PFXIP11 ;WOIFO/MJE-PATCH INSTALL ROUTINE ;8/1/2001 ;;3.0;PATIENT FUNDS;**11**;JUNE 1, 1989 Q PS ; post-install entry point ; create KIDS checkpoints with call backs N PFX,Y F PFX="UPDPRPF" D .S Y=$$NEWCP^XPDUTL(PFX,PFX_"^PFXIP11") .I 'Y D BMES^XPDUTL("ERROR Creating "_PFX_" Checkpoint.") Q ; UPDPRPF ;Update selected Personal Funds records N X,Y,DA,DR,DIE,DIK,IENX,IENY,NEWIEN,PFF1,PFX D BMES^XPDUTL(" Updating Personal Funds files 470.1,470.2") ; check for the existence of bad pfunds form if not present quit routine D:'$D(^PRPF(470.2,"B","PICKLO, JOSEPH")) MES^XPDUTL(" Update of the Personal Funds Forms file not required.") Q:'$D(^PRPF(470.2,"B","PICKLO, JOSEPH")) ; check for the form that will be pointed to if updates are made, if not present quit routine D:'$D(^PRPF(470.2,"B","10-1083")) MES^XPDUTL(" Problem: Form 10-1083 not found! Update aborted.") Q:'$D(^PRPF(470.2,"B","10-1083")) D:'$D(^PRPF(470.1)) MES^XPDUTL(" Problem: Patient Funds Master Transaction file does not exist, Update Aborted") Q:'$D(^PRPF(470.1,0)) ;search files 470.1 for records that need to be re-pointed S (IENX,IENY,NEWIEN)=0 S NEWIEN=$O(^PRPF(470.2,"B","10-1083",0)) F S IENX=$O(^PRPF(470.2,"B","PICKLO, JOSEPH",IENX)) Q:'IENX D .F S IENY=$O(^PRPF(470.1,IENY)) Q:'IENY D ..I $P(^PRPF(470.1,IENY,0),"^",11)=IENX D ...S DR="10////^S X=NEWIEN",DIE="^PRPF(470.1,",DA=IENY ...L +^PRPF(470.1,IENY):0 I $T D ....D ^DIE L -^PRPF(470.1,IENY) ...E I '$D(PFF1) D ....D BMES^XPDUTL(" Error: Could not lock file 470.1, rerun patch") ....S PFF1=1 .;if no lock errors flagged then delete bad pfunds form entry .I '$D(PFF1) S DIK="^PRPF(470.2,",DA=IENX D ^DIK D MES^XPDUTL(" Update Successful") Q ;PFXIP11