$P(IBX,"^",2),0)) S IBV=1 .I IBV S DA=IBC,DIK="^IBA(355.4,",DIDEL=355.4 D ^DIK S IBCT("AB")=$G(IBCT("AB"))+1 Q ; BU ; Delete errant Benefits Used from file #355.5 S IBC=0 F S IBC=$O(^IBA(355.5,IBC)) Q:'IBC S IBX=$G(^(IBC,0)) D .S IBV=0 I 'IBX S IBV=1 .I 'IBV,'$D(^IBA(355.3,+IBX,0)) S IBV=1 .I 'IBV,$P($G(^DPT(+$P(IBX,"^",2),.312,+$P(IBX,"^",17),0)),"^",18)'=+IBX S IBV=1 .I IBV S DA=IBC,DIK="^IBA(355.5,",DIDEL=355.5 D ^DIK S IBCT("BU")=$G(IBCT("BU"))+1 Q ; RIDER ; Delete errant Riders from file #355.7 S IBC=0 F S IBC=$O(^IBA(355.7,IBC)) Q:'IBC S IBX=$G(^(IBC,0)) D .S IBV=0 I '$D(^DPT(+$P(IBX,"^",2),.312,+$P(IBX,"^",3),0)) S IBV=1 .I IBV S DA=IBC,DIK="^IBA(355.7,",DIDEL=355.7 D ^DIK S IBCT("RD")=$G(IBCT("RD"))+1 Q ; IR ; Repoint Insurance Reviews in file #356.2 S IBC=0 F S IBC=$O(^IBT(356.2,IBC)) Q:'IBC S IBX=$G(^(IBC,0)),IBX1=$G(^(1)) D .S IBCDFN=+$P(IBX1,"^",5),IBCDFND=$G(^DPT(+$P(IBX,"^",5),.312,IBCDFN,0)) .K IBVAL .I IBCDFN,IBCDFND,+$P(IBX,"^",8)'=+IBCDFND S IBVAL=+IBCDFND .I IBCDFN,'IBCDFND S IBVAL=0 .I $G(IBVAL)]"" D ..I IBVAL S DA=IBC,DR=".08////"_+IBCDFND,DIE="^IBT(356.2," D ^DIE K DIE,DA,DR ..I 'IBVAL S $P(^IBT(356.2,IBC,1),"^",5)="" ..S IBCT("IR")=$G(IBCT("IR"))+1 K IBX1,IBCDFN,IBCDFND,IBVAL Q ; MAIL ; Send results out. S XMSUB="Patch IB*2*28 Insurance Clean-up Completion" S XMDUZ="INTEGRATED BILLING PACKAGE",XMTEXT="IBT(",XMY(DUZ)="" ; K IBT S IBT(1)="The Insurance Files clean-up job has completed." S IBT(2)=" " S Y=IBBDT D D^DIQ S IBT(3)="Job Start Time: "_Y S Y=IBEDT D D^DIQ S IBT(4)=" Job End Time: "_Y S IBT(5)=" " S IBT(6)=" Number of AGNA cross references in file #355.3 deleted: "_+$G(IBCT("AGNA")) S IBT(7)=" Number of AGNU cross references in file #355.3 deleted: "_+$G(IBCT("AGNU")) S IBT(8)="Number of errant Annual Benefits in file #355.4 deleted: "_+$G(IBCT("AB")) S IBT(9)=" Number of errant Benefits Used in file #355.5 deleted: "_+$G(IBCT("BU")) S IBT(10)="Number of errant Personal Riders in file #355.7 deleted: "_+$G(IBCT("RD")) S IBT(11)=" Number of Insurance Reviews in file #356.2 repointed: "_+$G(IBCT("IR")) ; D ^XMD Q