XLFNENV ;SFISC/MKO-ENVIRONMENT CHECK FOR XU*8.0*134 ;10:09 AM 29 Feb 2000 ;;8.0;KERNEL;**134**;Jul 10, 1995 ENV ;The Environment check N XUNAM Q:'$D(^DD(20))!($P($G(^DIC(20,0)),U)="NAME COMPONENTS") S XPDQUIT=2 ; S XUNAM=$P($G(^DIC(20,0)),U) S:XUNAM="" XUNAM=$O(^DD(20,0,"NM",XUNAM)) W !!,"This patch brings in a new NAME COMPONENTS file (#20)," W !,"but file #20, "_XUNAM_", already exists on this system." ; I XUNAM="EMPLOYEE" D . W !!,"Note that the Big Bang patch A4A7*1.01*11, released 17-Dec-1998," . W !,"deletes the DD for file #20, but step 5 of that patch, ""D K^A4A7KILL""," . W !,"may not have been performed in this account." Q