XLFNP152 ;SFISC/MKO-POST INSTALL ROUTINE FOR PATCH XU*8*152 ;9:11 AM 26 Apr 2000 ;;8.0;KERNEL;**152**;Jul 10, 1995 ;This post-install routine for patch XU*8*152 loops through the ;entries in the New Person file, and if the SIGNATURE BLOCK ;PRINTED NAME field (#20.2) is null, updates it from the ;data in the corresponding entry in the Name Components file. N XUDA S XUDA=0 F S XUDA=$O(^VA(200,XUDA)) Q:'XUDA D:$P($G(^(XUDA,20)),U,2)="" . N XUCOMP,XUFDA,XUMSG,XUNC,XUNC1,DIERR . S XUNC=$O(^VA(20,"BB",200,.01,XUDA_",",0)) Q:'XUNC . S XUNC1=$G(^VA(20,XUNC,1)) Q:XUNC1?."^" . S XUCOMP("FAMILY")=$P(XUNC1,U) . S XUCOMP("GIVEN")=$P(XUNC1,U,2) . S XUCOMP("MIDDLE")=$P(XUNC1,U,3) . S XUCOMP("SUFFIX")=$P(XUNC1,U,5) . S XUFDA(200,XUDA_",",20.2)=$$NAMEFMT^XLFNAME(.XUCOMP,"G") . D FILE^DIE("","XUFDA","XUMSG") Q