XLFDT1 ;ISC-SF/RWF - Date/Time Functions cont. from VA FileMan %DTC ;02/20/2003 10:05 ;;8.0;KERNEL;**71,280**;Jul 10, 1995 ;If y contains a "D" then Date only. ;if y contains a "F" then output with leading blanks ;If y contains a "P" then output ' HH:MM:SS am/pm'. ;If y contains a "S" then force seconds in the output. ;if y contains a "M" then stop at minutes i.e. no seconds. ; FMT ; N %G S %G=+%F G F1:%G=1,F2:%G=2,F3:%G=3,F4:%G=4,F5:%G=5,F6:%G=6,F7:%G=7,F8:%G=8,F9:%G=9,F1 Q ; F1 ;Apr 10, 2002 S %R=$P($$M()," ",$S($E(Y,4,5):$E(Y,4,5)+2,1:0))_$S($E(Y,4,5):" ",1:"")_$S($E(Y,6,7):$E(Y,6,7)_", ",1:"")_($E(Y,1,3)+1700) ; TM ;All formats come here to format Time. N %,%S Q:%T'>0!(%F["D") I %F'["P" S %R=%R_"@"_$E(%T,2,3)_":"_$E(%T,4,5)_$S(%F["M":"",$E(%T,6,7)!(%F["S"):":"_$E(%T,6,7),1:"") I %F["P" D . S %R=%R_" "_$S($E(%T,2,3)>12:$E(%T,2,3)-12,+$E(%T,2,3)=0:"12",1:+$E(%T,2,3))_":"_$E(%T,4,5)_$S(%F["M":"",$E(%T,6,7)!(%F["S"):":"_$E(%T,6,7),1:"") . S %R=%R_$S($E(%T,2,7)<120000:" am",$E(%T,2,3)=24:" am",1:" pm") . Q Q ;Return Month names M() Q " Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec" ; F2 ;4/10/02 S %R=$J(+$E(Y,4,5),2)_"/"_$J(+$E(Y,6,7),2)_"/"_$E(Y,2,3) S:%F["Z" %R=$TR(%R," ","0") S:%F'["F" %R=$TR(%R," ") G TM F3 ;10/4/02 S %R=$J(+$E(Y,6,7),2)_"/"_$J(+$E(Y,4,5),2)_"/"_$E(Y,2,3) S:%F["Z" %R=$TR(%R," ","0") S:%F'["F" %R=$TR(%R," ") G TM F4 ;02/4/10 S %R=$E(Y,2,3)_"/"_$J(+$E(Y,4,5),2)_"/"_$J(+$E(Y,6,7),2) S:%F["Z" %R=$TR(%R," ","0") S:%F'["F" %R=$TR(%R," ") G TM F5 ;4/10/2002 S %R=$J(+$E(Y,4,5),2)_"/"_$J(+$E(Y,6,7),2)_"/"_($E(Y,1,3)+1700) S:%F["Z" %R=$TR(%R," ","0") S:%F'["F" %R=$TR(%R," ") G TM F6 ;10/4/2002 S %R=$J(+$E(Y,6,7),2)_"/"_$J(+$E(Y,4,5),2)_"/"_($E(Y,1,3)+1700) S:%F["Z" %R=$TR(%R," ","0") S:%F'["F" %R=$TR(%R," ") G TM F7 ;2002/4/10 S %R=($E(Y,1,3)+1700)_"/"_$J(+$E(Y,4,5),2)_"/"_$J(+$E(Y,6,7),2) S:%F["Z" %R=$TR(%R," ","0") S:%F'["F" %R=$TR(%R," ") G TM F8 ;10 Apr 02 S %R=$S($E(Y,6,7):$E(Y,6,7)_" ",1:"")_$P($$M()," ",$S($E(Y,4,5):$E(Y,4,5)+2,1:0))_$S($E(Y,4,5):" ",1:"")_$E(Y,2,3) G TM F9 ;10 Apr 2002 S %R=$S($E(Y,6,7):$E(Y,6,7)_" ",1:"")_$P($$M()," ",$S($E(Y,4,5):$E(Y,4,5)+2,1:0))_$S($E(Y,4,5):" ",1:"")_($E(Y,1,3)+1700) G TM