IBYEPT ;ALB/BGA - PATCH IB*2*40 POST - INITIALIZATION ; 1-AUG-95 ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;**40**; 21-MAR-94 ; EN ; Patch IB*2*40 post initialization. ; D FIX ; Fix spelling of Non-Acute Classification entry D ^IBYEPT1 ; Queue job to clean up 'Name of Insured' Q ; ; FIX ; This call corrects a problem with the spelling of the ; entry 'ADMISSION TO CIRCUMENT SLOWNESS' (code 3.03) in ; file 356.4. 'CIRCUMENT' should be spelled 'CIRCUMVENT.' ; W !!,">>> Correcting the spelling of the entry 'ADMISSION TO CIRCUMENT SLOWNESS'" W !," (code 3.03) in file #356.4 ... " N IBENT,DA,DR,DIE I '$D(^IBE(356.4,"C","3.03")) W *7,!," This entry is not cross-referenced correctly!",!," Please contact IRMFO Customer Service staff for assistance." Q S IBENT=$O(^IBE(356.4,"C","3.03",0)) I IBENT'>0 W *7,!," This entry could not be found!",!," Please contact IRMFO Customer Service staff for assistance." Q S DR=".01////ADMISSION TO CIRCUMVENT SLOWNESS",DIE="^IBE(356.4,",DA=IBENT D ^DIE W "done." Q