IBYCPT ;ALB/CPM - PATCH IB*2*34 POST-INITIALIZATION ; 21-JUN-95 ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;**34**; 21-MAR-94 ; EN ; Patch IB*2*34 post initialization. ; D LTR ; add reminder letter to file #354.6 D OPT ; add new option to the Copay Exemption menu Q ; ; LTR ; Add the reminder letter to the IB FORM LETTER (#354.6) file. Q:$D(^IBE(354.6,"B","IB INCOME TEST REMINDER")) W !!,">>> Adding the Reminder Letter into the IB FORM LETTER (#354.6) file..." S DIC(0)="",DIC="^IBE(354.6,",X="IB INCOME TEST REMINDER" K DO,DD D FILE^DICN S IBLET=+Y I IBLET'>0 W !?4,*7,"Unable to add the letter! Contact your supporting ISC for assistance." G LTRQ ; S $P(^IBE(354.6,IBLET,0),"^",2,4)="Income Test Reminder Letter^2^15" ; ; - build letter body S ^IBE(354.6,IBLET,1,0)="^^13^13^"_DT_"^^^^" S ^IBE(354.6,IBLET,1,1,0)="The VA is required by law to charge veterans who receive medications" S ^IBE(354.6,IBLET,1,2,0)="on an outpatient basis for the treatment of nonservice-connected" S ^IBE(354.6,IBLET,1,3,0)="conditions, a copayment of $2.00 for each 30-day (or less) supply" S ^IBE(354.6,IBLET,1,4,0)="of medication provided. Based on the income information requested" S ^IBE(354.6,IBLET,1,5,0)="each year, some veterans may be exempt from the copayment." S ^IBE(354.6,IBLET,1,6,0)=" " S ^IBE(354.6,IBLET,1,7,0)="Our records indicate that your medication copayment exemption" S ^IBE(354.6,IBLET,1,8,0)="status will expire on |VAR(""IBEXPD"")|." S ^IBE(354.6,IBLET,1,9,0)=" " S ^IBE(354.6,IBLET,1,10,0)="" S ^IBE(354.6,IBLET,1,11,0)=" " S ^IBE(354.6,IBLET,1,12,0)=" " S ^IBE(354.6,IBLET,1,13,0)="" ; ; - build letter header S ^IBE(354.6,IBLET,2,0)="^^6^6^"_DT_"^^^^" S ^IBE(354.6,IBLET,2,1,0)="Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center" S ^IBE(354.6,IBLET,2,2,0)="" S ^IBE(354.6,IBLET,2,3,0)="" S ^IBE(354.6,IBLET,2,4,0)=" " S ^IBE(354.6,IBLET,2,5,0)=" " S ^IBE(354.6,IBLET,2,6,0)=" " ; LTRQ K DIC,IBLET,X,Y Q ; OPT ; Add the option to reprint a reminder to the Copay Exemption menu. S Y=$O(^DIC(19,"B","IB RX EXEMPTION MENU",0)) I Y="" G OPTQ S X=$O(^DIC(19,"B","IB RX REPRINT REMINDER",0)) I X="" G OPTQ W !!,">>> Adding IB RX REPRINT REMINDER option to the IB RX EXEMPTION MENU..." I '$D(^DIC(19,+Y,10,0)) S ^DIC(19,+Y,10,0)="^19.01IP^0^0" S (DA,D0)=+Y,DIC="^DIC(19,"_+Y_",10,",DIC(0)="L",DA(1)=+Y,DLAYGO=19.01,X="IB RX REPRINT REMINDER" D ^DIC S DA=+Y,DIE="^DIC(19,"_DA(1)_",10,",DR="2///^S X=""REPR""" D ^DIE OPTQ K DIC,DIE,DA,DR,X,Y Q