PRPFPURG ;CTB/WASH-ISC@ALTOONA PATIENT FUNDS PURGE ;3/18/97 1:49 PM V ;;3.0;PATIENT FUNDS;**6,9**;JUNE 1, 1989 N PERCENT,MIN,SEC,TIME,DX,DY,HOURS,TREC,LREC,LINE,DA,LASTENT,XPOS,A,BTIME,XCOUNT,COUNT,LASTARCH,PURGDATE,RETURN,LY W @IOF,!!! S %A="This program will summarize and remove entries from the Patient Funds card and",%A(1)="make a BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD entry for the summarized amount.",%A(2)="OK to Continue",%=1 D ^PRPFYN Q:%'=1 S LASTARCH=$O(^PRPF(470.9,"AC",0)) I LASTARCH="" S X="This data has never been archived, purging cannot be accomplished until the archive is completed.*7" D MSG^PRPFU1 S X="No action taken.*7" D MSG^PRPFU1 QUIT S LASTARCH=10000000-LASTARCH,Y=LASTARCH,LY=$$FMADD^XLFDT(DT,-400) S:Y>LY Y=LY S %DT(0)=-Y D D^PRPFU1 ; By REW for 3*9 DT S %DT("B")=$P(Y,"@") W !!,"The Summarize Through date must be no later than "_%DT("B"),!," -- the earlier of 400 days before today and the date of the latest archive.",! S %DT="AEXP",%DT("A")="Select the desired Summarize Through date: " D ^%DT K %DT(0) Q:Y<0 ; By REW for 3*9 DTZ ;W !! S %DT="AEXP",%DT("A")="Select ending date for summarization: ",%DT("B")=$P(Y,"@") D ^%DT Q:Y<0 ; I Y>LASTARCH S Y=LASTARCH D D^PRPFU1 S X="The date you selected exceeds the last archive date of "_Y_". You may NOT purge data that has not been archived.*7" D MSG^PRPFU1 G DT ; can no longer happen! rew 3*9 S PURGDATE=$P(Y,".") S TREC=$P(^PRPF(470,0),"^",4) ; G DONE???? rather than Q: ????????? why did I ever want to ?????? Q:TREC<1 ; By REW for 3*9 QUIT:TREC=0 S MESSAGE="Loading Purgemaster for Patient Funds purge. ITEMS BEING PROCESSED = DAYS" D BEGIN^PRPFU S DA=0 F D S XCOUNT=XCOUNT+COUNT D:'$D(ZTQUEUED) PERCENT^PRPFU Q:'DA . F COUNT=1:1:LREC S DA=$O(^PRPF(470,DA)) S:'DA COUNT=COUNT-1 Q:'DA D ADD^PRCGPM1("ONE^PRPFPUR1",DA_","_PURGDATE,.RETURN) . QUIT K X S $P(X," ",40)="" W !!!!,"100% complete."_$P(X," ",1,40),! D:$G(XPDNM)="" KILL^%ZISS X W !! S X="For PurgeMaster to run, you must execute the PRCG PURGEMASTER SITE EDIT option and then schedule the PRCG PURGEMASTER (TASKMANAGER) option to run daily." D MSG^PRPFQ ;DONE -- was label of next line D ADD^PRPFARC("PURGE",PURGDATE) QUIT ; OT ;OPTION TERMINATED S X="