XGS ;SFISC/VYD - SCREEN PRIMITIVES ;03/16/95 11:00 ;;8.0;KERNEL;;Jul 10, 1995 SAY(R,C,S,A) ;use this for coordinate output instead of WRITE ;output to screen and update virtual screen (XGSCRN) ;params: Row (0-IOSL),Col (0-IOM),string, ;scrn attrib ie. I1R0B1 (optional) N XGSAVATR,XGESC,XGOUTPUT ;save attribute,escape str,output stream N % ;set output stream to either XGSCRN (virtual screen) or some window S XGOUTPUT=$S($G(XGFLAG("PAINT"),21)=21:"XGSCRN",1:$NA(^TMP("XGS",$J,XGW1))) S XGSAVATR=XGCURATR ;preserve current attribute to restore later S $X=C+$L(S) S XGESC=$S($L($G(A)):$$CHG^XGSA(A),1:"") S $E(@XGOUTPUT@(R,0),(C+1),$X)=S S $E(@XGOUTPUT@(R,1),(C+1),$X)=$TR($J("",$L(S))," ",XGCURATR) ;S $P(%,XGCURATR,$L(S)+1)="",$E(@XGOUTPUT@(R,1),(C+1),$X)=% I XGOUTPUT="XGSCRN" D I 1 ;if screen painting is to occur . ;output string in a proper place in proper attribute and restore attr . ;W $$IOXY(R,C)_XGESC_S_$S($L($G(A)):$$SET^XGSA(XGSAVATR),1:"") . W $$IOXY(R,C)_XGESC_S_$S(XGSAVATR'=XGCURATR:$$SET^XGSA(XGSAVATR),1:"") . S $Y=R,$X=C+$L(S)-1 E S XGCURATR=XGSAVATR Q ; ; SAYU(R,C,S,A) ;use this for coordinate output instead of WRITE ;output to screen and update virtual screen (XGSCRN) ;params: Row (0-IOSL),Col (0-IOM),string, ;scrn attrib ie. I1R0B1 (optional) N XGSAVATR,XGESC,XGOUTPUT ;save attribute,escape str,output stream N %,%S,P,P1,P2,X ;P1:piece before &, P2:piece from & to the end N XGATR ;set output stream to either XGSCRN (virtual screen) or some window S XGOUTPUT=$S($G(XGFLAG("PAINT"),21)=21:"XGSCRN",1:$NA(^TMP("XGS",$J,XGW1))) S P=$L(S,"&&") F %=1:1:P S $P(X,$C(1),%)=$P(S,"&&",%) ;replace all && with $C(1) I X["&",$G(A)'["U1",'$$STAT^XGSA("U")!($G(A)["U0") D I 1 . S XGSAVATR=XGCURATR ;preserve current attribute to restore later . S XGESC=$S($L($G(A)):$$CHG^XGSA(A),1:"") . S XGATR=XGCURATR ;get pre-underline attributes . S $X=C+$L(X)-1 ;adjust for a single &, which is not printable . ;S $E(XGSCRN(R,0),(C+1),$X)=$TR($TR(X,"&",""),$C(1),"&") . S $E(@XGOUTPUT@(R,0),(C+1),$X)=$TR($P(X,"&")_$P(X,"&",2,999),$C(1),"&") . S $E(@XGOUTPUT@(R,1),(C+1),$X)=$TR($J("",$X-C)," ",XGCURATR) . S P1=$TR($P(X,"&"),$C(1),"&"),P2=$TR($P(X,"&",2,999),$C(1),"&") . S %S=P1_$$CHG^XGSA("U1")_$E(P2) ;preunderline_underlinechar . S $E(@XGOUTPUT@(R,1),(C+1+$L(P1)))=XGCURATR ;record underlinechar . ;S %S=%S_$$CHG^XGSA("U0")_$E(P2,2,999) ;%S_postunderline . S %S=%S_$$SET^XGSA(XGATR)_$E(P2,2,999) ;%S_postunderline . I XGOUTPUT="XGSCRN" D I 1 . . ;output string in a proper place in proper attribute and restore attr . . ;W $$IOXY(R,C)_XGESC_%S_$S($L($G(A)):$$SET^XGSA(XGSAVATR),1:"") . . W $$IOXY(R,C)_XGESC_%S_$S(XGCURATR'=XGSAVATR:$$SET^XGSA(XGSAVATR),1:"") . . S $Y=R,$X=C+$L(X)-2 . E S XGCURATR=XGSAVATR E D SAY(R,C,$TR(S,"&"),A):$D(A),SAY(R,C,$TR(S,"&")):'$D(A) Q ; ; IOXY(R,C) ;cursor positioning WRITE argument instead of execute ;Row,Col Q $C(27,91)_((R+1))_$C(59)_((C+1))_$C(72)